SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie S. Maddock addresses city of Sedona polls and whether those surveys will have impact and value.
Sedona AZ – Results of city of Sedona’s most recent survey in conjunction with 2024 budget planning were recently released. Sedona claims a population of 9,684 residents, 682 (7.0425%) of whom responded to the city survey.
Considering only the first twelve on the lengthy list offered in the City report, in order of importance, maintaining “Open Space” was at the top: Other options did not come close to matching even half the passion displayed for the desire to pursue vacant land conservation!
Following Open Space as No. 1, they are in order of importance:
Workforce Housing;
Parks & Recreation;
Indoor Recreation Center;
Cottage Communities;
Neighborhood Commercial Facilities;
RV Park or Campground (to serve local or seasonal workforce);
Art Museum;
Business Space for Economic Diversification (office space, low impact manufacturing/production, etc.);
Conference Center;
Homeless Shelter;
Clearly the hot topic of the future of the Cultural Park by preserving its open space remains the overwhelming preferred option with multi-family reasonably priced rentals a lukewarm consideration.
The choice of “other” options for the Cultural Park included 33% preferring restoration of the original use for which the property was acquired – its restoration as a venue for arts and music.
“No” to subdivision road connections prevailed, and ongoing and obvious excessive traffic conditions maintained high ranking on the list of polled complaints.
Along with Open Space, Oak Creek preservation remained important for receiving city funding.
And the idea of electric vehicles and related accommodations ranked last.
As for “housing for the homeless,” the unanswered question of why beggars hang out on street corners when “Help Wanted” signs are posted on so many businesses, remains a mystery.
Also in the report, isn’t it somewhat curious why the mention of the vast city owned acreage in the vicinity of the waste water treatment plant never arises during these efforts to allegedly “find solutions to the ongoing and unanswered problem of reasonably priced workforce housing?”
“Many people often use the word survey to refer to a questionnaire, but it also refers to the entire process of conducting market research by gathering and analyzing data. Poll, however, has a much narrower and more specific definition. It simply means a study in which you ask people their opinions. To be clear, a poll is a type of survey, but not all surveys are polls.”
But let us not forget perhaps the most familiar definition of the term “poll”: “The place where votes are cast or recorded – usually used in plural (at the polls); a counting of votes cast.”
Now here is the Big Question: How will the City Council interpret the results of their own recent survey? By addressing the will of the majority or displaying perceived impropriety by continuing to pursue high density development of the Cultural Park and make other decisions based what they think is best? But that’s their option leaving the voters with really only one safe passage: Vote at the city election polls where it counts. At least we hope – but nowadays even that process is under scrutiny!
To view the city of Sedona poll on its website, click here. Be sure to read poll respondents written comments below the graph.
Thank God for social media. Good old and no brainer Biden is in the basement with Kamala holding the key to his straight jacket while MSNBC NYT FB busy recreating Harris ignorance into AI liar not Lmao
Left wingers saying JD Vance wants more white children after saying childless women pushing low population agendas have political and personal biases is proof of left wing extremism and racism and weirdness – JD Vance’s children are biracial you creepy cat women
she can run but she can’t hide from past bc her real track record hurts every peraon bc never friend of persons of color
So let me get this straight. Your upset with her because she was prosecuting the laws of her state? Damn thats odd, would you be more upset if she didnt do her job? I dont understand this place…Either blatant lies, stupid statements or just bigots being racists? Hey that on you and your creator, best of luck! lol
People are blaming Fed when it’s Bidenomics and Biden administration new and old wars. Market crashing and it’s not Fed fault, it’s Biden Harris policies. Own it Democrats. Keep calm and know you’re losing a lot now. Elect Trump to get it back. That’s my survey and that’s my poll. If you believe Democrats policies in the past you better smarten up for the future and know Harvard economic policies stink. My advice is Trump to your alumnae dollars until universities change lightbulbs in admin offices and work for capitalism. Socialism increases inequality and your portfolios are reflecting that fact.
