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Eddie Maddock: Sustainable or Implausible?


SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie S. Maddock asks Sedona voters to decide whether sustainability is no longer plausible with red rock demolition for road construction, loss of scenic views to careless building and past city funded projects that failed miserably.

Sedona AZ – Sometimes it’s impossible to predict what a person can come up with by researching the Internet. Have any of you attempted to find a clear meaning of the word SUSTAINABILITY? If you have, and in particular if you succeeded, kindly share your enlightenment with the readers of Sedona Eye.

Of the many descriptions offered perhaps the following most clearly defines the intricate and complex web of tentacles this catchy word of the moment has the ability to embrace. The ultimate result remains unclearly defined simply because of the myriad opinions existing relating to interpretations of what, specifically, is required for survival.

“What is Sustainability?”

Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations.”

The argument, however, seems to arise during the quest to determine just exactly what, if anything, is causing what appears to be alarming changes in global warming and other labels presently extended to Mother Nature’s constant embracing of seasonal global variances over the course of hundreds – yes – hundreds of centuries of weather changing phenomenal historic periods, such as the “ice age” versus “greenhouse” periods of time.

Volcano eruptions and earthquakes forever remain out of mere human control, but should they not rightfully head the list of “alert” factors when municipal development for health, safety, and welfare of the general public remains the number one reason for concern in certain locations. Sedona (being one of them) is subject to lightening caused forest fires and, yes, occasional earthquakes are, indeed, felt here from time to time.

Remember this? View of Sedona Slide Rock fire from the Village of Oak Creek in Sedona AZ at 6:45 PM on May 21, 2014. [Exclusive SedonaEye.com photo may not be used, reprinted or copied without permission.]

When a development site is rezoned for higher density it represents a risk of also increasing traffic. When city planners approved the extension of beautiful Tlaquepaque to include a pedestrian-crossing on a state highway, it vastly reduced the “sustainability” of traffic flow through that corridor. The previous commercial buildings existing in that area did no such thing, but the expansion of one of Sedona’s main attractions stymied the flow of traffic through one of our most travelled routes.

When the City of Sedona approved a perhaps ill-advised marketing contract with the Sedona Chamber of Commerce to promote “destination” marketing essentially to exclusively promote only their members as is also the situation with the city-financed Sedona Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center, has it ever been proven to have attracted anything besides tourism daytrippers, creating even more havoc on the already over-burdened corridor?

As recently as the Friday, September 23, 2022 edition of the Red Rock News, President and CEO of the Sedona Chamber of Commerce Michelle Conway, writes: “As the voice of Sedona’s regional business community, we regularly take the local economic temperature by listening to more than 730 members and evaluating economic data as it becomes available.” Former Chamber Pres/CEO Jennifer Wesselhoff had previously confirmed at a city council meeting that ONLY “Chamber” members were promoted at the City of Sedona financed Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center. Is that blatant discrimination against city tax collecting businesses in Sedona who are NOT Chamber members?

Why was it necessary for the City of Sedona to acquire the former school on Brewer Road for the purpose of using it as a Sedona Court facility when at the time City Hall was constructed great care was taken to facilitate the “Council Chambers” for multi-use as a “Court room” – even providing an area as a jury box location?

Increased density has already obscured scenic views and quality of life for both residents and visitors. Is it fair to suggest attempting to correct some of these obvious blunders might fairly be compared to retrofitting a bad heart transplant?

Good luck with the heat attracting steel and concrete multi-story parking garage uptown and the proposed redevelopment of the former Cultural Park. Sustainability has already been extensively violated, but to what extent? Beyond repair? Will it continue? You decide.


  1. RoxFox says:

    President Biden isn’t incompetent he’s feeble minded union controlled old school and they’re scary enough.

  2. Troy Dawkins says:

    Be careful because people are out to shut you down, Non negotiable is your free speech right man

  3. Judy says:

    Cities around country are stopping and pausing zoning approvals for new builds as indicators show overbuilt nationwide supply and demand while voters and citizens are removing local and state elected officials for failure to protect their communities and constituents. Destroying local and state quality of life and out of control public health issues are paramount to voters and citizens these days because they’re finally being shown on television for what they are.

