Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the editor:
I am happy to announce that this letter is now being circulated throughout the entire country of Ukraine and Russia. Every government, church, bank, university and many other institutions have been emailed. The feedback is overwhelming. The Ukrainians are ready to defend themselves and the Russians want no part of this war.
This letter is in response to the articles covering the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
As a citizen of and believer in democracy, I applaud the efforts of the Ukrainian people. Their efforts are similar to what is happening in many other parts of the world. Believe it or not, one thing that overrides capitalism and political correctness in the United States is the right to have one’s voice heard. This is the foundation of which our democracy is built on.
The Ukrainian people should continue to defy Vladimir Putin’s powerful armed forces so that Ukrainian democracy can continue to thrive. It is unfortunate that the United States compromised on one of its most fundamental values in order to protect its economic interests in Eastern Europe; something that happens all too often domestically as well. It is not the Ukrainian people that are attempting to expand NATO power but rather it is Vladimir Putin who has engaged in intimidation to prevent the will of the people {both Ukrainian and Russian} from being heard. Why else would he stoop to such underhanded tactics to block various means of communication among the citizens of Ukraine and Russia? Why is Putin forcing Russia to return to the Cold War utilizing political strong-arm tactics such as violence? Vladimir Putin, you have had over twenty years to acknowledge Ukraine and have failed them by your own choosing. The days of your despotic regime are finally coming to an end as it appears the desire for freedom will continue to sweep among the Eastern European nations as well as Russia.
Accordingly, let the call go forth among all citizens of Ukraine that your brothers and sisters of democracy {from all over the world} are with you during every trial and tribulation you may encounter during this crisis. To the people of Ukraine, the trumpet of freedom beckons you to rise in protest and louden your voice to preserve your sacred heritage, promote your children’s future and obtain the blessings of liberty we all cherish. Ukraine, the hour of your redemption is at hand. As you the rightful citizens move forward to reclaim your own country, rise and strike! In the name of those who were murdered fighting for everyone’s rights, rise and strike! To push back this evil regime, rise and strike! Let no one continue to fear this man. Every Ukrainian must be strong and fight on for their freedom. Rise and strike!
Vladimir Putin, you little weasel…let Ukraine go!
Cleveland, OH USA
(Offsite link) (offsite link)
Does this rise to treasonous actions if it’s meant to undermine our national security and democracy? There must be consequences. URLs are traceable.
If the Democrats helped fund or provided even a dollar of support or incentives why then doesn’t the party faced dissolution or be dismantled and lose any matching government funding and the nonprofits or shell companies the same? This feels like an other act of sabotage and like the Wuhan virus cover up and the Iran fund release, our economy and nation are being undermined without and within by 3 letter agencies and the White House. Someone explain why there are no laws that are being broken here?
Welcome autumn. It’s effing hot.
These 8 candidates in 6 states need your November vote. Encourage your friends and family to support them. Men and women of color need our support.
Maria Elvira-Salazar (FL-27)
Michelle Steel (CA-45)
Young Kim (CA-39)
Mike Garcia (CA-27)
Ryan Zinke (MT-01)
Monica De La Cruz (TX-15)
John James (MI-10)
Zach Nunn (IA-03).
Thanks so much, Friends.
Israel warns Lebanon residents to leave.
Good advice.
Release the hostages now.
Laughing at the ads for Harris. Biden Harris administration inherited a world of peace from Trump and they turned it into a hellfire of war, dead soldiers, overrun military bases, attacked ships, hostages taken, faulty equipment, low quality weapons, poorly trained recruits.
You think anybody in the military forgets what Biden Harris did and how Biden Harris never admits to any responsibility for it? No active military personnel or retired military should consider saluting her.
Harris is a lifelong politician known even to her inner circle as incompetent and having personal issues, a bobblehead toy whose hands pretend to be a pop star.
Tell me I’m wrong. Voting early for her will not help you.
???? new season of Kamala, like her past reruns with laugh tracks busting eardrums, jokes amateur like her, and what’s up with booze or stoned for every performance????? go ask Oprah if she knows Kamala fix bad for America was falsely accused
Vote Vice President Harris
Democratic Party has too much control over people here and in this country when majority aren’t remotely interested in voting for qualified candidates.
Democrats voted in health challenged Joe knowing Pres. Obama thought him a screw up and he was (is) but fellow Democrat screw ups say letter D attached to him is all that’s needed to qualify a person for office. Joe’s (Mr Magoo or urban speak squirrel) Democrats didn’t care about you and me because they told us to vote for him and we did.
