Home » Posts tagged with "Saul Alinsky"
Clinton, Obama and Trump: The Real Complicit Conspiracy
Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Editors and readers:
Governmental Undermine and Overthrow 101: Use the tactics of Cloward and Pivens. And those tactics are?
Overwhelm the system by overloading vulnerable segments to cause shortfalls, discontent, and disruptions to the economic or legal structure in society coupled with the [Saul Alinsky scheme – he’s...
Passing the Buck Back for National Trespassers
United States and Mexico border is highlighted in green
Sedona AZ (September 27, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
In previous letters I outlined an idea that I honestly believe to be the best, most affordable, definitely doable, effective, efficient and most compassionate way to deal with the problems involving the trafficking of “Undocumented Individuals.”...
Time Magazine Lauded Hitler and Stalin
Sedona AZ (August 13, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Subject: Democrats and Socialists
Ref: Debbie Wasserman Shultz asked difference of Democrats and Socialists
With Bernie Sanders a “Socialist” running on the Democrat ticket in the Primary against Hillary Clinton and whoever else may enter the race, the Head of the DCCC (or whatever they call the Democrat...
Admiration of Villains Publicly Accepted
Sedona AZ (July 9, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Subject: Who do we admire?
Ref: Publicly accepted admiration of villains
2014 Peace Piece Festival
Why do we get upset when the Islamic Terrorists publicly ‘Behead’ some unfortunate individual simply because he/she does not accept the ghastly and bizarre Islamic form of governance with its Sharia Law,...