Home » Posts tagged with "John Cornelius"
KSB Honoree John Cornelius True Patriot
Sedona AZ (February 20, 2016) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Dear Editor,
I hope you will publish this comment and the attached photo of Keep Sedona Beautiful honoree John Cornelius (pictured in the second row of photos on the far right).
I got to know John in 2012 and had many discussions with him over the years about his contributions to veterans and his participation...
KSB Presents Annual Achievement Awards
Sedona AZ (February 15, 2016) – At its annual Achievement Awards luncheon, Keep Sedona Beautiful presented eleven honors for exemplary service and environmental accomplishments throughout 2015. The event was attended by 105 awardees and residents and emceed by popular local entertainers Tom and Shondra.
Community Service Awards were presented to the Verde Valley Caregivers Coalition, Steve and...