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Eddie Maddock: Words to Remember
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie S. Maddock offers words to remember about the city of Sedona yesterdays, tomorrows and its now.
Sedona AZ – Anyone familiar with the famous 1938 movie “Gone With the Wind” will recall the famous last words uttered by Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) to Scarlett O’Hara (Vivian Leigh) when replying to her tearful “Where shall I go? What shall I do?” questions...
Spring Creek and Villa Bellagio housing brings 10K new residents to Sedona doorstep
Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Imagine the unimaginable.
Imagine two new villages, each about the size of Cornville, between Sedona and Cottonwood. Then imagine these villages are deliberately located on either side of Spring Creek, just off of AZ State Route 89A.
Imagine the impact on the threatened and endangered species that inhabit Spring Creek, especially...
Eddie S. Maddock: What’s Next Sedona?
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock asks where will all the red rocks go in Sedona’s new concrete-friendly Vision Statement?
Sedona AZ (September 18, 2018) – As the dust settles from yet another conclusion of a city of Sedona primary election, there are those who remain stunned at the results and those who will remain jubilant, for at least the next two years.
Of course the General election...
Eddie Maddock: Further Fodder for Fueling the Firestorm
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie S. Maddock takes another look at Sedona past and prophetic headlines.
Sedona AZ (August 28, 2017) – Revisiting our catchy headline journey, let us begin with a guest column by Pat Pomphrey, Member, Sedona City Council, RRNews 11/07/90:
And What Can We Expect Here in Sedona? City creates ‘Disaster Waiting to Happen’.
And it gets better with its insert...
Election Central 2016: Sedona City Council Third Election Forum
Harry Danilevics
Sedona AZ (August 25, 2016) – On last Thursday, August 18, 2016, the Democrats of the Red Rocks hosted this 2016 City of Sedona campaign season’s last candidate forum at Olde Sedona Family Restaurant from 8:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Gerhard Mayer, John Currivan, Joe Vernier, Tom Lamkin, Jessica Williamson and Sandy Moriarty were present, and, once again, John Martinez selected...
Wastewater Fees Fund City Boondoggles
Sedona AZ (February 19, 2013) – In a SedonaEye.com Letter to the Editor, a Sedona resident writes in opposition to wastewater plant solar panels, a costly construction project with little or no return on investment:
I am opposed to outfitting the wastewater plant with solar panels, because it’s just another construction boon and a waste of money, which should be used to pay down the city’s...
Sedona Housing Commission Uses False Data to Support Goals
Sedona 2012 housing values almost half of 2006 prices
Sedona AZ (October 23, 2012) – In a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor, the Sedona City Council is using outdated and hyperinflated 2006 Housing bubble market data information to justify purchasing depressed housing in a 2012 collapsed real estate market writes a concerned citizen who provides current market data:
Dear Editor:
I have...
Sedona Community Plan Vision Lacks Vision
Eddie S. Maddock, Sedona Eye columnist writes a Community Plan opinion column
TO: Kathy Levin, City of Sedona Associate Planner
FROM: Eddie S. Maddock, Sedona Registered Voter
The reason for this communication is because you were listed as a contact in a recent column in the Sedona Red Rock News relating to the revision process of the Sedona Community Plan.
Within that article, eight...
Sedona Needs Housing Commission Volunteers
Sedona AZ – The City of Sedona is currently seeking to fill two positions on the Housing Commission. Both are three-year terms, from November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2014. The deadline to submit applications to be considered to serve on the Housing Commission is Monday, November 7, 2011 at 5:00 PM.
This seven-member commission makes recommendations regarding housing related matters...
Sedona Needs Housing Commission Volunteers
Sedona AZ – The City of Sedona is currently seeking to fill two positions on the Housing Commission. Both are three-year terms, from November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2014. The deadline to submit applications for consideration to serve on the Housing Commission is Monday, September 26, 2011 at 5:00 PM.
The seven-member Housing commission makes recommendations regarding housing related matters...