Home » Posts tagged with "NACOG"
Seniors Need Opioid Addiction and Medication Abuse Education
Sedona AZ (November 12, 2017) – To address the growing challenge of opioid addiction and prescription medication abuse among the elderly in Yavapai County, the Area Agency on Aging-NACOG (Northern Arizona Council on Governments) is looking for individuals 55 and older to become AmeriCorps members and participate in a program to help educate and prevent medication misuse in older adults.
The educational...
Arizona Tribes Receive $10.6 mil in Government Grants
US Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick, Arizona’s District One, is a member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee and the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee and can be reached at www.kirkpatrick.house.gov
Sedona AZ (October 24, 2014) – U.S. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, D-Ariz., announced that District One is the recipient of about $12.2 million in recent grants for a variety of important...
City of Sedona Requesting Rehab Housing Bids
Sedona AZ (July 24, 2012) – The City of Sedona has been awarded a federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Arizona Department of Housing and will accept bids from Arizona licensed contractors to construct various repairs to approximately six homes, all located in Sedona. The scope of work includes roofing, electrical, plumbing, painting, and other improvements.
For additional...
Sedona Accepting Bids for Housing Rehab
Sedona AZ (June 6, 2012) – The City of Sedona has been awarded a federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Arizona Department of Housing and will accept bids from Arizona licensed contractors to construct various repairs to approximately six Sedona Arizona homes. The scope of work will include roofing, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, painting, and other improvements.
For additional...
Sedona Housing Rehabilitation Program
Sedona AZ (February 3, 2012) – The City of Sedona has received federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding from the Arizona Department of Housing to provide housing repair services to approximately ten low-to-moderate income homeowners within the City of Sedona, with repairs for each home ranging between $3,000 and $15,000.
The City and Northern Arizona Council of Governments (NACOG)...
The Most Important Day of Your Life!
Are Your Ready for the Most Important Day of Your Life?
March 20, 2010
9 AM to 4 PM
Sedona Community Center – 2615 Melody Lane
Susan Barrington, Director Sedona Community Center & Deborah Darby, Sedona Chapter Leader, Compassion & Choices 9-9:15 AM
Issues on Aging (Northern AZ) Mary Beals-Luedtka NACOG Area Agency on Aging 9:15 – 10 AM