Home » City Council, Community » Life’s a Trip, No Doubt About That with Eddie Maddock

Life’s a Trip, No Doubt About That with Eddie Maddock

eddie maddock

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

Sedona AZ (March 28, 2016) – As is generally the case on Fridays, mail delivery arrives late in the day, so wearily trudging out to retrieve what was anticipated to be nothing out of the ordinary, a very large white envelope similar to the one I recently received containing my income tax papers, was jammed in the mail receptacle leaving room for fortunately what was little else.

The only alarming aspect of this large white envelope was the return address: Mr. & Mrs. Jon Thompson. What? A member of the Sedona City Council was mailing something to ME? Oh dear – is the first thing crossing my mind – quickly followed by a myriad of other horrible possibilities such as “Is this a new method by which a Summons to appear in Court is served? What have I done now?”

Holding it up unopened to the overhead light in my kitchen, it appeared there was handwriting inside. There didn’t seem to be any evidence of a peculiar powdery substance. The back of the envelope had a decorative seal with three tulips – yellow, red and blue, and, the word “Congratulations.” Congratulations for what?

Very carefully and breathing deeply, enough courage was mustered up to take the plunge and open it. The accompanying photo, as the story goes, says far more than can be put into words, but for the sake of clarity let me follow the trail.

Surrounding the reproduction of the commemorative USA postage stamp honoring the late celebrity Jack Benny, entitled at the top IN RECOGNITION, and the words at the bottom “. . . of her 39 years as a resident of Sedona, Arizona, this award is presented to EDDIE MADDOCK this 31st day March.” In the lower right corner are the words: “I don’t deserve this award, but I have arthritis and I don’t deserve that either. – Jack Benny age 39.”

Ah ha, so that was my award – I didn’t deserve it and I do have arthritis. Is this suddenly making sense? No, not really.

It gets better. The handwritten offerings rimming the photograph of Jack Benny, beginning at the top left:

(1) “J.T. xox (‘Oh shut up!’ – Jack Benny);

(2) “All the best for years to come, Scott Jablow”;

(3) “I’ve got you beat, 44 years for me. Congrats, Sandy”;

(4) “Eddie, You never looked a day over 38-1/2, Love John M.”;

(5) “Good for you Eddie! We appreciate you! Karen Daines”;

To the right at top of the page:

(6) “Congrats & Hooray for Sedona Miss Rochester!! – Mark D.”;

(7) “Best Wishes on 39 years in Sedona! – Tom Lamkin”;

(8) “Congrats! – Justin Clifton”;

(9) “Long time! Congrats – Jessica Williamson”;

(10) “Congratulations! – Robert Pickels.”

i1035 FW1.1If the intent was to send me in dazed orbit for the weekend, it worked. However, if the real motive was to entice me with kind words thinking it would sway the determination of the mouthy Ms. M – not so fast. If you don’t believe it, check out the other photo provided as evidence that surely I was born this way since, at the tender age of three or four or maybe even earlier, the “Tough Guy” notation captioned at the bottom was written by my own mother.

Point being: Please, City of Sedona, do not deny me the opportunity to select or change at my discretion the garbage hauler of my choice!

Seriously, this gesture, so completely unexpected, is appreciated beyond what any words could possibly convey. The best I can do is to designate placing it next to something else I deem as a treasure – a signed letter from former President Ronald Reagan dated January 8, 1987.

One final thought. Surely you didn’t have a collective autograph signing “special meeting” without benefit of a Public Notice, did you? Perish the thought you would breach the Open Meeting Law. (It was the devil in that little girl that made me write that..)

Over & Out

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Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!


  1. An Admirer of your work says:

    Fun change of pace. What a genuinely kind and obviously dictated by President Reagan letter! An insight into a remarkable man and the amazing woman who wrote him first. Thank you for sharing! Congrats Ms. M and here’s to another Sedona 39 and more!

  2. Paul dr says:

    Thumbs up! The residents love you Eddie! Congratulations!!!!

  3. TonyT says:

    Good work Eddie!!