VP Harris’s a “nothing burger” (thanks to the comedian who said it) which is worse than a squirrel or Magoo because nothing burgers have been and are lunch for Putin and globalists dictator despot leaders with Democrat Party being Putin and despots minions, ask the former democratic leaders and emerging educated women and children of Afghanistan why and how they were betrayed by Biden Harris.
NYC mayor Adams indicted & not one person surprised, keep it up NYC voting in crooks & deserved Cuomos & Adams & rest of its city losers
justice be served
Fake media outrage when CNN and NYT jump on his comments about Cheney being a warmonger in an ivory tower wanting to change the garbage comment of President Biden. Stick on message because he calls a spade a spade and a warmonger a warmonger, Cheney, you rabid failure of a politician.
Trump is pro our kids in the military while Harris does not even acknowledge our kids they killed on their watch.
Head of Archives calls out White House for removing President Biden’s comments about Republicans are garbage. Get rid of these Biden Harris and their staff clowns with your ballot today. Illegal to do what they do.
Liberate Ukrainians. Destroy Russian invaders.
Sedona might not understand the difference between Walz and Vance. Walz in Minnesota furthered the disaster of his governorship when he let rioters burn precious cities and state buildings and parks and homes and infrastructure because he is a socialist weakling radical unable to peacefully defend and govern without capitulation. NO Walz for Minnesota. We’re happy to send him packing to the China he professes loving, sadly we voters enabled him to destroy Minnesota first. Keep him away from Sedona County.
Ride out storm wait for Harris to let the dogs out on Republican garbage
VP Harris looks haggard and definitely is post menopausal, 60 is old. Her husband is as bad as her and that pillsbury doughboy is carb brain. White House officials violated the Records Act. . Seems those officials ordered Biden transcripts “altered” to take out what Biden actually said – You know break the law like they just did?
Hugh Hewitt of Washington Post quits on air calling out bias for a legal decision by media anchors when they discussed it being inappropriate for Harris and Dems. God loves a Democrat liberal who sees the hypocrisy of his party and media kryons. . . and the power behind the throne is?
Rod Blagojevich says President Trump should get elected not Harris.
Women tell your husbands you’re voting Trump because you know more about world politics and national economics and home security than they do. Suggest they vote Trump also because he’s always supported a woman’s right to choose and IVF options and dems are lying about women’s losing rights, Trump actually gave middle class and poor more than Obama and Biden Harris combined.
Harris stabbed Joe in the back. Harris is inept and like Joe unable to function today without a teleprompter. TV journalists scorching her yesterday for the Move Forward “plea” (not a pointless slogan) to show her lines while people clapped at her aimless word salad. (Move Forward would be a better Trump campaign slogan.)
I can’t wait to have Bobby Kennedy Jr at HHS. Finally an agency that will do its job, thank you President Trump for bringing in Democrats to join your next administration. Let’s go Brandons. Fire up the garbage trucks and head for Pennsylvania Avenue.
America will be amazing again. Peace will be restored again and our sons and daughters will be proud of us again.
What does Hugh Hewitt do?
Times of India interview with Marla Maples, Trump’s former wife, said the Democrats oft repeated incendiary lies Donald Trump’s like Hitler and would ruin America when she said their daughter was raised a Christian and could recite prayers in Aramaic and Hebrew and he is a good father to his children. Why Americans cannot see Trump is best for their country when India can see it?
(Offsite link) Read more at: (offsite link)
We’ve experienced 4 years of Biden Harris misery started after 8 years of Obama Biden misery.
The light in that stinking dark tunnel of Democrats slow destruction of America? Trump administration. (Factcheck, True) Trump with $2 gas, 3% interest rates allowed the most poor and middle income folks to buy homes ever, Keystone pipeline gave us freedom from Saudi and Russia and Chinese and Iranian control, Trump ordered tax transparency and then lowered taxes for poor and middle class (Factcheck, True) and we learned our American taxes funded world wide oligarchs and at-home government officials working with people who despise us.
Wake up. America is asleep at the wheel.
Trump might be a big mouth crass man, but he loves America in spite of its warts because he listens, hears, and tries to fix it.
Send Kamala back to Canada or California, Russia or China. Her group needs to bring you under control. Black men know it, ask them why they don’t support Harris.
(Offsite link) (offsite link)
Suggest Psalm 110 Exodus 32:8-14
(Offsite link) (offsite link) Walz’s a FOOL. President Biden’s a puppet. VP Harris lives POWER.
