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Establishment Republicans to Blame for GOP Losses
Sedona AZ (October 24, 2016) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
In our daily living, my wife and I have been exposed to the troubles and turmoil facing people who have either through chance of birth or strictly by their own choices and actions become entwined in a dilemma, for lack of a better way of identification we call it an “Identity Crisis.” This...
The Promise Keepers
Sedona AZ (July 24, 2016) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Is there anyone that remembers an old, old song, ditty or what we called a “round” that said, “Before you make a promise; consider well its importance. And when made, engrave it upon your heart?” That was way back when, in the olden days when I was young, which contrary to the opinions of some was not before...