Home » Posts tagged with "election"
Bernie Sanders supporter: United Democrats can win election
Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Dear Editor,
Please accept this letter below for publication. Thank you for an interesting and informative newspaper – I was glad to find the Sedona Eye – I have family down your way.
United we stand.
History and common sense tell us that when the weak stand together, they can resist the powerful.
Our less privileged...
DORR Offers Local and Statewide Ballot Discussion
Sedona AZ (September 11, 2018) – Voters will be asked to weigh in on five statewide and several local ballot propositions in the upcoming November general election. Ballot measures often do not receive the same attention as candidates, but are important as they propose laws or amendments that require voter approval.
The ballot questions will be discussed at the Democrats of the Red Rocks monthly...
Sedona Fire District Bond Issue Vote Should Be No
Sedona AZ (September 29, 2017) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
ARIZONA LIBERTY has just released the final video in its current series of 14 videos analyzing the Sedona Fire District’s management, operations, finances and, most importantly, the bond issue.
The video series provides Fire District voters with a detailed look, based on publicly available information, at how...
Camp Soaring Eagle Opens New Office
Camp Soaring Eagle moved into the Village of Oak Creek Ranch House Business Square and celebrated its new office with a ribbon cutting, Thursday March 11, 2010. Sedona, Cottonwood and Flagstaff Chamber of Commerces sent representatives to the ribbon-cutting. Camp Soaring Eagle Executive Director Jennifer Perry said, “Camp Soaring Eagle is focused on sending kids to camp.” ...
Sedona Voters Apathetic and Lazy
Sedona AZ (March 16, 2010) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
I seem to recall in history classes during those long hours in grade school and high school that there were 100s of thousands of men and women who gave their lives so that we may be free. Free to elect who we wanted to represent us and protect our republic at all levels of government.
Sedona just completed an...
Letter to the Editor: Red Rock News Fails
February 27th, 2010
To: The Editor, the Red Rock News
Dear Sir:
I was surprised and dismayed to read your Editorial in yesterday’s edition of the Red Rock News. Yes, your paper has the right and the obligation to encourage our registered voters to vote! However, I had thought, apparently erroneously, that your paper had clearly stated in the past that, although it would give plenty of space...
City Council Raises Wastewater Rates
The “Notice of Intention to Increase Wastewater Rates” was approved 7 to 0 by the Sedona City Coucil. City Hall received many letters in opposition to the proposed increase, but Council chose to ignore the opposition in favor of increased fees. The next Public Hearing before City Council will be on April 13th.
Read More →
New Art Gallery Opening & Book Signing March 5th
Angel Lightfeather’s Sacred Pathways
105 Portal Lane, Sedona Arizona
March 5, 2010 5:00-8:00PM
Fabulous Sedona Art Gallery “Spirit Dancer Fine Art” opens in a new to Sedona HOT SPOT. On the first Friday of March during The Sedona First Friday Art Walk.
Visit Sedona Arizona’s newest art gallery Spirit Dancer...
Letter to the Editor: Red Rock News Owner Patronizes Sedonans
Though I don’t know him personally, I am sure the owner of the Red Rock News is an honorable, well-intentioned man and a highly respected member of the community. But I find many of his editorials to be patronizing, and many of his arguments to be specious. There seems to be a Father-Knows-Best theme that runs through the series of his editorials; nobly and consistently he appeals for the healing...
Visual Artists’ Coalition February 18th Meeting
The Sedona Visual Artists’ Coalition announces that noted Sedona photographer Jim Peterson will be the featured speaker at this month’s membership meeting, February 18th. The public is welcome to this free event. Pot luck dinner! Bring a dish to share and a flashlight!
Plans for the group’s Fall 2010 show will also be discussed at the Thursday, February 18th meeting. The public is...