Home » Posts tagged with "Sedona Fire Chief Nazih M. Hazime"
Green Valley Fire Chief Regrets Outsourced Emergency Services
Joe Demme
Dear Sedona Eye Editor,
At the September 6, 2011, meeting of the Sedona Fire Chief Selection Committee, no agenda item for public forum was provided. Apparently the Chairman does not think the public should have any input into the selection process.
He did, however, selectively and by name, choose particular attendees to speak and/or ask questions. And though supposedly conducting...
Sedona Appoints Interim Fire Chief
Sedona Interim Fire Chief Terry Keller
Sedona AZ (June 24, 2011) -The Sedona Fire District Board voted to appoint Assistant Fire Chief Terry Keller as Interim Sedona Fire Chief on June 22, 2011. Keller will fill the position of former Sedona Fire Chief, Nazih M. Hazime, until such time as the district board secures a permanent Fire Chief.
Former Sedona Fire Chief Hazime, a professional...
Citizens Tell Sedona Fire Board Stop Abusing Power
Former Sedona Fire Chief, Nazih M. Hazime
Sedona AZ (June 14, 2011)-These comments come from the latest minutes of the SFD Work Board Session of 6/8/11. In my opinion they reflect the feelings of the vast majority of the residents of the Sedona Fire District who feel that four members of this board are playing with the lives of those who expect professional services from the hard-working fire personnel....
Sedona Fire Chief Hazime Resigns
Sedona Fire Chief, Nazih M. Hazime, resigns
Sedona AZ (June 2, 2011) – In a letter to the Sedona Fire District and its Board, Sedona Fire Chief Nazih M. Hazime, resigns less than two years into his contract. The following is Chief Hazime’s Letter of Resignation in its entirety:
Dear residents and business owners,
I have made the decision to resign from Sedona Fire District. My...
Wildland Fire Season Warnings
Sedona AZ (May 10, 2011)–The Sedona Fire Chief, Nazih M. Hazime asked the community to be aware that “We are quickly approaching Wildland Fire Season. Wildfire hazard rating is based on many factors. Those include, but not limited to, fire access to the property, surrounding vegetation, topography, structure construction, and available fire protection. The defensible zone around your home...
Sedona Fire Board News
Sedona Fire Chief Nazih M. Hazime
Sedona AZ-During its February 23 2011 meeting, despite Sedona Fire Chief Nazih M. Hazime’s request that the Sedona Fire District Governing Board revisit a decision to eliminate four fleet vehicles rather than three, a motion and subsequent vote eliminated all four vehicles. Sedona Fire Board members Charles Christensen, Dave Blauert, Craig Dible and...
Eye on Sedona Fire Department: February 2011
Sedona Fire Chief Nazih M. Hazime
To keep you informed I have attached a factual document explaining our Regional Communication Center. Also, I would like to bring you up to speed. We all need to understand there is going to be a transition period for the Board and the Fire District. I have been working closely with the board and this started with tours of our facilities, equipment,...
Meet Sedona Fire Chief Nazih M. Hazime
Sedona Fire Chief Nazih M. Hazime
Sedona AZ (August 14, 2010)-Sedona Fire Chief, Nazih M. Hazime, says of his parents who were born and raised in Lebanon and settled in the United States in 1955 to start a family in the city of Highland Park, Michigan, “I am one of five children, being the only son, born April 10, 1960. My upbringing was very diverse while growing up in the Detroit area which ...