Home » Posts tagged with "Arizona Open Meeting Laws"
Eddie Maddock: History in Headlines
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie S. Maddock with a Sedona History in Headlines review.
Sedona AZ (June 25, 2017) – How much of a story can accurately be conveyed with a few simple words at the beginning of an article?
That, of course, is subjective and best ascertained by those reading the information and forming individual opinions which might thusly be considered as an invitation to objectivity,...
How Much Abuse Is Sedona’s Voting Public Willing to Take?
SedonaEye.com J. Rick Normand, Investigative and Financial Columnist
Sedona AZ (June 26, 2016) – Sedona luminary Terrie Frankel posted this to her Facebook Account on June 25 along with 23 pictures to support her statement(s) as to who was in attendance:
“Steve Segner and wife Connie of El Portal Sedona Hotel, recently hosted Dr.Andrea Houchard and her popular Philosophy in the Public Interest...
Life’s a Trip, No Doubt About That with Eddie Maddock
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock
Sedona AZ (March 28, 2016) – As is generally the case on Fridays, mail delivery arrives late in the day, so wearily trudging out to retrieve what was anticipated to be nothing out of the ordinary, a very large white envelope similar to the one I recently received containing my income tax papers, was jammed in the mail receptacle leaving room for fortunately...
AZ Open Meeting Law SB1435 with Eddie Maddock
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock
Sedona AZ (February 16, 2015) – SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock discusses Arizona Open Meeting Law SB1435 legislation with AZ State Senator Sylvia Allen and other elected state representatives:
——-Original Message——-
From: Eddie Maddock
Date: 2/16/2015 10:56:09 AM
To: CBegay@azleg.gov; jburges@azleg.gov; RBowers@azleg.gov;...
Eddie Maddock on the Arizona Open Meeting Law
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock
Sedona AZ (February 9, 2015) – The Open Meeting Law, a work in progress or regress?
The following was added at the conclusion of a recent e-mail response from a member of the Sedona City Council:
“City of Sedona
102 Roadrunner Dr.
Sedona AZ 86336
Direct Contact: (Omitted)
This e-mail, if received by members of the City Council is intended solely for the...
Sedona Fire District August 2012 Board Minutes
Sedona AZ (August 28, 2012) – The Arizona Attorney General’s office found the prior Sedona Fire District Governing Board to have violated Open Meeting Laws including an employee’s rights. The Sedona Fire District was instructed by the Arizona Attorney General’s Office to undertake the corrective actions as outlined in the following August 22. 2012 Board Minutes published below...
Sedona Fire Board Recall Election Candidates
Dear Sedona Eye Editor,
It is an honor to introduce and provide information on the Candidates running for the recalled seats on the Sedona Fire District Governing Board. These people will establish financial stability, protect our professional emergency services, and work within the limits of Board authority.
A refreshing change, indeed!
I know as the weeks roll by, more and more people will become...
Green Valley Fire Chief Regrets Outsourced Emergency Services
Joe Demme
Dear Sedona Eye Editor,
At the September 6, 2011, meeting of the Sedona Fire Chief Selection Committee, no agenda item for public forum was provided. Apparently the Chairman does not think the public should have any input into the selection process.
He did, however, selectively and by name, choose particular attendees to speak and/or ask questions. And though supposedly conducting...
Sedona Fire Chief Hazime Addresses Role of Fire Board
Sedona Fire Chief Nazih M. Hazime
Sedona AZ (December 1, 2010)-The Sedona Fire District will soon have a new Fire Board. “I am eager to engage and begin working with the new board members,” says Sedona Fire Chief, Nazih M. Hazime writing of his role and that of the Sedona Fire Department and the Fire Board in an open letter to the Sedona fire district.
“To assist in creating continuity,...
Open Meeting Law Investigation Sparks Council Debate
Sedona, AZ — By Tommy Acosta…
All right you political chess buffs out there, here’s another one for you to ponder and masticate. Last night, Nov. 25, at the Sedona City Council meeting, members discussed allegations filed with the Attorney General’s office that four council members violated the Open Meeting Law shortly before the council voted to put lights on 89A.
Needless to say,...