Home » Posts tagged with "Soviet Union"
Democrat wants winner not sure loser like Sanders
Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
The White House
There are several Democratic presidential candidates who support Medicare for All who also happen to be viable general election candidates (unlike Bernie Sanders, who has no realistic chance of being elected president). If you actually want to see Medicare for All implemented, vote...
90 Miles From Florida
Declassified map of US Navy and Soviet ship positions during October 1962 Cuban missile crisis
Sedona AZ (October 14, 2014) – As a seasoned reporter, specializing in military technology, I’ve covered some incredible stories of military ingenuity and close calls over the years. So, when this reporter caught wind of a story alleging that the U.S. may have been closer to nuclear war in 1962 than...
We’re Cancelling the Green Revolution
Sedona AZ (February 21, 2010) – Depending on our response, we are either standing at the edge of the mother of all markets or we are staring at the mother of all problems. John Gardner, founder of Common Cause, described these challenges as “a series of opportunities disguised as insolvable problems.” Three decades of failed energy policy assures us that innovation is the only way out of...