Home » Posts tagged with "Larry Warren"
Letter to the Editor: Vote NO on Prop 400
Dear Editor: I read with great interest and concern, Publisher Robert B. Larson’s editorial, entitled, “Yes vote on Prop. 400 would lead to more consensus”. Mr. Larson stated in that editorial: “When are we as residents of the most beautiful place in the world, going to understand that everyone has a right to their opinions and deserves to be heard?”. I’d like to offer my perspective,...
Letter to the Editor: Red Rock News Owner Patronizes Sedonans
Though I don’t know him personally, I am sure the owner of the Red Rock News is an honorable, well-intentioned man and a highly respected member of the community. But I find many of his editorials to be patronizing, and many of his arguments to be specious. There seems to be a Father-Knows-Best theme that runs through the series of his editorials; nobly and consistently he appeals for the healing...
Rebuttal to Ron Volkman’s Letter Against NSA Designation
Open Letter to Ron Volkman
Mr. Volkman;
You have been extremely vocal in your opposition towards the designation of a National Scenic Area for the lands around Sedona. You protest the NSA, and I think that you doth protest too much! I am wondering WHY you are so vehemently against a designation that would help our businesses, boost our economy, and help more people become employed. In addition,...
Important NSA Event
Sedona AZ
Sedona AZ (February 12, 2010) – The “Smartest Way is the NSA” is a community event planned at the Hilton Sedona Resort and Spa on Wednesday, February 17, 2010. Larry Warren, Emmy-winning TV journalist and public lands advocate, will speak on the economic benefits of preservation and the urgent need for the Sedona/Verde Valley area to support the Sedona-Red Rock National...
Support the NSA Free Event in Sedona
Sedona Village of Oak Creek red rocks
Sedona AZ (February 8, 2010) – Former Arizona State Senator Tom O’Halleran will be the Master of Ceremonies at a special “Support the NSA” free public event on February 17, 2010, from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the Hilton Sedona Resort and Spa in the Village of Oak Creek, Sedona, with special guest speaker, acclaimed TV journalist and...
Special NSA Event Features TV Journalist and Western Activist Larry Warren
Sedona AZ (January 29, 2010) – A very special evening is planned for all current and future National Scenic Area (NSA) designation supporters from throughout the Greater Sedona and the Verde Valley area. Award-winning TV journalist, articulate reporter of the west, photographer, filmmaker and author, Larry Warren, will speak at a special NSA event being held at the Sedona Hilton Resort &...