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Coconino County Supervisor Ryan Receives Award
Coconino County Supervisor Matt Ryan
FLAGSTAFF AZ (October 17, 2012) – Dedication to promoting the future of Coconino County’s parks system, its trails and open space, earned County Supervisor Matt Ryan the recognition of the Arizona Parks and Recreation Association’s 2012 Outstanding Public Official Award.
Supervisor Ryan, who represents District 3 on the County Board of Supervisors, was...
Beyond Religion Book Signing at Sedona Well Red Coyote
Sedona AZ (April 8, 2010) – Answering the needs of a growing number of people today who have already left their religions, or who are looking for more personal spiritual growth, Beyond Religion – The Personal Search for Truth, debuts in Sedona, Arizona on April 9, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. with a book presentation and signing at Sedona’s Well Red Coyote Book Store, SR 89A, west Sedona.
As more...
Proposition 100 Meeting March 31 in Sedona
Letter to the Editor: DEAR EDUCATION SUPPORTERS: Our schools need our help – URGENTLY! Passage of Prop. 100 – the 1-cent temporary sales tax – is critical to the health of our schools – and public services.
Please take advantage of an important meeting in Sedona to learn more about the importance of the passage of Proposition 100 and how you can be involved to assure the successful passage...
Letter to the Editor: Red Rock News Owner Patronizes Sedonans
Though I don’t know him personally, I am sure the owner of the Red Rock News is an honorable, well-intentioned man and a highly respected member of the community. But I find many of his editorials to be patronizing, and many of his arguments to be specious. There seems to be a Father-Knows-Best theme that runs through the series of his editorials; nobly and consistently he appeals for the healing...
Rebuttal to Ron Volkman’s Letter Against NSA Designation
Open Letter to Ron Volkman
Mr. Volkman;
You have been extremely vocal in your opposition towards the designation of a National Scenic Area for the lands around Sedona. You protest the NSA, and I think that you doth protest too much! I am wondering WHY you are so vehemently against a designation that would help our businesses, boost our economy, and help more people become employed. In addition,...