    “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Gandhi

    I hope your persistence has brought us to the point where the city of Sedona is run for the residents again. You have the attention of the city, and they obviously read the Sedona Eye.

    To all the silent majority, we need your voices too.

    Keep it up, we are beginning to win. .

    Thank you.

  4. JUST A THOUGHT says:

    It will be interesting if the true hate mongers (West Sedona Resident, etal) will slam this flip-slide of the coin – the lighter approach to what really is a serious situation. That being the question of a predetermined method by which to manipulate Sedona residents to agree to something they obviously do NOT want – city control of garbage collection. That is based on the large attendance at public meetings and supported by the results of the survey indicating 85% of the residents are already recycling. To be slammed and accused of only responding negatively based on letters sent out by Taylor Waste is shameful and disrespectful to patrons of all three garbage companies. But mostly to Chris Taylor and his wife.

    Just for once wouldn’t it be nice if the city council would swallow their pride, drop this nonsense, and agree to accept the will of the people instead of relentlessly pursuing their own personal agendas?

  5. @ ESM says:

    Beware of Trojan Horses.

  6. Robert O says:

    @ TonyT

    You know what they say about ASSUMING anything Tony. So when you say “they obviously read the Sedona Eye” can you please tell me what in Eddies posting says that they obviously read the Eye? If you read the above posting you’ll see that it was mailed to her by one of the councilmen.

    After reading Eddies posting it looks to me that those who signed the card have the utmost respect for Eddie and know how to be light hearted.

    In retrospect TonyT perhaps you’re not accustomed to showing respect and being light hearted, sorry just a guess not an assumption.

  7. TonyT says:

    @Robert O

    Please tell me “Robert” , who else has received a “light hearted” acknowledgement from the city council and Sedona staff for their long Sedona Residency? Perhaps it comes with 25 years, or only 39? I’ve yet to receive one for 25 years, perhaps it was lost in the mail?

    As to your guess and my “assumption”, at least you did not accuse me of hate. Please enlighten me, even “guess” ,if not for Eddie’s work on the Sedona Eye, why else was she chosen?

    I am always happy to show respect where it is due. Eddie deserves respect and gratitude.

    What do you deserve for your baseless criticism? Should we call you West Sedona Resident?

  8. Is it Possible? says:

    Is it possible Robert O is a new face of West Sedona Resident? He sure was quick to attack Tony T. What in the world was disrespectful about his comment? Of the two Robert O seems to be the hostile person here.

  9. Something to Think About says:

    A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. ~Thomas Jefferson

  10. Jess Lookin says:

    If you take a minute to evaluate the printed phrase on the award “I don’t deserve this award, but I have arthritis and I don’t deserve that either. -Jack Benny age 39.”

    The award is at least a back handed compliment. It is in the same vein as a ” Most improved employee Award.” I’m sure the Sedona city staff are familiar with that one.

    An award signed with the phrase ” I don’t deserve this award, or a chronic disease” is not quite a compliment. Funny if you say it, not funny if said about you by others.

    What do you expect from the City of Sedona.

  11. Jess Lookin says:

    Another non compliment from the “award”.

    “J.T. xox (‘Oh shut up!’ – Jack Benny)”

    I don’t see much positive on the award.

  12. Gregg says:

    @Jesslookin SURE you don’t sit on the Council or Staff or many of the Clubs and Groups associated with same????? Because YOU don’t have a sense of humor, YOU don’t recognize humor. Go back underground. Thank you. The rest of us will continue to enjoy the light.

  13. Tim says:

    best reply yet @greg

  14. Curtis, Sedona says:

    Jess you must be too young to know this but Benny was famous for saying O Shut Up!, a comedy line for his standup. He said it when somebody got the best of him and not to put them down and it always got a laugh and even a wink and smile from Benny after delivering the line. He was the best of comedians and violin players. Was a fan as a kid and still a fan. Wish we had more comedians like him.

  15. E. Maddock says:

    Response to “Jess Lookin” – As I alluded to the phrases to which you refer (I don’t deserve this award or arthritis either) I thought I made it clear I wasn’t the least bit offended in the gesture or efforts of those that thought up, created, and signed, and mailed the “Award.”

