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Sedona Pre-Monsoon Debris Collection Days
Sedona AZ (June 15, 2012) – Mark your home and property maintenance calendars! As part of the City of Sedona Pre-Monsoon Inspection and Clean-Up Program, the City has scheduled drainage debris collection days.
The City will allow roadside placement of vegetation, wood, and similar material that has been removed from its targeted pre-monsoon drainage clean up areas. City designated clean up areas...
Monsoon Maintenance Program Public Meeting
Sedona AZ (May 3, 2012) – The City of Sedona will hold a public meeting to explain the Pre-Monsoon Maintenance Program on May 16, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. in the Sedona City Hall Council Chambers on Roadrunner Drive.
Approved by Sedona City Council on April 24, 2012, the monsoon program involves inspection of public and private drainage ways in various areas of the City during the months of May and...
Eye on Sedona City Partnership Savings
Mayor Rob Adams
Sedona AZ (March 28, 2012) – Rob Adams, Mayor of the City of Sedona Arizona, writes, “The purpose of government is to provide those basic services that most people would not be otherwise able to provide for themselves. Police and fire protection, court services, and public works projects such as sewer, water, sidewalks, streets and parks are a few examples of amenities...
Sedona Recycles 2010 Year End Report
Sedona AZ (February 17, 2011) – Sedona Recycles tallies up our year-end numbers to determine how much was recycled at each drop-off site and in each community.
In 2010, we received 4,535 tons of recyclable materials, saving the following resources:
46,095 trees
18,844,865 gallons of water
1,460,230 gallons of oil
256 tons of limestone
272 tons of soda ash
104 tons of feldspar
837 tons of...
Sedona Red Rock High School Senior Fundraises for Recycling
Sedona Red Rock High School
Sedona AZ (November 23, 2010) – The Sedona Times Publishing and its daily online news site SedonaEye.com salute Sedona Arizona Red Rock High School senior, Julia Zimmerman. Julia hosted an art themed fundraising event that benefited local recycler, Sedona Recycles, on Shelby Drive.
Julia and all those who contributed to her effort helped raise $1300 for Sedona...
Panda Express Joins Folksville USA Movement
Folksville USA Rusty's Morningstar Ranch "hands"
Cottonwood AZ (November 3, 2010) – Panda Express joined the Folksville USA anti-litter effort and will reward Rusty’s Morningstar Ranch for autistic adults, Arizona Department of Transportation Adopt-A-Highway permittees, local businesses and residents with a free meal in its Cottonwood Arizona restaurant with proof of participation...
Gift Creates Recycle Trash for Cash Program
Rusty's Morningstar Ranch
Sedona AZ (October 15, 2010) – Rusty’s Morningstar Ranch (RMR) of Cottonwood, Arizona is honored to have been offered the opportunity to advance the efforts of the local Road Warriors highway litter recovery movement started in February of 2009 by its founders, says RMR director, Marla Guerrero.
The Road Warriors effort to restore the beauty to Arizona highways...