Home » Posts tagged with "City of Sedona Housing Commission"
Sedona Housing Commission Needs Volunteers
Written and submitted by the City of Sedona staff.
Sedona AZ (December 3, 2012) – The City of Sedona is currently seeking to fill two unexpired positions on the Housing Commission. One position is an unexpired term which runs through October 31, 2013. The other position is an unexpired term which runs through October 31, 2014. The deadline to submit applications to be considered to serve on the...
Sedona Accepting Bids for Housing Rehab
Sedona AZ (June 6, 2012) – The City of Sedona has been awarded a federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Arizona Department of Housing and will accept bids from Arizona licensed contractors to construct various repairs to approximately six Sedona Arizona homes. The scope of work will include roofing, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, painting, and other improvements.
For additional...
A Matter of Public Record
Sedona AZ (April 9, 2012) – The following is a Letter to the Sedona Eye Editor:
Dear Mayor Adams and Members of the Sedona City Council:
Acknowledging that the Sedona Community Plan has contained a “Housing Element” section for many years which I believe was last updated in 2002, it’s troubling to me that consideration to purchase “cheap” land by the city during...
City of Sedona Housing Commission Agenda
Sedona AZ (February 14, 2012) – The following agenda is being posted by the City of Sedona Housing Commission for its scheduled February 15, 2012 meeting at Sedona City Hall.
Sedona Housing Commission
SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Vultee Conference Room – 106 Roadrunner Drive, Sedona 12:30 pm
Pursuant to ARS 38-431.02 notice is hereby given to the members...