    Therefore it wasn’t necessarily considered a compliment and for sure not a back-handed one. Try accepting the incident as I did – an offer of jest and even thoughtful commemoration of 39 years in Sedona which happens to be today.

    Whit I do find insulting is when a City Council belittles businesses and residents by implying they cannot think for themselves. And worse yet is when they refuse to abide by an overwhelming expression of the will of the people.

  16. Vet says:

    Congrats Eddie Maddock

  17. Jess lookin says:

    Oh God you guys are right

    I forgot to take my mess and when I do. I find fault and hate everyone including myself

    Sorry SE

    Love you all

  18. Johnny On the Spot says:

    Oh you poor Dear (Jess Lookin). No wonder you don’t have a sense of humor if you forgot to take your “MESS.” That’s enough to make anyone cross.

  19. J. Rick Normand says:

    @Eddie Maddock,

    Eddie, you’re not only the best published writer in Sedona, you just may be its most valued asset. Without you, most of us in Sedona would have no public voice.


  20. West Sedona resident says:

    I took me a while, but I finally figured out I can post under any name I like on Sedona Eye. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed you know. In my pitiful life of negativity it made me so happy. Now I can attack anyone. Yea me. You all won’t catch on that I am doing this. Oops.

    I hope the Sedona Eye will not ever ask for identity verification. I get to keep my income from you stupid tax slaves, and make sure no one wants to read the comments. I make a six figure income, work 4 days a week, get a month paid off per year that you pay for and I get to insult you. Gawd, life is good

    Looks like a win for me. I want to say again how I appreciate you.

    Love you all

  21. ESM says:

    @jJRN – You realize no doubt that by contributing your kinds words you just tightened the noose around your own neck don’t you? At least neither of us hide behind the mask of anonymity. And isn’t that a nice feeling?

  22. J. Rick Normand says:


    Tightening the noose around my own neck doesn’t concern me a whole helluva lot. I’ve never met a troll yet that had the courage to take me on in a public forum, much less meet me face to face and confront me.


  23. West Sedona resident says:

    I hereby promise to never post under an anonymouse name again. I also promise to never post anything negative.

    April Fools !!!

    It’s my day off, but then every Friday is. I’m not even retired, I love working for the city. Time for a drink. !!

  24. Jess Lookin says:

    A quote from an article I read today sums this up nicely.

    “The shrieking you hear is from those who have perpetrated fraud, recognizing that without their ill-gotten and undeserved power and status, they are nothing and have nothing to offer that anybody else would want. Don’t expect them to give it all up without a hellacious fight.”

  25. Al, Legitimate Sedona Resident says:

    Good one @Jess Lookin for surely you are describing the shrieking coming from the Sedona City Council against those opposing their scam to trap us into city control of our garbage collection.

    We are witnessing the fraud unfold under the guise of saving monthly rates, and all being accomplished because of their ill-gotten and undeserved power and status.

    What they may not realize is the fight has just begun if they think those of us being kicked to the curb intend to take it calmly.

    Al, Legitimate Sedona Resident

  26. Jess lookinn says:

    I hijacked people’s names on SE

    I’m so sorry I forgot to take my mess again Duh….when I do I hate everything and I’m so so resentful at people that actually have a job

    Oh well love you all and I’m bat hit crazy

  27. Jess lookin says:

    Oh dear

    I forgot I also post under AL legitimate sedona resident

    Sorry about that also…

    Taking my meds now….I should be ok later
    Nighty nite

    Still need a job though….I’m ok when I stay medicated

  28. Heather Wolfe says:

    Why is ANY person, place or lifeform replying or commenting back to WSR, Jess can’t say anything worthwhile or any of the obvious loonies trying to get your goat and hijack the convo? IGNORE them. Look it up. As mum says “Hear no evil, speak no evil, say no evil” but do the best with good. Forget about Loonies. Bring only substance or keep your fingers off the keys & talking to loonies not substance. It’s cold out here in the Canyon. Enjoying the beautiful clouds. Happy weekend.

