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SFD Coil Honored With 2020 Wildland Fire EMS Award

Sedona Fire District Assistant Fire Chief Jayson Coil receives 2020 award Sedona AZ – The National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) announced the recipients of the 2020 Wildland Fire EMS Awards. The NWCG Emergency Medical Committee annually recognizes individuals and groups who have demonstrated outstanding actions or accomplishments above and beyond the expectation of one’s normal mission... 

Teachers and Firefighters and State Workers are not bargaining chips

Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor: I’m reaching out to you today at a crucial time… Emily Seidel from our team sent an email on Thursday about the proposal by Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi to bail out states that for decades have been reckless with their spending worth up to $1 trillion. We should be helping the people who are... 

Iraq and U.S. Firefighters and Emergency Responders explore similarities and differences with State Department exchange program

Seven fire department leaders from throughout the Republic of Iraq visited Arizona (pictured above), DC, Michigan, and New York fire departments to collaborate with fellow firefighters. Sedona AZ – On December 3, 2019, a group of seven firefighters from different fire departments throughout the Republic of Iraq met with Emergency Responders from the Prescott Fire Department, Central Arizona Fire... 

Sedona Fire District to Host 9/11 Memorial Ceremony

The Sedona Fire District 9-11 Memorial on SR 179 is the setting for a remembrance ceremony at 8:45 a.m. on Wednesday for the 2977 people killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. Sedona AZ – Ask any firefighter what the number 343 means to them and the conversation will immediately turn to September 11, 2001. Of the 2977 people who were killed in that terrorist attack, 343 of them were... 

Montana training Veterans to become Wildland Firefighters

Want to be a Wildland Firefighter? Montana is training Veterans for free. (Photo credit VA) Sedona AZ – Veterans Green Corps (VGC) is a field-based opportunity for post 9/11 era Armed Forces Veterans and Service Members modeled after the Civilian Conservation Corps. The VGC program is an experience that provides on the job training focusing in Wildland Firefighting and chainsaw technical skills.... 
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