Home » Posts tagged with "Jean Jenks Sedona AZ"
Council Priorities Will Cause Sedona Quality of Life Issues
Sedona AZ (October 13, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
From: jeanjenks@live.com
To: smoriarty@sedonaaz.gov; mdinunzio@sedonaaz.gov; jmartinez@sedonaaz.gov; alefevre@sedonaaz.gov; jthompson@sedonaaz.gov; sjablow@sedonaaz.gov; jclifton@sedonaaz.gov
Subject: Ranking of Council Priorities, Agenda Item 8.c., 10/13/15
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 11:19:35 -0700
Hello Mayor...
Tourists Contribute Less Than 50% to City Tax Revenue
Sedona AZ (January 28, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014
CAFR Presentation & Discussion, 1/27/15
Sedona City Council Agenda Item 9.a.
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 08:51:23 -0700
Hello Mayor Moriarty and Councilors,
Unfortunately, I believe the first sentence under Economic Outlook Retail...
Sedona Residents Pay Over Fifty Percent of City’s Bills
Sedona AZ (September 9, 2014) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Hello Mayor and Councilors,
Only the richest Americans enjoyed gains in income from the economic recovery during 2010 – 2013, as median incomes fell for all others, a report from the Federal Reserve released last Thursday shows. (Federal Reserve Bulletin, September 2014, Vol 100, No 4 “Changes...
Commissioned Sedona Visitor Industry Report Irrelevant
Sedona City Council in session
Sedona AZ (September 16, 2013) – The following is an open letter to the SedonaEye.com and the members of the Sedona City Council from city resident Jean Jenks:
To the Members of the Sedona City Council:
Before giving more taxpayer money to the Chamber, how about fixing our neglected drainage problems, the majority having resulted from projects approved by City...
Sedona City Council Spends More Saves Less
Sedona AZ (June 24, 2013) – In a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor, a Sedona resident writes:
Dear Editor,
Best not be fooled by the Mayor’s statement in the recent Community Connection newsletter that “the city has enjoyed operating surpluses for the last four years.” The General Fund operating reserves comprise approximately one-third of the city’s entire budget....
Americans Must Face Recession Not Over
Sedona AZ (June 10, 2013) – In an open letter to the Sedona City Council and the SedonaEye.com, city resident Jean Jenks writes the following:
Americans have only recovered 45% of money lost in the recession by end 2012 reports Federal Reserve.
Dear Editor,
According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’s 2012 Annual Report released May 30, 2013:
Culture of Contempt at City Hall
Sedona AZ (October 2, 2012) – In a Letter to the SedonaEye.com Editor, Warren Woodward lambastes City of Sedona public employees and elected City of Sedona officials for “arrogance and contempt” toward City taxpayers and residents writing “I see an increasing culture of contempt at “beyond the pale” levels from City Hall for those of us who live here and...