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Sedona Mayor Asks Where Do We Go From Here?
Sedona Mayor Rob Adams
Sedona AZ–“The last three years have arguably been the most difficult and challenging times in our City’s history,” Sedona Mayor, Rob Adams writes in a City released letter on Tuesday, August 23, 2011 to Sedona Eye and local news organizations. The Mayor’s letter is printed here in its entirety as received.
“The most severe economic downturn...
Sedona SR 89A Highway Update with Mayor Adams
Sedona AZ (February 14, 2011) – Yavapai College’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) of Sedona and the Verde Valley invites members of the community to its Lunch and Learn series on Wednesday, February 23, 2011, at 12:30 PM at the Yavapai College Sedona Campus.
OLLI is a dynamic organization within Yavapai College created to meet the needs of intellectually active mature adults. What...
No to Sewer Rate Increase
Sedona Arizona
Sedona AZ (February 23, 2010) – In a letter to the SedonaTimes.com (now SedonaEye.com) editor directed to Mayor Rob Adams and the Sedona City Council, a Sedona resident says no to any sewer fee increase:
Dear Mayor Adams and Councillors,
I will be unable to attend Tuesday’s meeting but feel it is very important that you read and understand why there is such an outcry from...
This article submitted by the city of Sedona AZ.
Sedona AZ (July 7, 2009) – City of Sedona Mayor, Rob Adams, writes about the city of Sedona finances in his article entitled, The City Finances – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly:
After months of research, negotiating, wrangling and sleepless nights, the Sedona City Council approved the City budget for fiscal year 2009-2010 on Tuesday, June...
Fear and Hunger in Sedona
Sedona AZ (December 17, 2008) – They are hungry. They are broke. They are scared. We see them but we don’t see them.
Tommy Acosta
They could be your neighbor, a grocery clerk you no longer see working where you shop, your favorite server or retail clerk who is no longer there. They are the victims of a merciless economy bankrupting our nation. They are Sedonans living at the edge of, or in,...