Home » Posts tagged with "City of Sedona Mayor Rob Adams"
Eye on City of Sedona Outgoing Mayor
Article submitted by the City of Sedona and written by Sedona Mayor Rob Adams
Sedona AZ (September 24, 2014) – One of the aspect of my job as Mayor that I enjoy the most is the direct contact with my constituents on a daily basis. Most of these discussions take place outside of my office…at restaurants, the movie theater, the grocery store, the gym or just about anywhere that I am in the same...
Substance Abuse Community Forum
Sedona AZ (September 19, 2014) – MATFORCE and the Greater Sedona Substance Abuse Committee invites you to help the fight against drug abuse by attending the October 1, 2014, Community Solutions Forum in Sedona. The forum will be an open and interactive discussion generating ideas to improve drug prevention, intervention, treatment and support for recovery in our community.
If you were asked...
Eddie Maddock on Knee Jerk Reactions
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock
Sedona AZ (July 9, 2014) – Reading headlines “As of July 1st the Shelter No Longer Receives Funding in Support from the City of Sedona” provoked the following knee jerk reaction:
From: Eddie Maddock
Date: 7/2/2014 5:03:55 PM
To: Rob Adams; MDinunzio@ci.sedona.az.us; Barbara Litrell; John Martinez; Mike Ward; Dan McIlroy; Jessica Williamson;
City and Chamber Lack of Transparency Breeds Contempt
Sedona Marathon event held February 2, 2013
Sedona AZ (January 28, 2014) – Angered that the City of Sedona and Sedona Chamber of Commerce failed to consult or notify the community, the following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor from a Sedona resident and city voter protesting the Sedona Marathon route change:
January 28, 2014
Dear Mayor Rob Adams and City Councilors,
I just found...
Eye on Sedona Commissions and State of the City Address
This article submitted by the City of Sedona
Sedona AZ (September 3, 2013) – Sedona Mayor Rob Adams will present the 2013 State of the City Address on Thursday, September 26, 2013, at 5:30 p.m. in the Sedona City Hall Council Chambers, 102 Roadrunner Drive, Sedona. A free public event open to all residents, this is the third annual State of the City address by Adams highlighting city government’s...
Eye on Sedona Cultural Park
This Eye on Sedona Cultural Park article was written by Mayor Rob Adams and submitted by the City of Sedona staff.
Sedona AZ (May 21, 2013) – The Sedona Cultural Park – rising from the ashes?
One of the most frequent questions that I have been asked during the last several years is, “What is the status of the Sedona Cultural Park?” In order to answer that question, I would like to provide...
Sedona City Council Seats Elected
Sedona AZ (May 22, 2012) – The Sedona Arizona City Council selected Mark DiNunzio as its Vice Mayor. DiNunzio was re-elected to the Council for a four-year term in the Primary Election held March 13, 2012.
DiNunzio, John Martinez and Jessica Williamson, who were also elected for four-year terms, were sworn in at the Tuesday City Council meeting. Mayor Rob Adams was sworn in for another...
Eye on Sedona City Partnership Savings
Mayor Rob Adams
Sedona AZ (March 28, 2012) – Rob Adams, Mayor of the City of Sedona Arizona, writes, “The purpose of government is to provide those basic services that most people would not be otherwise able to provide for themselves. Police and fire protection, court services, and public works projects such as sewer, water, sidewalks, streets and parks are a few examples of amenities...
Vote No on 410
Dear Editor:
The Yellow Jackets (Voice of Choice) have left out many important facts, and Councilors Litrell and Hamilton have consistently refused to tell the public the full truth about the ramifications to the residents of Sedona of taking on ownership of Hwy 89A.
Fortunately, Mayor Rob Adams has forthrightly and plainly shared with the residents that he opposes ownership of Hwy 89a for one simple...
Sedona Earns Bicycle Friendly Designation
Sedona AZ (October 4, 2011) – The League of American Bicyclists, headquartered in Washington, DC announced in May that Sedona, Arizona was awarded the Bronze level Bicycle Friendly Community designation. Signs have been posted at entrances to the City to inform residents and tourists of this designation.
Sedona joins Chandler, Flagstaff, Gilbert, Scottsdale, Tempe and Tucson as Arizona Cities...