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Liberate Ukraine
Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
I am happy to announce that this letter is now being circulated throughout the entire country of Ukraine and Russia. Every government, church, bank, university and many other institutions have been emailed. The feedback is overwhelming. The Ukrainians are ready to defend themselves and the Russians want no part of...
Nationalize Gas and Oil Companies
Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Exclusive SedonaEye.com photograph
This should make Americans ask the fundamental question: What is the difference between what a public non-profit utility company provides and what a private for-profit oil company provides? After all, they both sell energy to all United States citizens.
The difference is that natural...
Democratic Party candidates discouraging and depressing
Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
The entire list of Democratic candidates for president is discouraging if not outright depressing: Joe Biden will always be Mr. Touchy Feely. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren remind me of two ivory tower college professors way overdue for retirement. Pete Buttigieg is actually running for governor of Indiana. Amy Klobuchar...
Redistribute Entertainers Wealth
Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
One of the most disturbing facts about our capitalist nation is the misappropriation of funds directed to the salaries of entertainers. Everyone should agree that the value an athlete*, movie star, talk-show host, team-owner, etcetera, brings to the average citizen is very small.
Granted, they do offer a minuscule of diversion...