So your smarter then stick analyst I guess… I guess your another Trump believer.. guess what you and Trump going down
Harris raising and now beating Trump various nationwide polls.. what lies you gonna make up now ring kissers… your to stupid and racist to even visualize Trump’s gonna lose
This is how Ive come to see from reading and listening and hearing people talk and emails and news and meetings. Kind of based on SF and LA California friends and family and listening to what is said or shown or known there indirectly, what’s it about except good lives? Have Heard that VP Harris followed or follows quietly her mother’s India religion like her sister anyone know if any truth there? Have heard Powerful academic and politicos and others advised her to join a black church with great political force when she moved back to California years after her mother removed them from America to Canada for an India-expat community to get a better life with no poor or her father around or bad schools. She went to local Canadian schools and finally two years at Canadian college before going to DC to “rediscover” her black side maybe? Have heard her father had no influence on her until then, and she follows his communist ideology to make him like her which he doesn’t, as he needs to overcompensate for his own slave holding Jamaican background? Lots of gossip there no wonder webs of psychosis in that White House, eh? If the Democrats want to throw sticks and stones at JD Vance, an American success story of poverty to cum laud Yale that includes his beautiful wife cum laud and children (her parents came from India also and raised their daughter who excelled at Yale and is a personal success like JD)? The difference between Ms. Harris and Ms. Vance is intelligence, Ms. Vance is by far most intelligent (Ms. Harris failed her bar exam the first time) and Ms. Vance is a professional who has three young children like a young Jackie Kennedy and also a career that shows her ability to emphasize and articulate dreams for her future like JD Vance. Finally a beautiful intelligent woman with true brains and children in the White House, eh? The fact the Vance’s are married prove how fantastic they are as individuals because they will not allow others to define them as victims of racism or sexism or discrimination.
JD Vance family to Kamala Harris family is a no brainer preference with Harris’ anti America and Vance’s pro America lifestyles.
Have heard of a need for new blood for VP in White House and not old has been climbers with no real sense of American history and culture of exceptionalism.
That’s my European take on what America has forgotten is we envy its history to save the world for the better. The rest of the world would still be colonized without American independence and exceptionalism. Students learn and grow your history of being proud.
Revere free speech advocates. If I’m wrong about the above, in America unlike my country, it will be subjected to critical scrutiny.
lot to comprehend. will give effort
Food prices up over 40% in California under Biden Harris Newsom administration and they won’t carry Cali votes and he would’ve lost it for sure.
CAL not stupids, taxes out of control and crime and homelessness targeting poor and middle class Californians, Cities dirty, Beaches filthy, neighborhoods unsafe, machetes in hands of babies, schools don’t teach, cars and roads don’t work, electricity doesn’t turn on, Hollywood sucks, Disneyland overrun with perverts, people dying from drugs and gang violence, tourism and taxpayers fled the state.
Universities spew hate and lies and allow radicalization of students by not countering lies with truth.
Time to bring back morals and virtues and principles and clean up California social psychos messes.
Survey said Joe shafted by Harris
Pelosi says she wants Joe on Mt. Rushmore is same Pelosi last year that wanted Mt. Rushmore torn down because Washington and Lincoln are on it? Nancy No Morals.
Far leftist Kamunism aided by the new Chinaboy Wallz is front and center at the DNC don’t count on my views or vote. Harris voted to Raise Taxes on the poor and middle class tips with Democrat Senate voting yes and Republicans voting no. Most majority too dumb to know it, and pretend the problem is somebody else doing it is schoolyard behavior. Get out of the sandbox fools. Joe and Kamala raised your taxes not the rich and you better genuflect because the rich pay for your benefits. Soon they’ll take more.
It’s morally abhorrent Vice President Harris bragged about being the “last person in the room” for Biden Harris administration bloody disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. Does that dimwit not know it was a freaking White House and Pentagon disaster orchestrated by her and Joe?
Blood is on her and Joe Biden’s hands and she lied about it during the debate and those toadies failed to correct her lie that nobody has ever died during her time as Vice President! Maybe she should stop popping beer cans and drinking on late night television and or put the wine or pipe down? Joe thinks he’s President still and we know how that office came tumbling down.
Corrupt politicians and corrupted by politicians media cause shame on our great country. Liberals have discovered they had no beef because the country was always damn great until liberals had power and couldn’t figure out what came first the chicken or the egg because they had lousy educations from liberals.
Biden and Harris have been and continue to be laughingstocks overseas and at home and at every conference or event they’ve attended. Obama was booed at his last pit stop for her. CNN called Walz an Elmer
Fudd pretending he knew how to change a car filter (not) and Walz pretended knowing how to hunt until someone noticed he had the wrong ammunition for the gun he was carrying around and trying to load. The new VP candidate is worse and that’s even more embarrassing – her headphones weren’t even plugged in while she claimed to be listening to an official brief her and taking notes.
This liberal not voting for her. She gives women a bad name and you can see why, just another Hillary when I learned my lesson.
Kamala and Joe make the Clintons look like the good guys
Is it true that Gavin Newsom is Nancy Pelosi nephew? No wonder he’s a dumb (deleted by editor) and read Newsom is raising prices on tips in California and raising tax on gas in next month. San Fran is a cesspool with more black flies than poop can host, we couldn’t eat dinner a year ago for an outside post wedding dinner party because the flies attacked us and not able to keep them off. Grossed everybody into leaving early, don’t eat there unless it’s high end or stay across bridges.
OMG so many hate filled BOTS here in SE… It’s almost comical
The post above me its 10/29/2024 already. I knew this site was above strange, now its days a head of strange!