  29. Al, Legitimate Sedona Resident says:

    Excellent suggestion @Heather Wolfe. After reading the SE article “Toddler Dies When Hit by Vehicle in Driveway” it puts things in perspective of the true insignificance of the inane contributions from those whose names we will no longer mention. We will continue to exercise our own freedom of expression which entitles us to circumvent the undesirables.

    As for the above article, it’s a happy, lighthearted writing that for the most part appears the readers accepted it for no other reason. Let’s keep it that way.

    Al, Legitimate Sedona Resident

  30. Jess lookin says:

    Oh yea I forgot to mention now that my medication is kicking inI need a job ….to hold me over I paint cartoon characters on record albums…I’m very very talented and I’m also bat crap crazy..Love you all

  31. Marty says:

    Just returned from an away from Sedona spring break (not-politically correct “Easter”) vacation so catching up.

    Reading the lighter side of Sedona events, the above article about the human side of our city leaders, was refreshing. However, with the exception of the first few comments should have quit while ahead. But the negative energy did not, in any way (at least for me), serve more than a brief pitiful distraction to the theme of the message – a diversion from the daily global doom and gloom that’s so constantly in our faces.

    Thanks for an enjoyable read omitting the amateur comments attempting to misappropriate diversion. Keep those white candles burning.:-)

  32. TomZ says:

    “Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain – and most fools do.”

    “Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  33. ADOT Traffic Report April 8-11 says:

    Arizona travelers should be aware of the following restrictions:

    Northbound Loop 101 (Pima Freeway) right lane closed between Thomas and Chaparral roads from 11:30 p.m. Friday to 11 p.m. Saturday (April 9) for rubberized asphalt paving. Northbound Loop 101 on-ramp at Thomas Road, off- and on-ramps at Indian School Road and off-ramp at Chaparral Road closed. DETOUR: Please allow extra travel time, use caution in work zone and plan on using other northbound ramps, including those at McDowell Road and McDonald Drive. Note: Earlier planned weekend closure of northbound Loop 101 between Loop 202 (Red Mountain Freeway) and Thomas Road postponed due to rain in forecast.

    Southbound Interstate 17 narrowed to two lanes overnight with intermittent 30-minute closures near Anthem Way from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights (April 8-10) for overhead message sign work. Southbound I-17 on-ramp at Anthem Way closed. DETOUR: Please allow extra travel time and use caution due to slowing or stopped traffic. Drivers who normally would use southbound on-ramp at Anthem Way should consider using southbound Gavilan Peak Parkway to Daisy Mountain Drive to enter I-17.

    Northbound Interstate 17 closed overnight at State Route 74 (Carefree Highway) from 11 p.m. Monday to 5 a.m. Tuesday (April 12) for traffic-flow sensor work. Northbound I-17 on-ramp at Carefree Highway also closed. DETOUR: Northbound I-17 traffic can exit at Carefree Highway and use northbound North Valley/Gavilan Peak parkways to Pioneer Road to re-enter I-17.

    Northbound Interstate 17 narrowed to one lane (right lane open) overnight between the I-10 “Split” interchange near Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and 19th Avenue from 9 p.m. Sunday to 5 a.m. Monday (April 11) for pavement repair. DETOUR: Consider using westbound Interstate 10 in the downtown Phoenix area to reach I-17 at the “Stack” interchange west of Deck Park Tunnel.

    Please allow extra travel time and use caution in work zone. If you are traveling with pets, carry and leash your pet and provide potable water for unexpected delays.

  34. Isolde Lillie says:

    Great article Mrs. Maddock, enjoyed it.

  35. Nick T. says:

    Smoke and mirrors. In a related article about the city hiring a new Director of Economic Development, isn’t this if not directly at least indirectly connected with the quest for the City of Sedona to get into the business of collecting garbage? Many things at City Hall aren’t always transparent, but the heist on the residents of Sedona to foot the bill for this charade of reducing our cost for service? C’mon . This stinks more than all of the garbage collected in Sedona by the three legitimate garbage companies.

