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Democrat wants winner not sure loser like Sanders
Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
The White House
There are several Democratic presidential candidates who support Medicare for All who also happen to be viable general election candidates (unlike Bernie Sanders, who has no realistic chance of being elected president). If you actually want to see Medicare for All implemented, vote...
Establishment Republicans to Blame for GOP Losses
Sedona AZ (October 24, 2016) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
In our daily living, my wife and I have been exposed to the troubles and turmoil facing people who have either through chance of birth or strictly by their own choices and actions become entwined in a dilemma, for lack of a better way of identification we call it an “Identity Crisis.” This...
The Promise Keepers
Sedona AZ (July 24, 2016) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Is there anyone that remembers an old, old song, ditty or what we called a “round” that said, “Before you make a promise; consider well its importance. And when made, engrave it upon your heart?” That was way back when, in the olden days when I was young, which contrary to the opinions of some was not before...
Delegate Vote at the 2016 GOP Convention
Sedona AZ (July 17, 2016) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
The Delegate Vote on the Rules Committee for the 2016 GOP Convention is going to be critical because the “Dump Trump” faction is trying to alter the rules to allow SOME DELEGATES who are supposed to be representing their State to vote as they please or abstain from voting on the First Round Ballot, instead...
Verde Valley GOP Hosts Yavapai Supervisor Davis
Yavapai County Supervisor A.G. Chip Davis
Sedona AZ (June 3, 2013) – The Verde Valley Republican Women’s June meeting will feature speaker Yavapai County Supervisor A.G. Chip Davis (District 3) and Jim Manning, First Vice Chairman of the Yavapai Republican Committee.
The meeting will be held Wednesday, June 19, at 11:30 a.m. (doors open at 11:00 a.m. for meet and greet) at the Los Abrigados...
Reader Calls Paul Ryan a Radical
Prescott AZ (October 6, 2012) – In a Letter to the SedonaEye.com editor, Prescott Arizona reader Bob Lynne writes an opinion of Republican candidate for U.S. Vice President Paul Ryan:
Paul Ryan is a radical who, in his own words, was influenced early by the likes of Ayn Rand. This ideology has no room for compassion, no room for helping others, and is very self serving. Ryan’s budget...
Challenging Debt Limit a Terrorist Act
Sedona AZ (June 10, 2012) – In a SedonaEye.com Letter to the Editor, a Prescott Arizona resident equates challenging the debt limit to a terrorist act:
Last year the Congressional Republicans used the nation’s debt ceiling vote to force a series of spending cuts. This hostage scenario led to the nation’s first ever credit downgrade and the Standard & Poor’s agency repeatedly cited...