Home » Posts tagged with "Vietnam veterans"
Eye on Sedona City Talk with Councilman John Martinez
Article submitted by City of Sedona AZ and written by City Councilman John Martinez
Sedona AZ (March 23, 2016) – Back in November, I wrote about the creation and design of the Vietnam Wall in Washington, D.C. This month’s article is a reflection from actual Vietnam veterans and what the Vietnam Wall means to them.
The phrase “all gave some; some gave all” is widely attributed to the...
Traveling Wall Arrives in Sedona
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Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day
Sedona AZ (March 19, 2015) – On March 30, 1973, all U.S. troops withdrew from Vietnam. There were no ticker-tape parades honoring the veterans, no triumphant marches or speeches as there had been at the end of each of the World Wars.
America’s Vietnam veterans returned home to silence, or worse, in some cases to denigration for having served their country during a controversial war. On...
Agent Orange Vietnam and You
Sedona AZ (March 10, 2015) – What should every Vietnam veteran know about Agent Orange? Read on.
1. Agent Orange was a herbicide and defoliant used in Vietnam
Agent Orange was a blend of tactical herbicides the U.S. military sprayed from 1962 to 1971 during the Vietnam War to remove the leaves of trees and other dense tropical foliage that provided enemy cover. The U.S. Department of Defense...
Veteran Asks John McCain to be Hero Not Politician
Stop littering now!
Sedona AZ (September 2, 2013) – In a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor, Cornville Vietnam veteran Gary Chamberlain (combat medal winner) asks if Senator John McCain, R-AZ, is a hero or politician:
Dear Editor.
Is Senator McCain a hero or just another common politician?
I have visited the Hanoi prison where Senator McCain was held captive and it is not a luxury hotel! Visiting...
ADOT Dishonors Soldiers and Veterans
Gary Chamberlain, Folksville USA anti litter volunteer, questions the ability and the desire of ADOT to perform its taxpayer funded duties
Sedona AZ (May 25, 2013) – In a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor and to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, Folksville USA Point Man Gary Chamberlain, a decorated Vietnam veteran and active Folksville USA anti litter advocate, writes his opinion of the poorly...
Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans
U.S. Senate Chamber
Sedona AZ (March 21, 2012) – In 2011, the United States Senate proclaimed March 30 as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day. This date marks the anniversary of the day that U.S. combat and combat support units withdrew completely from the country of Vietnam. The City Councils in the Verde Valley will join the U.S. Senate by issuing separate proclamations this year.
Keep Arizona Highways Litter Free
Dear Sedona Eye Editor,
Rusty’s Morningstar Ranch (RMR), Tire Pro Automotive of Camp Verde and Sedona plus Reese & Sons of Cottonwood including many others in the Verde Valley have been collecting and processing the illegally dumped litter from Scenic Highway 89A and Highway 260 since February 2009.
Tire Pro Automotive and Reese & Sons deliver the bags of collected litter to Rusty’s...
Honor A Veteran This Week
Sedona AZ (September 7, 2010) – To all our nation’s Veterans, we honor you. The SedonaEye.com and Sedona Times Publishing says thank you:
To Jack C. Hallman, now of Delaware, US Army-Air Force, former MIA-German camp POW-WWII and great dad, thank you.
To Wrex Reed, now of Redding California, WWII US Navy Aircraft carrier-Pacific and great dad, thank you.
To Joe Beatty, now of Village of...