    And to think it took what? Three? Four years – to even get anyone to apply for that brilliant idea dropped upon this small town by that former Director of Community Development, Kevin Snider (sp?) Along with the control by the few same individuals involved in the famous Citizen Engagement groups, also from KS. At least legitimate commissions were public noticed with minutes of their meetings so many of these topics under consideration were made known prior to reaching council for a vote.

    As for who will benefit from this drive for economic development, of course it’s the Chamber of Commerce and their members, hardly the hallmark for ethical and beneficial conduct of a city government that has clearly gone the way of corruption. That statement is based on the refusal to authorize a legitimate outside thorough audit of just how that Chamber with the now added term Bureau of Tourism and the affinity group, Sedona Lodging Council, exactly and precisely is spending those millions of dollars of city taxes. And incidentally, it will be interesting to demand an exact accounting of lodging occupancy since isn’t June allegedly one of the slower months?

    Truth be known, there is a desperate need for garbage removal in incorporated Sedona beginning at City Hall, followed up with the Chamber of Commerce and Lodging Council – and not necessarily in that order.

  36. Also a West Sedona Resident says:

    One thing for sure that is transparent at City Hall is the favoritism shown to Jen, Segner and the gang when they show up to council meetings. Ever notice how they are allowed to clap and cheer? And when former Rob Adams even brazenly asked Jen, after council had approved their nonsense service contract, what she intended to do with all that money now that she had it? Watch the meeting if you don’t believe it.

    Not so in the case of those opposing the proposed change in garbage collection. Rude they are. And that rudeness even spilled over to individual council members at that last meeting, by the mayor, if they dared to ask questions or make a comment. And the several hundred signing petitions, making phone calls, and writing e-mails are trashed with the rest of the garbage as simply being a vocal minority of annoying squawkers? And at the same time probably not more than 50 people, some not even residing within city limits, rule the roost with the mayor, council members, and city staff licking their boots. But, of course, they are the ones that got those people elected.

    A current letter to the editor of a local paper again points out how those in charge will accept a minority opinion when it reflects their own desires. An example given was the Community Plan, approved by a very small percentage and now the driving force of get-done activities in the city. Smoke, mirrors, and web spinning indeed. They thumb their noses at the large number of people speaking against this latest encumbrance they fully intend to slam upon us. Little wonder apathy is at an all time high. But speaking up and voicing opinions contrary to theirs is slammed, oppressed, and given the pooh-pooh with the label vocal minority. Says who? Says them that’s dictating how we live our lives.

    As a person that has so far enjoyed the convenience of sharing a garbage can (the term I grew up with) it is offensive and even abusive that I will be denied that cost-saving opportunity. However, even that cost saving takes a back seat to the insulting pending action which will deny us choice of service.

    And with well over 80% of Sedona’s population, as reflected in the city survey, already recycling, how much more do they want from us? Dumb question. Clearly their determination is to cut to the quick to find out if we bleed in red or green – as in the color of money.

  37. steve Segner says:

    Also a West Sedona Resident Said:
    An example given was the Community Plan, approved by a very small percentage and now the driving force of get-done activities in the city.

    Get over it it passes it is the law it is the guiding force in planing.
    That is why we had all the planning sessions and all the meetings and it passed,if the council ignored the Community Plan you would be yelling WE HAVE A PLAN FOLLOW IT, YOU LOST, Community Plan was voted in . ss
    still afraid to use a real name ,

  38. @ steve Segner says:

    Let’s talk about the elephant in the room…

    Do You actually ever Read what You Write? (Get over it it passes it is the law it is the guiding force in planing)
    Are You a high school drop-out, or did You just get into drugs and/or alcohol early in life?

    I can understand that You may think Your ramblings are inspired, where in fact it just leaves the rest of us scratching our heads. This, little steve, maybe the reason you were convinced not to run for council, along with your loose lips.

    Think about it.

