Home » Posts tagged with "Prisoners of War"
A World War II POW Tribute
Sedona AZ (November 5, 2014) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
While visiting Vandalia, Michigan with family in October, we stopped at a Mennonite restaurant and enjoyed a lovely lunch. The employees told us about a bulk food store nearby and we decided to go.
My husband, 89, is an ex-World War II Prisoner of War whose plane was shot down over Germany. All of the crew were...
Veteran Asks John McCain to be Hero Not Politician
Stop littering now!
Sedona AZ (September 2, 2013) – In a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor, Cornville Vietnam veteran Gary Chamberlain (combat medal winner) asks if Senator John McCain, R-AZ, is a hero or politician:
Dear Editor.
Is Senator McCain a hero or just another common politician?
I have visited the Hanoi prison where Senator McCain was held captive and it is not a luxury hotel! Visiting...
Veterans Administration Disability Claims Go Digital
Washington DC (July 18, 2013) – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has reached another milestone in its disability claims transformation process – over 30 percent of the current disability claims inventory is now digital and accessible to claim raters in VA’s electronic claims processing system, which has now been fielded ahead of schedule at all 56 Regional Offices across the country....
VA Clears Backlog of Disability Claims
Washington DC (June 28, 2013) – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today that as a result of the initiative launched in April to expedite disability compensation claims decisions for Veterans who have a waited a year or longer, more than 65,000-claims – or 97 percent of all claims over two years old in the inventory – have been eliminated from the backlog.
Veterans Benefits...