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Letter to the Editor: Vote NO on Prop 400
Dear Editor: I read with great interest and concern, Publisher Robert B. Larson’s editorial, entitled, “Yes vote on Prop. 400 would lead to more consensus”. Mr. Larson stated in that editorial: “When are we as residents of the most beautiful place in the world, going to understand that everyone has a right to their opinions and deserves to be heard?”. I’d like to offer my perspective,...
We’re Cancelling the Green Revolution
Sedona AZ (February 21, 2010) – Depending on our response, we are either standing at the edge of the mother of all markets or we are staring at the mother of all problems. John Gardner, founder of Common Cause, described these challenges as “a series of opportunities disguised as insolvable problems.” Three decades of failed energy policy assures us that innovation is the only way out of...