    Sedona’s had fair warning and the new rules for power plants to close by 2040 will put Pennsylvania and Ohio and most other domestic power plants out of business and thousands of workers unemployed while we import everything from China and Russia. We had energy independence in Trump administration and in Biden Administration they turned off the Keystone pipeline and emptied our reserves and we have $6 gas. With Energy independence we had $2 gas.

    Biden Administration has no idea how much electricity is needed for the grid to function and the uneducated pro green bureaucrats are destroying and have destroyed parts of the grid. For what? America doesn’t pollute as much as China, Russia, India, Venezuela and many others, but anti Americans want you to live in poverty without food, housing, cars and healthcare advantages.

    Germany is building coal powered plants now to overcome its ignorant pro green policies of the past, and why are we not learning from experienced countries and why isn’t the Biden Administration liable legally for destroying the economy and infrastructure? Thumbs up ESM, Thoughtful and insightful shareable content.

  4. Anthem Reader says:

    Arizona property owners – 9-0 Supreme Court ruling allows property owners the right to sue EPA. It also overturned unanimously EPA Waters

    16 years for this SCOTUS decision that private property waters fall under state control not federal EPA control? If you know more or better let me know.

    9-0 love our democracy and SCOTUS Justices. Stop trying to politicize the law and the justices. Thank you, Supreme Court, sometimes I disagree and sometimes I don’t and that’s a right.

  5. SD says:

    Ditto Judy.

    Article asks and here’s my answer —- Questions why was it necessary for the City of Sedona to acquire the former school on Brewer Road for the purpose of using it as a Sedona Court facility when at the time City Hall was constructed great care was taken to facilitate the “Council Chambers” for multi-use as a “Court room” – even providing an area as a jury box location? answer is that it isn’t.

  6. Jim, West Sedona says:

    As Winston Churchill said, “Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.” Now you can understand why universities and colleges do not teach American history and civics and government because socialism is for the ignorant and the lazy.

  7. Matt NOBS says:

    My take on businesses here call it a rant is owners need to cut prices by 50% here cause ripping off residents and tourists they pay less then we do for food and charge hundreds of dollars for it for no reason. Hamburgers should be under $5 not $25 like here they’re thieves against workers go eat in Ctnwd for fairer prices.

    PS don’t care what the morons on here think

  8. Frank says:

    Weaker than expected job market crushed Bidenomics again. Bring Trump back! Sedona doesn’t need more bad news because it’s not in good shape and it’s been beaten to death by tourists and now homeless. Good job Councilors?

  9. Holocaust Remembrance Day says:

    Remember it.

  10. Kim, Sedona says:

    God I love Churchill for being smarter than Obama and smarter then his wife Shelley. They love the high life in their private Georgetown neighborhood home in DC and Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. Privately they don’t believe in climate change but they are the godheads for it and love love love the kumbaya.

  11. Eve, CVAZ says:

    The modern Democratic Party is the Party of cultural Marxists, radical anti-Semites, and Hamas sympathizers. We voters must not allow them to maintain their grip on power in Washington.
    What’s plausible? #NODEMOCRATS2024

  12. JLL says:

    President Obama famous for his dislike of Winston Churchill but Obama never was as much a critic as he was a supporter of his father, even after never knowing him.

  13. Mark says:

    RFK Jr. is speaking at the Libertarian National Convention today go work (watch) it on FoxNow Live. (Cable news)

  14. Lucky Russia says:

    If Biden is allowed to send Trump to jail, it is the end of this nation. One ignorant senile vindictive old man destroyed us and his undereducated Ivy League minions. Congratulations America, you allowed this and you wanted it.

  15. JessNow says:

    Tear down and remove parking lots.

  16. “I fear the country I love is becoming the country I left. A Death Threat from Beijing won’t stop me from defending America.” Lily Tang Williams, 2024

    Sustain America Vote Republican!

  17. President Trump guilty of all charges says:

    Guilty of all charges.

