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Mark Kelly Guest Speaker at Democrats Breakfast
Sedona AZ – Retired astronaut Mark Kelly, 55, launched his candidacy for an Arizona U.S. Senate seat in February 2019 after a 314 Action Fund draft campaign. Kelly, a registered Independent until 2018, will be the speaker at a special breakfast hosted by Democrats of the Red Rocks on Thursday, May 16, 8:00 a.m. at the Sedona Elks Lodge, 110 Airport Road, Sedona. The event is open to the public...
Breaking News: Sedona Settles Permanent Base Adjustment Lawsuit – It’s on November Ballot
Sedona AZ (August 9, 2018) – The Permanent Base Adjustment will be on the November 6, 2018 ballot.
On August 3, Arizona Liberty, a local Sedona political action committee, filed a lawsuit in Yavapai County Superior Court against the City of Sedona for illegally invalidating its citizens’ initiative to place a Permanent Base Adjustment on the November 6, 2018 ballot.
“Yesterday, at the request...
Suggestions for Casting Your ACC Vote
Sedona AZ (August 2, 2018) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Who to Vote for ACC
Information & Perspective by Warren WoodwardSedona, Arizona
It’s that time of year again. People are asking me for whom they should vote in the upcoming primary election for Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). ...
Sedona accused of illegal attempt to block citizens’ ballot initiative
Sedona AZ (July 31, 2018) – Arizona Liberty, a local Sedona political action committee, is filing a lawsuit today in Yavapai County Superior Court against the city of Sedona for illegally invalidating its citizens’ initiative to place a Permanent Base Adjustment on the November 6, 2018 ballot.
A Permanent Base Adjustment lets voters decide how much of their taxpayer dollars the city of Sedona...
Elections Complaint Filed Against Outlaw Dirty Money
Sedona AZ (June 12, 2018) – Today the Arizona Free Enterprise Club filed an elections complaint with the Arizona Attorney General’s office against the Outlaw Dirty Money political committee for potential criminal misconduct. Evidence from multiple independent sources indicate that the committee is paying circulators on a per-signature bases, in direct violation of Arizona law.
The Outlaw Dirty...
Sedona Group Files Action to Stop 89A Route Transfer
Sedona AZ (March 7 2011) – This is a Sedona Times Publishing and SedonaEye.com breaking news alert!
A grass roots group of Sedona residents and business owners have organized to oppose Sedona City Council’s 4-3 vote passed by Council on February 22, 2011 when the City decided to take ownership of SR 89A through a Route Transfer Agreement between the State and the City. Let The People...
Ochser Resigns from Sedona International Dark Sky Association
Sedona AZ (January 13, 2010) – Clifford Ochser, President of the International Dark Sky Association Sedona Section has resigned as its leader. Ochser founded the Sedona Section and served as its president since its 2008 inception. Explaining his resignation, Ochser said, “The purpose of starting the Section for Sedona and the Verde Valley was to highlight the opportunity we have to...