Sedona AZ (May 25, 2013) – In a letter to the editor and to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, Folksville USA Point Man Gary Chamberlain, a decorated Vietnam veteran and active Folksville USA anti litter advocate, writes his opinion of the poorly managed Arizona Department of Transportation that, in his opinion, dishonors the soldiers and veterans for whom Arizona highways are dedicated:
May 25, 2013
Arizona Governor Brewer
Executive Tower
1700 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Re: Memorial Day 2013 – Restoring the beauty to “America & Arizona the beautiful”
Dear Governor Brewer,
With Memorial Day approaching I ask this question, “How does the trash on our Arizona highways and, particularly, the Pearl Harbor Highway (I-10), Purple Heart Trail (I-40), and the Arizona Veterans Highway (I-17) honor those Armed Forces veterans that have served and died for our country?”
America needs role models in the public and private sector who practice what they preach. One of life’s lessons our youth and many adults have lost track of is what the word commitment means.
The following list of ADOT Adopt-A-Highway groups in the Verde Valley may be our best hope for restoring the beauty to “America & Arizona the Beautiful”! The numbers preceding each name shown are the frequencies that these groups cleaned their sections of highway in 2012. These frequencies are based on the official ADOT “Activity Reports” requested and received from ADOT Risk Management.
The Arizona ADOT Adopt-A-Highway “Activity Reports” will be requested in 2013 to again recognize the Arizona Verde Valley Adopt-A-Highway groups that are committed to making a difference in Arizona. Hopefully other Arizona communities will follow our lead.
Will you recognize these specific ADOT Adopt-A-Highway groups for their efforts? I believe these Adopt-A-Highway groups are the best and most united groups in the state of Arizona and the United States.
With your recognition, we will attract other ADOT Adopt-A-Highway groups to join our effort to restore the beauty to “America& Arizona the Beautiful”. We want to connect multiple 50 mile sections of Arizona highway with 50 repeating groups and have this effort spread to 50 states so the slogan “America the Beautiful” may have some meaning.
In an effort to recognize individual groups for their individual efforts, will you and the managers of the ADOT Adopt-A-Highway program recognize each group with a paper “certificate” based on frequency and the following categories? If this is done, I believe a visual change will take place on our Arizona highways. If the ADOT Adopt-A-Highway program managers will promote the third Saturday of February, May, August and November as the dates to restore the beauty to “America & Arizona the Beautiful” as we have done, then this will be another way to make a meaningful difference in what we and others see as we drive down our Arizona highways.
If you will consider and announce being part of the 2013“America & Arizona the Beautiful” awards I believe we will all energize the Arizona’s taxpayer funded Adopt-A-Highway program and become the “Gold Standard” for Arizona and the nation to follow.
Please consider promoting the “America & Arizona the Beautiful” awards in the following categories: More than 4 times per calendar year “Diamond Award”; 4 times per year “Gold Award”; 3 times per year “Silver Award”; 2 times per year “Bronze Award”; and, once a year “Lead Award.”
2012 Highway 89A Cottonwood to Sedona results
4X Rio Verde Roverett’s, Inc. MP 355-356
3X FVUSA MP 356-357
4X Immaculate Conception Parish MP 357-358
4X Knights of Columbus Council #2493 MP 358-359
2X Cottonwood Ranch MP 359-360
2X Sedona Boy Scout Troop #48 MP 360-361
3X Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition MP 361-362
3X Halau Hula Na-Pua-O-Ka-Lei-‘Ilima MP 362-363
8X Sedona Pines LLC MP 364-365
11X Sedona Pines Resort MP 365-366
4X Sedona Shadows & Sunset Hills MP 367-368
4X Rotary Club of Sedona MP 369-370
2012 Highway 260 Cottonwood to Camp Verde results
2X Mickles Custom Homes MP 89A-207
4X Verde Village Property Owners Association MP 207–208
4X Verde Village Property Owners Association MP 208–209
3X Cottonwood Wal-Mart Associates MP 209–210
2X Clarkdale Verde Kiwanis MP 210–211
3X Faith Lutheran Church MP 211–212
2X Yavapai County Sheriff’s Department MP 212-213
3X FVUSA MP 213-214
4X American Legion Family Post #25 MP 214-215
2X Verde Valley Rotary MP 215-216
7X Highlands Resort at Verde Ridge MP 217-218
3X Camp Verde Fire District MP 218-219
3X Friends of Coy Hughes MP 220-221
For those of us that drive on our Arizona veteran’s highways this Memorial Day weekend, ask this question, “Does the trash that is on our veterans highways honor the veteran’s that have served in our Armed Forces and the Armed Forces – veteran’s that have paid the ultimate price?”
Governor Brewer, will you please consider thanking these specific ADOT Adopt-A-Highway groups and those throughout the state that clean their sections of highway?
Gary Chamberlain Vietnam veteran Cornville, Arizona
Well written article and I endorse it wholeheartedly.
Commander Sherie Mercier, American Legion, Dept. of Arizona, Post 135
I do too sir.
politicians do less & ask for more volunteers do more & ask for little thank you volunteers
Thanks for your article and efforts.
The task is daunting regarding litter. On the interstate roads the sheer volume and speed of traffic compounds the problem. From unsecured loads peeling off every sort of trash in large volumes to the deliberate dumpers along the highways if one dare take a glance along the roadside or the median at such speeds it is a travesty and an insult to all of us. Signs about the fines seem to have no effect as enforcement is near impossible even in broad daylight. Seems we were more conscious of not trashing public places in the recent past.
The Litter On USA & for that matter Canadian Highways is the highest indicator of disrespect to all of our Patriot Country Servers ( Military / Non Military ) people prepared to die for what we have ( and yet it appears ) we have far too many pigs littering our Countries Beauty !
Secondly, it is very obvious that up to 3/4 of our public officials have either no eye sight or brains ( one of the two ). We The People need to demand more from those being paid to manage or govern our Country , seems once elected , a paycheck and great benefits is all they truly care about !
As for the famous Keep America Beautiful non profit national charity ( what a scam they have going accepting hundreds of thousands in donations for the volunteer work of litter clean up people ) and giving out not one dime for the efforts , shame on you all at Keep America Beautiful ( personally do some litter clean up ) before you accept the donations and credit for what others like Gary Chamberlain / Folksville USA Volunteer groups are doing !
Dear readers and article responders,
We’re trying to make a difference!
Thanks to all of those that actually notice and take the time to recognize the efforts of the ADOT Adopt-A-Highway groups that seem to be fighting an up-hill battle but continue on in spite of the odds to make a difference!
I truly believe that those actively participating in the Northern Arizona Adopt-A-Highway program and associated with the Folksville USA and Keep Sedona Beautiful efforts are aware of the expression “America the Beautiful” and that those that contribute to the contents of the litter bags are not!
Folksville USA will be delivering a press release to many national media organizations in the near future with the hope of raising awareness of the best Adopt-A-Highway groups in the nation.
Thank you and other media organizations that tell our story.
Working together we can make a difference.
Gary Chamberlain
“Point Man” FVUSA
I am glad there is a group like Folksville USA to take on the job of keeping our highways clean when ADOT fails year after year to enforce the Adopt a Highway program rules. ADAOT should be ashamed and heads should roll. When is enough, enough?
Thank you Mr. Chamberlain for all that you have done and all you do.
Drake Mitchell
Folksville USA on FOX 9 in Boise ID – Watch this interview!