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Americans Must Face Recession Not Over
Sedona AZ (June 10, 2013) – In an open letter to the Sedona City Council and the SedonaEye.com, city resident Jean Jenks writes the following:
Americans have only recovered 45% of money lost in the recession by end 2012 reports Federal Reserve.
Dear Editor,
According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’s 2012 Annual Report released May 30, 2013:
Sedona D’Lish will be Missed
Sedona AZ (August 14, 2010) – On Highway 89A in West Sedona was vegan restaurant D’Lish. It appears to be another Sedona Arizona recession casualty.
The phone is disconnected and the sign on the door affirms that the restaurant is closed and the locked doors may not reopen. Four years ago, D’Lish began to offer Sedona locals and tourists alternative healthy foods and now, as...