Home » Posts tagged with "vote no on Prop 400"
Proposition 400 Resoundingly Rejected by Sedona voters
March 9, 2010-Sedona AZ–Sedona voters resoundingly rejected Proposition 400 in its current city election. Prop 400 was written to overturn the direct election of the Sedona mayor in favor of an appointed mayor chosen from and by seated city Council members. For a second time in its history, Sedona voters affirmed the right to vote for the direct election of its mayor.
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Sedona City Council Winners Litrell, Ward, McIlroy and Rayner
March 9, 2010-Sedona AZ–Sedonans overwhelming elected the dark skies and National Scenic Area candidates Dr. Dennis Rayner, Dan McIlroy, Mike Ward and Barbara Litrell to its City Council and rejected the re-election campaign efforts of Dan Surber and Nancy Scagnelli, two Council members who formed what was considered by many Sedonans as an anti-dark sky and anti-NSA voting bloc when coupled...
Letter to the Editor: Red Rock News Owner Patronizes Sedonans
Though I don’t know him personally, I am sure the owner of the Red Rock News is an honorable, well-intentioned man and a highly respected member of the community. But I find many of his editorials to be patronizing, and many of his arguments to be specious. There seems to be a Father-Knows-Best theme that runs through the series of his editorials; nobly and consistently he appeals for the healing...