God needs us involved in His work. Offsite link ( Offsite link
Thanks for all the Exaggerations(LIES) above.. Temember you little comments change ZERO… Hello president Harris
(UAE Arrests 3 Suspects in Israeli Rabbi Killing; 73 Russian Drones Launched Into Ukraine
500 North Korean soldiers killed in Ukraine announces Russia
NTD Evening News
Authorities in the United Arab Emirates have arrested three people suspected of murdering an Israeli-Moldovan rabbi. The UAE Jewish community said they are in shock.) check internet for article
Good job Blinken and Harris the last in the room with Nod. This is why President Trump was reelected in a 50 state voter landslide.
Saw this on a shared thread that UAE Arrests 3 Suspects in Israeli Rabbi Killing; 73 Russian Drones Launched Into Ukraine
500 North Korean soldiers killed in Ukraine. Authorities in the United Arab Emirates have arrested three people suspected of murdering an Israeli-Moldovan rabbi. The UAE Jewish community said they are in shock.
Seriously? right, eh?
(Usual job Blinken and “Harris last in the room” with Nod, wanted to mention this why President D. Trump reelected 50 state voter landslide) in thread
Keep hearing lies lies lies on news & outlets. God help bless Border patrol agents arrested man in hotel room they tracked after watching 5 yo Baby girl crossed over by coyote or maybe nonprofit or whatever psychotic animals do to humans taking by him.
It felt like Christmas morning when we woke up on November 6th to a Trump presidency. The lunatics in offices around this country were told no and go.
Wanted to share this inspiring email thread message and know it will make an impact on how people think of America. It has been nearly destroyed by Biden Harris and the Obama Biden administrations, decades of violence and hate and false accusations and never kept promises:
(Winsome Earle-Sears) ….(begin)
Think about how far we’ve come since Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech – in 2021, a black woman became the second in command in the former capital of the Confederacy.
What shocks the Democrats the most about my story… I’m a REPUBLICAN!
My name is Winsome Sears. I’m a wife, mother, immigrant, Marine veteran, conservative, and currently the Lt. Governor of Virginia.
For far too long, people who look like me have been made to think that the thing we all strive for – the American Dream – is unattainable and unavailable to us. Instead, we’ve been told that we should rely on the government.
Yet I, the little girl who arrived in America from Jamaica at the age of six years old, have risen through the ranks and lived the American Dream.
My existence is living proof that this dream is a possibility for every single person, regardless of gender, race, or religion.
Now, I won’t say that it comes easy – there were struggles along the way…
But the ONLY place where my story is possible is America.
With a little hard work, the sky is the limit – no matter what those on the Left try to tell us.
As Lt. Governor of Virginia, I’ve spread this message far and wide – now, with your help, I’ll yell it from the rooftops.
Please, chip in to help me continue to shatter narratives and become Governor.
Let’s show the liberals that my American Dream isn’t over yet!
Thank you,
Winsome Earle-Sears. (End email thread)
Inflation higher says government on news like Coffee 75% higher this year. Yep President Joe Biden gave US most expensive cup of American Joe EVER. He blames it on Trump and that’s insane.
More officers sacrifice so much or will face similar fates unless we speak out and stand up for the brave men and women in blue. The next time you see a police officer in your community, please thank them for their service and tell them you support them because they believe our lives matter too.
To read about Law Enforcement officers that need our support and help, check online. Blue Lives Matter.
Finally a President elect that cares about the future of us and our children by verbally berating that Government pork barrel giveaway of 1800 plus pages of gifts of raises of benefits of bonuses and whittled it down to about 125 pages! Like let Baltimore build their own damn bridge back or ask the Chinese shipper to pay for it since China destroyed it. Besides that I read it’s already open and built back already now where was that pork going??? Where did they get those ignorant Democrats proclaiming THEY kept Republicans from ruining America?? We voters told you already to STOP LYING and that Joe Biden’s legacy is one of corruption and lies like not pardoning his son and pardoning that judge who ran a kids for sale scheme????? Investigate the people who submitted and approved those pardons that Joe Biden signed because they are the corrupt conduits to power and likely lots of incentive monies!!! Shame on every Democrat in favor of these past years of corruption including the media and its scam reporting and investigations. Love it here Sedona and thanks for giving us in town the floor to vote by mouth Sedona Times Sedonaeye because we do care. (Deleted by editor) Pleasant Valley (deleted by editor)
@karynfny perfectionism
@ To the above says:
November 4, 2024 Thanks for all the Exaggerations(LIES) above.. Temember you little comments change ZERO… Hello president Harris
Account this @to the above a.k.a zero man (deleted by editor)