Who’s going to make America affordable again?
Not failed Democrat VP or any tax loving Democrat running for office. NO DEMOCRATS 2024 and stop their lying ads to trick your vote.
voting in North Dakota – Minnesotans – they fled Walz destruction of their state and they’re voting Republican hands down in ND because “they” know
Clean up Arizona politics and close the border now – vote Kari Lake, a mother and an educated woman. Stop drugs killing Arizonans.
Think think how’s VP Harris different from President Biden?
Like saying Sedona City Councils are different when elected or taxes are lower as promised or salaries for jobs here reflect true need.
(Offsite link) https://lists.theepochtimes.com/links/Ntr3x4XiS/CmomL8JQ1/ztMpiVxCZKOa/kH1EGoMfoF (offsite link)
Heard that people laughed at Harris when she spoke about more of the same in Arizona.
Housing here and across the southwest and nation are putting real estate companies and agents out of business with inflation and interest rates and cost of construction materials.
Update on US Home Sales
Existing home sales in the U.S. real estate market are on track for the worst annual performance since 1995. . .
President Biden called Republicans garbage. This family of Republicans toss their garbage out. Harris won’t get any votes from us ever because she is and has been the last person in the room and covered up for a senile old man to keep her power. People are correct about Democrats, they are spineless uneducated and corrupt.
Joe Biden just called every Trump supporter GARBAGE. Vice President
Harris called my college kids stupids and that’s why they need to be kept in dormitories which extrapolated means young in prisons and reeducation camps. Way to go (deleted by editor) Brandons. Arizona needs a change from cartel owned Phoenix political liars. Phoenix becoming Aurora. Sedona might be next.
Kamala Harris and others gave 2.5 million dollars to black groups like BLM, no true American black in this country supports BLM, white left wingers suppprt BLM like Kamala
When are we going to stop voting for people not raised in America? She knows nothing about what’s taught in our middle and high schools, what black neighborhoods are like, what it means to be American. She was raised in Canada in a wealthy white neighborhood. Ask a Canadian.
Kamala. She’s not better she’s worse than Joe Biden and she’s a pimp for communism.
First Gentleman Not husband Dougie fathered a child with a nanny so don’t hold him up to being pro woman when he slapped a woman on a date. Begs the question does He slap his kids or any of wives around, eh?
Democrats hate women. They want to open women’s sports to men! They hate Catholics and Jews and Christian and Hindus and Buddhists. Psychos and sickies.
no Joe the baby’s foot is not your dinner – mothers hide your babies uncle Joe’s here and if you don’t know what this means you’re brainwashed lmao
for gods sake put that man back in the basement and lock the door to keep KH in too
Government debt higher than GDP.
Doomsday news.
@No Kamala For Any Job says:
October 31, 2024 at 2:35 pm
(First Gentleman Not husband Dougie fathered a child with a nanny so don’t hold him up to being pro woman when he slapped a woman on a date. Begs the question does He slap his kids or any of wives around, eh?)
Unbelieved comment googled & my God he’s scum imo & they hid it, he’s worse than scum, President Trump loves women while that pretend gentleman that dirt bag beats on women?
Explain how he was cleared by the FBI when a police call was made for the nanny? How is the White House VP a stable person in a stable relationship?
The Secret Service knows why He says he was in a spin class without access to his phone or his protection squad that had phones couldn’t be reached by White House?
The spin class is the left wing media coverage of the man VP married. It was Hollywood spin to sell his distaste for his wife when he’s the master puppeteer?
They must divorce and he should be charged by police?
What if he hits the VP or when she’s President? Physically and emotionally beating women isn’t?
My thinking outloud on keyboard to understand what’s missing? Instincts say a woman staying with a physical abuser isn’t capable of reasoning, they’re manipulated?
Doug Emhoff must be investigated and held accountable as other women and his first wife and the pregnant nanny’s stories?
Get your lazy eff ass to vote NOW vote these social shaming contemptibly jerkoffs Democrats out of office cuz no politician gets away with calling 50% of Americans garbage. American Garbage recycling it to save America. Fight Fight Fight Arizona and American corruption! Elect Republicans straight ticket.
Lowest available jobs numbers ever announcement happened under Biden Harris today as border walls are breached by the National debt .??€£¥><~,.,.\}%*+£!<?!? Harris in DC failed to create jobs because Harris let in 20-30 million people that need us to pay them monthly checks while they don’t have jobs and we don’t either ^<#|{>>? bet Harris cartel throws some bogus headlines to keep our news from letting real truth about her be heard
70% of Israeli’s want President Trump back in office.
Trump suxxxxxxxxxxx
Mr. Trump is Hispanics Latinos knight in shining armor, California Hispanics love Mr. Trump, we love our pre born. Catholics love Mr. Trump for protecting our families. His bless those that love America.