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Groundbreaking Proof Smart Meter Affects Human Heart Part II
Sedona AZ (June 2, 2017) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Part II — EKG Proof That “Smart” Meters Affect the Human Heart
Information & Perspective by Warren Woodward
Sedona, Arizona ~ June 2, 2017
Some people weren’t satisfied that my last video was proof enough that “smart” meters affect the human heart. They want to see me get...
Smart Meters: Most have no built in surge protectors
Sedona AZ (February 2, 2017) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Hey SedonaEye.com,
Rent: $980. Hydro cost: $798. Is this ‘smart’ insanity what utilities had in mind all along? Watch this poignant story of one young Ontario family’s heartbreaking struggles as they are forced to choose between heating and eating:
Premier Wynne ~ This Is My Story
Eric Williams Benefit for Sedona Humane Society
Sedona AZ (September 16, 2013) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Hi Friends,
Hope to see you at the Creative Life Center on Schnebly Hill Road this Saturday September 21st at 7:00 p.m. I’ll be singing and playing a dozen different instruments on stage. Lots of fun, two new CDs, and it helps the Humane Society of Sedona.
The flyer says it all. Feel free to forward...
Free Concert of Praise and Worship
View of Havana Cuba cathedral before Kline and Iantorno concert
Sedona AZ (July 15, 2013) – Mark your calendars for a Concert of Praise and Worship at the Calvary Chapel, 465 South Calvary Way, Cottonwood, on Friday, September 6, at 7 PM. It’s a free concert and everyone is welcome.
Deborah Kline and Vince Iantorno, husband and wife, have been ministering in both Messianic Jewish and Christian...
Yavapai College OLLI Invites Public to Facilitator Workshop
On Wednesday, December 8, from 10 am-1 pm, OLLI of Sedona and the Verde Valley will be offering a Facilitator Workshop. The workshop will be held at Clarkdale’s Yavapai College Verde Campus, 601 Black Hills Drive, in the Multipurpose Room Building, M 137.
This workshop combines instruction on useful technologies for facilitating learning groups, workshops, and presentations. It includes a...
Dear Editor: Thank our military
Sedona AZ (November 22, 2010) – Please watch and forward this YouTube video. The goal is 7,500,000 views. Watch for the Marine who bends down to shake a little girl’s hand – see what she does. Please watch to the end of the program so it counts as a viewing.
Then Facebook, Tweet and Forward this article using the social networking options offered below this posted article to further...
Sedona Arizona A-List Party May 24
Sedona AZ (March 26, 2010) – Save the date, May 24, 2010, for the biggest party to hit Sedona, Arizona this year! A celebration of all times Sedona! Los Abrigados Resort and Spa is the A-List party scene for great food, great music, great fun!
The Los Abrigados Resort and Spa party will get started at 4 PM. $50 tickets! Ticket prices include food, drink and entertainment! Meet...