Home » Posts tagged with "Phyllis Erick Sedona AZ"
Sedona Fire Board Discloses Open Meeting Law Violations
Sedona AZ (August 21, 2012) – A Sedona Fire District voter asks others to attend the August 22, 2012 public Open Meeting Law training session scheduled for 3:00 PM at Sedona Fire Station #1 in west Sedona (visit www.SedonaEye.com/calendar-of-events daily) and the Public Session board meeting that follows:
Hi all,
If you want to hear the findings of the Attorney General’s report against...
Easement or Tax Increase Question
Dear SedonaEye.com Editor,
Just under thirty days after her stunning defeat in the SFD Recall Election, former Board member Phyllis Erick scheduled herself to speak during public forum at the June 13, 2012 meeting of the Sedona Fire District Governing Board.
The prior Board Chairman’s oft repeated admonition, “Personal attacks will not be tolerated,” evidently escaped Ms. Erick’s consciousness....
Restore Sanity Integrity and Transparency
Dear Sedona Eye news and SFD Taxpayers:
Time has come to take action to restore sanity, integrity and transparency to the Sedona Fire District Governing Board before the present majority destroys the best fire district in Arizona. Your very life may depend on it!
I urge you to re-read Wendy Tanzer’s excellent message to all of the SFD taxpayers to make sure that you make the right choice. YOUR vote...
Life and Death Decisions
Dear Sedona and Village of Oak Creek Residents,
There comes a time when legitimate experience, formal education and proven leadership capability must trump all the baffling and babbling bluster.
That time has arrived.
Intelligent and sound reasoning on the basis of evidentiary fact – not on the basis of opinion, are mandatory when rendering life and death decisions. That’s the responsibility...
SFD Board Arranges Titanic Deck Chairs
Dear Sedona Eye Editor,
To date, the SFD Governing Board has held two Budget Workshops for the purpose of determining the 2012-2013 fiscal year budget – with an eye toward future budget years, as well.
At the first meeting, Board member Craig Dible presented an example of the reduction in tax dollars now paid by homeowners as assessed property values have so dramatically declined. He then attempted...
Sedona Fire District Public Meeting Notice
Sedona AZ (March 22, 2012) – The following public Notice and Agenda of SFD Public Board Workshop and Business Meeting is posted by Tricia Greer, Sedona Fire District Recording Clerk for March 28, 2012. The Executive Board Meeting begins at 4:30 PM in Fire Station #1, 2860 Southwest Drive, Sedona Arizona. The Public Board Workshop begins at 5 PM, and the Business Meeting with a Public Speakers...
Naming Names at Public Forums
Dear Sedona Eye Editor,
During regular business meetings of the Sedona Fire District Governing Board, as every Public Forum Session is about to commence, Chairman Dave Blauert warns, “No personal attacks will be tolerated.” It seems to me there is a colossal lack of understanding between members of that Board and the public with regard to what constitutes a personal attack.
The five...
Sedona Fire Board Recall Election Candidates
Dear Sedona Eye Editor,
It is an honor to introduce and provide information on the Candidates running for the recalled seats on the Sedona Fire District Governing Board. These people will establish financial stability, protect our professional emergency services, and work within the limits of Board authority.
A refreshing change, indeed!
I know as the weeks roll by, more and more people will become...
Sedona Fire Board to Reduce Fire Chief Authority
Sedona AZ (September 3, 2011) – The SedonaEye.com received the following Letter to the Editor written by a Village of Oak Creek, Sedona Arizona resident expressing concerns with the Sedona Fire District Board appointment of Joe Demme to chair the new Fire Chief search committee:
Dear Sedona Eye Editor,
Joe Demme, a failed candidate for the Sedona Fire District Governing Board but *surprise* the...