Home » Archives » Visual Artists’ Coalition February 18th Meeting
Visual Artists’ Coalition February 18th Meeting
C. Bentley Hill /
February 13, 2010 /
The Sedona Visual Artists’ Coalition announces that noted Sedona photographer Jim Peterson will be the featured speaker at this month’s membership meeting, February 18th. The public is welcome to this free event. Pot luck dinner! Bring a dish to share and a flashlight!
Plans for the group’s Fall 2010 show will also be discussed at the Thursday, February 18th meeting. The public is cordially invited and there is no charge to attend.
The event will be held at Keep Sedona Beautiful, 360 Brewer Road in West Sedona. The evening begins with a pot luck dinner at 6:00 PM, and the meeting and program will follow at 7:00 PM.
Attendees are encouraged to bring a flashlight because the KSB parking lot is quite dark at night.
Mr. Peterson’s topic will be an informative presentation on “How To Photograph Your Artwork”. His talk will be of interest to any artist who needs to prepare photos for such uses as jury and gallery submissions, brochures, ads, web pages, and fine art reproductions. The methods he’ll discuss are applicable to both two- and three- dimensional art works.
He’ll discuss the three basic purposes of artwork photography (promotion and publicity, full size reproduction, and curatorial or scholarly documentation) and the important factors for success in each one. He’ll also discuss the common pitfalls that you’re likely to encounter and will give you some simple tips to avoid them. He’ll focus primarily on the use of digital cameras (including small, point-and-shoot cameras) for photographing artwork, but many of the factors he’ll cover will also apply to film photography.
The Sedona Visual Artists Coalition (SVAC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to developing an artist community by nurturing area artists through education, exhibitions, and exploration. For more information, see the SVAC web site at www.SedonaArtistsCoalition.org or contact president Jean Capalbo at 204-2413.