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Sedona Special Election Results
Sedona AZ (November 8, 2011) – The Sedona City Council November 8, 2011 special election results were tallied today. Two propositions appeared on the ballot for this election.
The unofficial tally for Proposition 410 is Yes +-30% and No +-70% and for Proposition 411 is Yes +-77% and No +-23.
Visit http://www.co.yavapai.az.us/uploadedfiles/ElectionsResults/2011/1108/Results/Results-1.htm...
Will The Real Sedona Win
Dear Editor of the Sedona Eye,
Sedona has been a tourist town since the world discovered the majesty of our red rocks and the energies of this land. For the rest of the world Sedona has become a place to visit, to enjoy in many different ways — and then to leave.
We Sedonans have not left. In addition to those privileged to be born here, many more of us have made our homes and a new part of our...
Vote No on 410
Dear Editor:
The Yellow Jackets (Voice of Choice) have left out many important facts, and Councilors Litrell and Hamilton have consistently refused to tell the public the full truth about the ramifications to the residents of Sedona of taking on ownership of Hwy 89A.
Fortunately, Mayor Rob Adams has forthrightly and plainly shared with the residents that he opposes ownership of Hwy 89a for one simple...
Support the Sedona City Council
Letter to the Editor:
Vote “YES” to back-up your vote to choose this Sedona City Council. Seize this unique opportunity to make your vote actually count!
You see, this is not the America that Thomas Jefferson and his buddies imagined. In this new America, “elected representatives” at all levels only rarely and by serendipity represent the people who voted for them. No, they represent the “big...
New Sedona Homeowner Sees Ambush
Dear Editor,
As a new homeowner in West Sedona I’m very concerned about the outcome of the referendum vote on Proposition 410. I chose to move here from Ohio for the stunning scenery, beautiful night skies and vibrant community. I’m surprised that local ownership and control of 89a is such a divisive issue. I’m concerned about the future of a community where the decisions of the duly elected...
Vote Yes on Proposition 410
Dear Editor,
A requirement of a City Council is to protect the safety of its citizens. For both daytime and nighttime safety issues to be addressed, the City must own West 89A.
In November of 2007, after ADOT stated that it would install continuous roadway lighting (CRL) on West 89A, the Sedona City Council approved creation of the 89A
Pedestrian Safety Advisory Panel (SP). Its purpose was to study...
Sedona Sundae Sunday
Sedona AZ – In a perfect blend of Sedona’s community spirit and hometown pride, a Sedona Sundae Sunday Ice Cream Social will be held Sunday, September 18, 2011. Free ice cream and toppings will be available as residents share with neighbors while creating ice cream sundaes between 2 pm – 5 pm at the Sedona Public Library on White Bear Road in West Sedona.
Sponsored by Voice of Choice for...
Sedona Paid to Receive Valuable Real Estate
Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Attention: Editor
I wish to encourage everyone to vote YES on Prop 410 in order to support local control and solutions for (State Route) 89A. As a person who has been involved in retail real estate development across North America, I believe that obtaining local control of this road is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
As negotiated...
City of Sedona Special Election Ballot Language
Sedona AZ (July 26, 2011) – The following is the proposed Proposition 410 ballot language for the November 2011 election:
Proposed Ballot Language
for the November 8, 2011
City of Sedona Special Election
Proposition 410
Descriptive Title: A measure referring to Sedona voters the Sedona City Councils decision to acquire a section of State Route...