Home » Posts tagged with "Middle East"
Nationalize Gas and Oil Companies
Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Exclusive SedonaEye.com photograph
This should make Americans ask the fundamental question: What is the difference between what a public non-profit utility company provides and what a private for-profit oil company provides? After all, they both sell energy to all United States citizens.
The difference is that natural...
Great Decisions Program at Sedona Library
Sedona AZ (December 16, 2018) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
The Verde Valley chapter of Great Decisions will begin their 2019 program in January, and invites members of the community to join the group and engage in thought provoking discussions on key foreign policy issues.
Sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association, Great Decisions is America’s largest discussion...
Arizona Army National Guard Deploys to Middle East
Sedona AZ (October 19, 2018) – More than two dozen soldiers of the Arizona Army National Guard’s 856th Military Police Company, Detachment 2 will be recognized at a deployment send-off ceremony Sunday, October 21 at the Allen Readiness Center, Papago Park Military Reservation, Phoenix. This detachment will join its sister detachment – Detachment 1 – in Afghanistan for approximately...
Obamacare Tax Carnival Ride
Sedona AZ (January 30, 2017) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
The Merry-Go-Round Ride of Nonsense and Balderdash.
On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA soon called “Obamacare”) into law. The United States Supreme Court had determined the passage of the bill as part of the “Commerce Clause” would not be legal, however...
Islam and the West, the Clash of Two Worlds
Sedona AZ (December 19, 2015) – SedonaEye.com guest writer Brent Maupin begins a first in his series of discovery, discussion and solutions to the Islamic terrorists:
Throughout history in any given society there are those who act, those who oppose this action, and those who are undecided. During the American Revolution it was our Founding Fathers who acted. They had the support of about one...
Leaking of Secret U.S. Cables Sparks Diplomacy Crisis
A reprint of today’s breaking news! Share on open Information Network.
Luisita Lopez Torregrosa
NEW YORK — A large batch of secret American diplomatic cables over the past three years offers an unusual look at back-channel discussions by embassies around the world, unflattering views of world leaders and stark evaluations of nuclear and terrorist threats, The New York Times...