Home » Posts tagged with "Sedona finances"
Americans Must Face Recession Not Over
Sedona AZ (June 10, 2013) – In an open letter to the Sedona City Council and the SedonaEye.com, city resident Jean Jenks writes the following:
Americans have only recovered 45% of money lost in the recession by end 2012 reports Federal Reserve.
Dear Editor,
According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’s 2012 Annual Report released May 30, 2013:
Sedona Mayor to Address State of the City
Mayor Adams
Sedona AZ (June 8, 2011)–The City of Sedona Mayor Rob Adams will present the 2011 State of the City address on Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. in the Sedona City Hall Council Chambers, 102 Roadrunner Drive in West Sedona. The public is encouraged to attend.
In his first State of the City address, Mayor Adams will share Sedona’s accomplishments this year which sets the...
Financially Speaking: J. Rick Normand writes…
Sedona AZ (January 1, 2011) – Sedona resident J. Rick Normand submits the following share for readers and writes, “Dear SedonaEye.com Editor: Best New Year’s Predictions for 2011: If any of these come true, we’ll know it first in Sedona!”
The Only 2011 Forecast With A Bizarro Chance Of Getting It All Correct
by Tyler Durden on 12/31/2010 12:04...
Mother of All Editorials: Smoke or Substance
Sedona Times and SedonaTimes.com editor Tommy Acosta examines the Feb. 17 Sedona city council special meeting and its emergency suspension of voting rules to disband the Mayor’s Advisory Committees in a 4-3 vote.
Sedona, AZ – Editorial by Tommy Acosta.
Might as well warn the reading public right now — this is going to be one heck of long editorial.
The mayor’s advisory committees are...
Sedona’s Thursday Morning Wake Up Call
Tommy Acosta, Sedona Verde Valley Times editor
Sedona AZ (November 12, 2008) – Welcome readers to Thursday’s wake up call to the danger Sedona faces. Yesterday I spoke with a number of business owners in our city and needless to say “panic” is in the air.
Sales tax-revenue for September decreased by more than 10 percent. The only businesses thriving are those that cater to very-well off...