Home » Posts tagged with "AZ Senator John McCain"
The Long Overdue Collapse of the RINO
Sedona AZ (March 2, 2016) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Subject: Establishment Republicans
The Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the statement that defines the “Establishment Theme of the 2016 Presidential Campaign” and he has no intention of working with anything that does not fit the “RINO Mantra” even if it rips the Republican Party to shreds.
Reaction to Criticism of Iran Nuclear Agreement
Sedona AZ (July 28, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Subject: You Have Not Read It.
Ref: Reaction to criticism of Iran Nuclear Agreement
In reaction to criticism of the Iran Nuclear Agreement, the pro-agreement pundits said, “You have not read it.” So when did reading anything become of any importance to the Obama Administration?
The ignorance and disconnect...
Admiration of Villains Publicly Accepted
Sedona AZ (July 9, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Subject: Who do we admire?
Ref: Publicly accepted admiration of villains
2014 Peace Piece Festival
Why do we get upset when the Islamic Terrorists publicly ‘Behead’ some unfortunate individual simply because he/she does not accept the ghastly and bizarre Islamic form of governance with its Sharia Law,...
Veteran Asks John McCain to be Hero Not Politician
Stop littering now!
Sedona AZ (September 2, 2013) – In a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor, Cornville Vietnam veteran Gary Chamberlain (combat medal winner) asks if Senator John McCain, R-AZ, is a hero or politician:
Dear Editor.
Is Senator McCain a hero or just another common politician?
I have visited the Hanoi prison where Senator McCain was held captive and it is not a luxury hotel! Visiting...
Sedona Big Park Council Hears NSA Debate
Tommy Acosta
Sedona AZ (June 15, 2009) – Big Park Council, the council which represents twenty-seven home owner associations in the Village of Oak Creek (VOC), Sedona, Arizona, met on Thursday, June 11, 2009, at the Sedona Fire District VOC fire station meeting hall.
The business meeting began at 9:00 in the morning but, due to a debate on the NSA Designation, dozens of interested folk...