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Sedona Council authorizes $2.7 million on roundabout upgrade
Sedona AZ (October 24, 2018) – On October 23, 2018, the city council authorized a formal cost-sharing agreement with the Arizona Department of Transportation, an administrative action that allows design work to begin this fiscal year.
Because the intersection is within ADOT right-of-way, ADOT is the managing agency for the project and will share costs,. The city will contribute 50 percent of...
VOCA Ballot: Vote No to Everything Asks Organized Neighbors
Sedona AZ (March 19, 2017) – VOTE NO to everything, asks Fairway Oaks Neighbors civic organization after examining the Village of Oak Creek (Homeowners) Association Board proposal for selling a narrow, but valuable strip of land in the heart of the Village of Oak Creek in Sedona, Arizona.
In an email sent to VOCA membership and the SedonaEye.com editor, FairwayOaksNeighbors@yahoo.com writes:
KSB Presents Annual Achievement Awards
Sedona AZ (February 15, 2016) – At its annual Achievement Awards luncheon, Keep Sedona Beautiful presented eleven honors for exemplary service and environmental accomplishments throughout 2015. The event was attended by 105 awardees and residents and emceed by popular local entertainers Tom and Shondra.
Community Service Awards were presented to the Verde Valley Caregivers Coalition, Steve and...
Council Priorities Will Cause Sedona Quality of Life Issues
Sedona AZ (October 13, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
From: jeanjenks@live.com
To: smoriarty@sedonaaz.gov; mdinunzio@sedonaaz.gov; jmartinez@sedonaaz.gov; alefevre@sedonaaz.gov; jthompson@sedonaaz.gov; sjablow@sedonaaz.gov; jclifton@sedonaaz.gov
Subject: Ranking of Council Priorities, Agenda Item 8.c., 10/13/15
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 11:19:35 -0700
Hello Mayor...
Sedona Traffic Accident Closes Scenic Highway
Sedona AZ (June 21, 2015) – On June 21, 2015, at 12:04 in the morning, the Sedona Police Department responded to the area of State Route 179 near the City limits after a Sedona resident called 9-1 -1 to report what may have sounded like a vehicle crash.
Sedona officers checked the area and found a large commercial cargo truck off the roadway, south of the Little Horse Trailhead on northbound...
Bell Rock Rescue
Bell Rock is a formidable hike despite its ease of access. Planning is required for its safe traverse.
Sedona AZ (February 11, 2015) – On February 8, 2015, at approximately 7:30PM, the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office received a call that two people were stuck near the top of Bell Rock in the Village of Oak Creek, Sedona, Arizona.
The initial call came from a concerned citizen reporting flashing...
Eye on Sedona Golf Resort Juniper Bar and Grille
Sedona Golf Resort Juniper Bar and Grille, 35 Ridge Trail, first roundabout in the Village of Oak Creek, Sedona, Arizona 86351
Sedona AZ (August 29, 2013) – Local restaurant reviewers who begin with “The view’s not bad…” or “The wine list was adequate…” fail to give readers a true sense of a restaurant. It is the back of the front efforts to plan, prepare...
Search and Rescue Three For All Sunday
DPS Ranger circles Bell Rock in Sedona after hiker calls for help
Sedona AZ (July 31, 2013) – On Sunday, July 28, 2013, the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office, along with its dedicated volunteer teams and DPS Ranger crews, were involved in several rescues.
At 10:00 in the morning, YCSO was contacted by staff from a retirement home on Jacks Canyon Road in the Village of Oak Creek, Sedona, Arizona,...
YCSO Seeks Escapee from Sedona VOC Arrest UPDATE
Zepeda escaped
Sedona AZ (June 6, 2013) – ESCAPEE AND HIS MOTHER IN-CUSTODY JUNE 13, 2013
Since the original incident on June 6, 2013, YCSO deputies gathered leads as they continued the search for Zepeda who had already fled from law enforcement on two separate locations. On June 7, 2013, deputies returned to his mother’s home in the 1800 block of Ash Lane, Camp Verde, based on a tip that...
Sedona 12 21 12 Cosmic Portal Leap of Faith
Bell Rock
Sedona AZ (December 19, 2012) – The Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office anticipates a large number of people may arrive to watch, and or to participate, in an event expected to take place on Bell Rock the evening of December 20, 2012 through December 21, 2012. The YCSO is urging its Sedona, Arizona and Village of Oak Creek residents to stay off the roads and in their homes.