  39. Eddie S. Maddock says:

    Is it unreasonable to suppose apathy is a result of negative thinking caused by lack of trust in the source of power and control? Why shouldn’t it become extremely frustrating when it seems obvious our elected officials will not hear, listen, consider, or even respect input contrary to their own personal preferences? The end result is, unfortunately, an overwhelming attitude that our voices do not count anyway, so why bother? And that, of course, leads us to become our own worst enemies.

    After hundreds of e-mails, phone calls, participation at public meetings, and even a strong negative reaction to the city’s own phone survey, the proposal for city to control our garbage hauling service, the onward expense, time, and effort put upon staff to pursue the issue is perplexing to put it mildly. That, of course, is in addition to the $75,000 allocated to activate what has soundly been rejected by so many people.

    When it becomes clearly evident City Council will pursue what it is “they” think is best for the community, in spite of over 600 signatures representing an outstanding cross-section of incorporated Sedona residents, they continue to insist they are not valid. Would that also be true if those same signatures from doctors, professionals, businesses, artists, and other solid citizens reflected support for this city controlled proposition?

    And when it comes to voting, Steve Segner is correct. When registered voters do not exercise their right to vote it leaves the option for control to the handful of people that do. But even more discouraging is when a non-ballot issue, such as this one relating to garbage collection, is primarily opposed by those voicing an opinion, but unlike a ballot measure it is ignored by those making the ultimate decision.

    So many of the original promises made at the time of incorporation have gone by the wayside. Pledges to finance the waste treatment plant with sales tax, controls on development, endeavors to maintain the small town charm, provide generalized amenities versus catering to special interests, and not the least of which was to honor the passage of the voter approved USFS land exchange for the Cultural Park contingent upon that property to NEVER, EVER, IN PERPETUITY, BE ALLOWED FOR COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT.

    If, by chance, enough people had voted against the recently approved updated Community Plan would Sedona now be witnessing implementation of Community Focus Areas and other likely high-density factors such as even the Brewer Road Park that clearly will serve to exacerbate traffic congestion and create the very opposite outcome for which Sedona incorporated in the first place?

    And remember, another election is just around the corner. The primary election will be held in August, unfortunately when many people will be away on vacation. However, we now have the option for mail-in voting so please, do not pass up the opportunity.

    If you don’t vote, don’t complain.

  40. Community Plan says:

    The community plan was well written, similar to how attorneys write things. The average person could get different interpretations as the terminology used had different meanings.
    Smoke and mirrors is a how I see it. It was written to benefit the developers and special interest groups like the chamber. As far as Molly is concerned, this job is a joke. The city has no interest to create a sustainable livable town. $$$$$ Greedy. Worst city council ever. Public BS.

  41. @Eddie S. Maddock says:

    There’s always the option of a Referendum in the event this city council continues to ignore those of us that are so opposed to their determination to dictate who picks up our garbage. Remember when a different city council attempted to burden us with owning that State highway? People didn’t sit back and just accept it. It will be a pity if it comes to that but maybe it will be time to send another costly message to these arrogant power hungry control freaks.

  42. Michael D says:

    It’s unfortunately true. This city council cares not about the general public. It’s all about what they think and their special pet interests – namely the chamber of commerce – as phony an operation as all of them put together.

    Council meeting – Tuesday June 14 4:30 PM:

    Regular Business, Item B: “AB 2078 Discussion/possible action regarding the approval of certain contract documents with the Sedona Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau for destination marketing and tourism promotion services for FY2017, including a Marketing and Product Development Plan, Performance Measures document, and Tourism Promotion Budget.”

    Why even bother wasting time to discuss this when it was a slam-dunk from the get-go? What happened to the original intent to request RFP’s after that first year of the rigged contract? And now back to including the “Marketing and Product Development Plan?” And as for a “Performance Measures” document – another joke. It will contain only what the “chamber” wants – nothing from a professional outside firm. Crooks is what I call them.

    Then, of course, they will nail residents with a garbage plan they can neither afford not want, and at the same time remain unable to restrict all three garbage companies from servicing businesses and multiple residential complexes anyway. So what’s the point? To gouge the dummies that continue to live here because many of us are trapped without recourse at this stage of our lives.

