Home » Posts tagged with "Let The People Vote on 89A"
Perspective ~ Election Analysis and Prediction
Sedona AZ (November 5, 2011) – In a Letter to the Sedona Eye editor, Terry Nash submitted the following perspective on the November 8, 2011 special referendum on the Highway 89A turnback issue between ADOT and the City of Sedona.
My prediction first: Ownership of 89A will go down in defeat by a margin of 60 to 40. It will probably be a higher number.
There are three factions: (1) Sheri Graham...
Vote No on 410
Dear Editor:
The Yellow Jackets (Voice of Choice) have left out many important facts, and Councilors Litrell and Hamilton have consistently refused to tell the public the full truth about the ramifications to the residents of Sedona of taking on ownership of Hwy 89A.
Fortunately, Mayor Rob Adams has forthrightly and plainly shared with the residents that he opposes ownership of Hwy 89a for one simple...
Support the Sedona City Council
Letter to the Editor:
Vote “YES” to back-up your vote to choose this Sedona City Council. Seize this unique opportunity to make your vote actually count!
You see, this is not the America that Thomas Jefferson and his buddies imagined. In this new America, “elected representatives” at all levels only rarely and by serendipity represent the people who voted for them. No, they represent the “big...
Breaking News! Petition Signatures Force Sedona Special Election!
Sedona AZ (June 7, 2011)-The City of Sedona completed the certification of citizen signatures submitted during the SR89A Turnback petition process. The following is a quote from Sheri Graham, Chair of Let The People Vote on 89A, the citizens initiative organized in opposition to the Sedona City Council vote to go forward with the SR89A highway acquisition. The 1095 signatures certified by the citizens...
First Legal Battle for Stop Sedona Take Back of 89A
Sedona, Arizona (March 16 2011) – After organizing and pulling petition papers in very short order, the citizens of “Let the People Vote on 89A” filed papers Monday morning with Yavapai Superior Court requesting an official determination of the filing date for referendum petitions.
Since the Sedona City Council vote to take back a five-mile stretch of the SR 89A highway in February 2011,...
Sedona Group Files Action to Stop 89A Route Transfer
Sedona AZ (March 7 2011) – This is a Sedona Times Publishing and SedonaEye.com breaking news alert!
A grass roots group of Sedona residents and business owners have organized to oppose Sedona City Council’s 4-3 vote passed by Council on February 22, 2011 when the City decided to take ownership of SR 89A through a Route Transfer Agreement between the State and the City. Let The People...