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Register to Vote Here! Do it now!
Don’t delay! Do this today! Do it now! Here’s how:
* Register to vote. You can do this online.
The last day to register to vote is April 19, 2010.
* Register to receive a permanent early ballot. Request your early
ballot through your county recorder’s...
Sedona City Council Winners Litrell, Ward, McIlroy and Rayner
March 9, 2010-Sedona AZ–Sedonans overwhelming elected the dark skies and National Scenic Area candidates Dr. Dennis Rayner, Dan McIlroy, Mike Ward and Barbara Litrell to its City Council and rejected the re-election campaign efforts of Dan Surber and Nancy Scagnelli, two Council members who formed what was considered by many Sedonans as an anti-dark sky and anti-NSA voting bloc when coupled...
Sedona Mayor Rob Adams Wins Second Term!
March 9, 2010-Sedona AZ–Mayor Rob Adams won a hard fought re-election campaign and celebrated tonight with supporters after the election results were announced.
Mayor Adams credited his wife, Christine, and family with being his strength and support during his initial term and during a difficult second campaign.
Mayor Adams acknowledged and thanked the cadre of supporters who knocked...
Letter to the Editor: Vote NO on Prop 400
Dear Editor: I read with great interest and concern, Publisher Robert B. Larson’s editorial, entitled, “Yes vote on Prop. 400 would lead to more consensus”. Mr. Larson stated in that editorial: “When are we as residents of the most beautiful place in the world, going to understand that everyone has a right to their opinions and deserves to be heard?”. I’d like to offer my perspective,...
City of Sedona Announces Roundabout Art Competition
The City of Sedona announces Public Art Competition for State Route 179 Roundabouts at the “Y” and Brewer Road.
The City of Sedona, the Arts and Culture Commission, and the Art in Public Places Committee announces a major exterior public art competition for professional artists residing in Yavapai and Coconino counties including, but not limited to, the City of Sedona, Camp Verde, Clarkdale, Cottonwood,...
Sedona Welcomes March 2010 Psychic Fair
Sedona Welcomes Upcoming Psychic/Holistic Fair, March 7th 2010, Sunday, 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., Poco Diablo Resort, 1752 State Hwy 179, Sedona Arizona 86336.
$5 admission to this one day only Fair! Additional charges by individual psychics for readings. Free lectures on-the-hour throughout the day included with paid admission! An elegant box lunch will be available! Call 517-214-4592 for...