Home » Posts tagged with "Hanoi Hilton"
Veteran Idolization of Senator John McCain
Sedona AZ (September 21, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Subject: My Opinion of Veteran Idolization of ‘War Hero’ McCain
Ref: John McCain’s Actual Record vs National Media Mantra
Arizona Senator John McCain (R)
I am a Veteran; albeit never been in actual combat and in during supposed Peace Time. Being an enlisted man having to deal frequently in...
Veteran Asks John McCain to be Hero Not Politician
Stop littering now!
Sedona AZ (September 2, 2013) – In a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor, Cornville Vietnam veteran Gary Chamberlain (combat medal winner) asks if Senator John McCain, R-AZ, is a hero or politician:
Dear Editor.
Is Senator McCain a hero or just another common politician?
I have visited the Hanoi prison where Senator McCain was held captive and it is not a luxury hotel! Visiting...