    Beasts is what they are. But not to despair. Karma will bite back. It always does.

  43. Sedona Eye true that says:

    @micheal D
    @community plan
    @@eddie Maddock

    Are all the same person posting under different names… FYI sedona eye readers

  44. TomZ says:

    @Sedona Eye true that

    Being a city or chamber tax parasite you wish to believe that the names you mention are not all unique individuals. If you had an IQ above imbecile you would notice the different writing styles. Maybe someday you will develop your brain enough to qualify as a moron. Go back to the political science classes you slept through, for every person that writes, there are estimated to be 100 that share the same view.

    What will you do when the city goes broke? It has to frighten you. Karma dear.

  45. JeanJ says:

    The City’s so-called FACT SHEET states one key economic benefit of a City-wide trash and recycling program is reducing costs and financial risks by “one bill to the City versus bills to many households.” WTF?

    Won’t one bill to the City involve hiring a clerk to handle billing, customer service, deadbeats and supplies; the development of a computer system by the IT Department; plush monetary support of Sedona Recycles; excessive opt-outs due to Sedona’s high second home ratio; City Hall purchase of trash bins; a lofty City management cost; a City franchise tax; poor planning; indifferent service; and a financial risk to the City vs.current trash haulers?

    By the time the City has finished wrapping up its mandated trash plan, the monthly garbage and recycling cost to year-round residents downstream of Year 1 could well be a doozy.

  46. Michael D. says:

    @Sedona Eye true that . . . RU Nuts? Since I’ve commented before on this site and never been accused of being anyone else, why now? Sorry to disappoint you but I haven’t a clue to the real identity of @community plan or @@eddie Maddock anymore than knowing just who you are although my guess would be your real name begins with maybe the initials JW (two possibilities) or SS – maybe even CFG or any member of the C of C Board of Directors.

    Before you start making accusations which you claim to be fact, how about pulling your own hand out of the cookie jar. If the “Sedona Eye true that” comment appeared as a notation from the editor of Sedona Eye it would at least might have some merit.

    May we look forward to your presence (gag) at the Council Meeting next Tuesday where the audience will be allowed to clap and rah-rah without being admonished by Mayor Moriarty?

  47. Community Plan says:

    @ Sedona Eye true that, dream on.

    i’m just another sedona resident that sees through the bs. greed and funneling money is how this town is managed

  48. Sedona eye true that says:

    Tom Z

    Is also the same guy/girl referenced above FYI

  49. E. Maddock says:

    @Jean J. “By the time the City has finished wrapping up its mandated trash plan, the monthly garbage and recycling cost to year-round residents downstream of Year 1 could well be a doozy.”

    Without a shadow of a doubt IMO you have produced an accurate analysis of the outcome of this garbage (trash) issue:

    With further reference to a letter to the RRN editor, 4/27/16, from Stephen D. Neely, quoting in part:

    “I am unaware of any long-term benefits that can be derived by consumers from turning such situation into a monopoly, particularly a government-controlled monopoly.”

    “On the other hand, as a former Pima County attorney and former chairman of the National District Attorneys Association Organized Crime Committee, I am well aware of instances where such arrangements have degenerated into opportunities for graft and abuse of power.”

    Hopefully Mr. Neely is closely following this matter is it drags on and on to a point in time they can slam it through when so many people are travelling.

    Another point to ponder. Wouldn’t it be interesting if they make the RFP’s so complicated that NONE of the legitimate garbage hauling providers even bothered to bid for the service contract?

  50. GOOD ONE says:

    “, I am well aware of instances where such arrangements have degenerated into opportunities for graft and abuse of power.” (Stephen D. Neely quote in a comment from Maddock)

    How about applying that instance to the arrangement this city has with the chamber of commerce? Of course some of us regarded it as “graft and abuse of power” at the time the seated city council entered into that marketing contract and without benefit of RFPS? That made it a foregone conclusion.

    Graft and abuse of power. Good one indeed. And yet the city cannot afford it’s own legitimate Visitors Center but can even consider going into the garbage collection business? It just gets worser and worser.

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