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The Wizards of Sedona
Sedona AZ (March 28, 2017) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
A basic tenet of our democracy is the freedom of speech, where each of us can express our beliefs no matter how varied they may be. And here in Sedona these opinions span the gamut of the spectrum when it comes to city politics. So here’s my take on what’s going on…
Sedona Arizona Open Gate
Sedona Council Economic Growth Pipe Dreams
Sedona City Council opined too many retirees, second home owners, lack of land for development, high costs of housing and living, residents opposed to change who love Sedona as it is, and grumpy opinionated residents and voters whose average census age is 57, all have adverse impacts on its plan to grow the City.
Sedona AZ (February 14, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com...
Sedona Council Urged to Balance City Budget
Sedona AZ (January 24, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
I was both amused and horrified to read the City Council’s wishlist. I was amused by the variety of unnecessary projects that would cause senseless discretionary spending. Some of my favorites were website enhancement, wireless master plan and broadband, a central meeting place and the ulitmate one –...
Did APS Fund ACC Candidates Forese and Little?
The ACC is tasked with the responsibility to protect AZ ratepayers by weighing the costs and benefits of all state utility requests.
Sedona AZ (October 15, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
It is so disheartening that politics on all levels of government is such a sleazy game of power and propaganda. And it is the season when we get barraged with endless TV ads, chock...
Sedona Achilles Heel
Sedona AZ (August 22, 2014) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
As residents of Sedona, we are governed by three polities.
The City is proposing a budget of $38 million, when the last time we voted for Home Rule this year’s proposed budget was only $34 million, which was $9 million more than the State would allow.
The mill rate for the Fire District keeps climbing:...
Impose Fiscal Responsibility on Council
City of Sedona budget doesn’t add up writes Sedona taxpayer
Sedona AZ (July 15, 2014) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
I found that last month’s Community Connection incited a range of reactions within me from the petty to the profound. My most petty observation was that the City could have saved money by a simple black-and-white print job on regular stock...
See Through the Community Plan Hype
Sedona AZ (February 11, 2014) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
By now you have received the publicity pamphlet for the New Community Plan. I urge you not to rely on this pamphlet for your sole source of information in helping you decide your vote. I recommend you take the time to read through the Plan and come to your own conclusions. (You probably read about mine in the...
Override No Vote Supports Education Not Perks
Sedona AZ (October 10, 2013) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor from Sedona resident, Henry Twombly, former teacher:
I write because I oppose the Budget Override. As a former teacher, I support education, especially when the monies go towards teachers’ salaries and academic supplies. I support it now with 27% of my taxes going to the School District. I don’t support...
ACC Oversight and Regulations Skewed in Favor of APS
Sedona AZ (June 28, 2013) – In a Letter to the SedonaEye.com editor, Sedona resident Henry Twombly writes of his disappointment and concerns with lack of proper oversight by the Arizona Corporation Commission of APS:
Dear Commissioners,
I write to ask that you re-examine your oversight of APS. I can understand how tricky it must be “to balance the customers’ interest in affordable...
Sedona Residents Not Tourists Pay Majority Tax Revenue
Sedona AZ (June 11, 2013) – In a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor, Sedona resident Henry Twombly writes:
The City continues to mismanage our funds.
Sedona’s bond rating has been downgraded twice under our current mayor from A++ to A-. The Council has reneged on the original promise of subsidizing the waste-water plant by 46%, and next month will raise WW fees for the fourth time.