  18. I wasn’t going to vote, but now I’m voting for Donald Trump and will vote a straight Republican ticket. This November election will show majority of Americans back law and order, the correct way to cross our border, that the Democrats weaponized our justice system and democracy, but this country must focus on the real America that’s being destroyed by Democrats. I’m voting for America rather than Trump, but we all know this judge and court intentionally made this choice to destroy our nation.

  19. EX5DOWD says:

    follow the democrats corrupt money trails

  20. Lady McBeth says:

    First communist show trial in American history. – Me

  21. Navy Seal says:

    Four Died and Hillary Lied

  22. Trump popularity soared 6% in the polls overnight and he received $40 million in donations and over 20% of that money came from NEW independent donors like me. Trial was a sham – they’re sending a great President to jail for paying a hooker $130,000 to drop her false accusations and accounting done by a firm paid by a crooked attorney who was stealing money from Trump because who here in Arizona councils and boards haven’t done the same to move on to other business and avoid stupid lawsuits and questions in a public forum? Like university presidents and doctors charged with malpractice – insurance payments are the same thing!!!!! A man in NY pushed a woman in front of a train and gets nothing????? This Independent will vote Republicans only because this lawfare must be stopped. Remember Bill Clinton you moronic Democrats – his impeachment soared his popularity!! Americans don’t like lawyers determining who they vote for EVER.

  23. Sedona Eye editors, We join the overwhelming negative feedback about the results of President Donald J. Trump’s conviction by a group 95% Democrat. The venue should’ve been moved and everyone of us in America know it. MSN and CNN have no credibility.

  24. Kush says:

    Couldn’t said it better Treadway but it was a NY guy in a fast food restaurant with a machete yesterday chopping up people while Bragg sits in the courtroom grinning. Vomit and disgusting people. Hillary commits murder in Benghazi and deletes thousands of emails to protect herself and gets nothing.

  25. Passwaters says:

    play it forward

  26. Cole says:

    Eddie’s article will go down in history for its Trump Trial comments, here’s a Shout Out to the Eye of Sedona Woman of the Millennium, ESM.

  27. Sedona Jean says:

    @brtredway best last line EVER EVER

  28. Eve, CVAZ says:


  29. Nick says:

    dark days in US history FU

  30. Leaders lead by request of the governed, they do not govern by decree.

  31. Ray says:

    Unelect Elizabeth Pocohantas Warren and the entire lying low class Democrat rich fat cats establishment

  32. Bill, Uptown says:

    NDA is a non disclosure agreement and it is legal. This court is out of its lane performing a political coup. Who cares that the booker took any money, the Clinton’s paid Bill’s hooker three times that in their NDA and no one is prosecuting Bill. Most famous people have an NDA including home owners in Sedona. Actors and singers have NDAs, tech CEOs and real estate companies here have NDAs. They are legal. Biden and his family likely have sheets and sheets of NDAs of all sorts. They are legal. Remember this porn star aged out and gets comeback publicly paid for her old woman sexual interactions . Donald Trump says he never had sex with her and who cares but those weirdos. Nobody cared when Bill did it and he had lots of women, young and under desks and left messy semen on their clothing. Have to say its verdict will be overturned for the legal zoo it was and if not then it must be rigged. Good day in Sedona.

  33. “You want to know what our democracy is all about? It functions because people have the patience and the dedication to try to get something done in the face of every possible barrier. But because they have the determination to keep going, that’s how we pass laws. That’s how we make changes. That’s how we solve problems. And ultimately, it’s how you build memorials.” –The Honorable Leon E. Panetta, 23rd Secretary of Defense

  34. Karen says:

    “I hope and pray that people who care about the Rule of Law, who care about the Constitution, who care about justice are outraged.” –Ted Cruz

  35. JW says:

    Trump appeals to Democrats more than Biden after this “coup” attempt by NY Bragg and White House (name ?) who came to do what he was told to do, don’t you agree?

    IMO America’s fed up and tired of Biden’s corruption and his goon squads and drug addicted computer user lying son Hunter. This case is far from over and a farce of our justice system if not overturned on appeal.

    Hunter lied on a federal document shown on TV shows and was filmed with his gun shown on tv shows. Yep good thing his name isn’t Trump or he’d be in jail trying not to get shived maybe.

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