Home » Posts tagged with "Sedona Timeshares"
Eddie S. Maddock: What’s Next Sedona?
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock asks where will all the red rocks go in Sedona’s new concrete-friendly Vision Statement?
Sedona AZ (September 18, 2018) – As the dust settles from yet another conclusion of a city of Sedona primary election, there are those who remain stunned at the results and those who will remain jubilant, for at least the next two years.
Of course the General election...
Eye on Sedona Council Priorities with Mayor Moriarty
Article submitted by City of Sedona AZ
Sedona AZ (January 27, 2016) – Another year has passed, and we hope that the New Year will be a happy and healthy one for all of you. The new year always brings a review of the City Council’s priorities. The priority list did not change much this year, because so many items from last year are still in process.
Some of you have heard me say that the government...
Eye on Sedona Code Enforcement
Article submitted by City of Sedona AZ and written by Audree Juhlin, Community Development Director
Sedona AZ (June 9, 2015) – What do vacation rentals, holiday lights, and overgrown weeds have in common? They all are regulated by City of Sedona codes and regulations. It is Sedona’s goal to maintain the highest quality of life possible for our residents, businesses and visitors. Sedona’s...
The Truth About Timeshares Revisited with Eddie Maddock
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock
Sedona AZ (June 3, 2015) – When the Sedona City Council voted approval for the purchase of the Brewer Road Property for $650,000 ($130,000 above appraisal), Mike Ward and John Martinez cast the two dissenting votes. During the discussion prior to voting, concerns were expressed about future funding for improvements. Sources other than potential public/private...
Time for City and Chamber to Talk Terms
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock dons private citizen capSedona AZ (August 10, 2014) – SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock puts on her City of Sedona taxpayer hat in this letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
——-Original Message——-
From: Eddie Maddock
Date: 8/9/2014 6:10:49 AM
To: Barbara Litrell
Cc: John Martinez; Jessica Williamson; MDinunzio@ci.sedona.az.us
Eye on Sedona Sources of Swell
SedonaEye.com columnist, Eddie S. Maddock, examines the Sedona all is well but negative mindset
Sedona AZ (August 20, 2013) – At the Sedona City Council Meeting on August 14, 2013, among the public speakers was Peter Fagan, Chair of the Budget Oversight Commission. Mr. Fagan specifically included Sedona Eye as a source that provides “all negative articles.” Well, suppose we take a look at...
Eye on Sedona Memorialized with Eddie Maddock
SedonaEye.com columnist, Eddie S. Maddock
Sedona AZ (May 22, 2013) – Sedona’s fabulous sunset for the month of May 2013 will take its final bow in just a few short days. As we turn a calendar page to a new month, will it be viewed with anticipation of happy events or the pervasive doom and gloom that is so prevalent in ongoing daily news sensationalism? So rarely is anything pleasant headlined...
A Matter of Public Record
Sedona AZ (April 9, 2012) – The following is a Letter to the Sedona Eye Editor:
Dear Mayor Adams and Members of the Sedona City Council:
Acknowledging that the Sedona Community Plan has contained a “Housing Element” section for many years which I believe was last updated in 2002, it’s troubling to me that consideration to purchase “cheap” land by the city during...