Home » Posts tagged with "Schnebly Hill"
Eddie Maddock: Feasible and Sustainable Sedona Matters
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie S. Maddock looks at Sedona’s year ahead in the light of its problematic past.
Sedona AZ – Welcome to Sedona Arizona 2019.
Has our Golden Goose been cooked?
Is there anyone visiting Sedona or living here for that matter, let’s say since Thanksgiving 2018, who isnÂ’’t convinced there is a huge traffic problem? As the situation grows worse on a daily...
Eddie Maddock: Eye on Schnebly Community Focus Area
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock examines city of Sedona 2014 voter preferences impact three years later.
Sedona AZ (February 20, 2017) – Moving right along to formulate plans for the Schnebly Community Focus Area, the second of two special draft council meetings occurred on February 15, 2017, to review and expand plans set forth at the initial meeting held January 25.
Community Development...
Eye on City of Sedona Arts and Culture
Article submitted by City of Sedona AZ
Sedona AZ (January 13, 2016) – There are many great reasons to celebrate the arts in our community and I am happy to report on the scope of creative projects that are underway at the city. We begin the new year displaying, through March 2016, the art work of three accomplished artists in our City Hall Art Rotation program. To view any of these exhibits,...
Council Priorities Will Cause Sedona Quality of Life Issues
Sedona AZ (October 13, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
From: jeanjenks@live.com
To: smoriarty@sedonaaz.gov; mdinunzio@sedonaaz.gov; jmartinez@sedonaaz.gov; alefevre@sedonaaz.gov; jthompson@sedonaaz.gov; sjablow@sedonaaz.gov; jclifton@sedonaaz.gov
Subject: Ranking of Council Priorities, Agenda Item 8.c., 10/13/15
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 11:19:35 -0700
Hello Mayor...