Home » Posts tagged with "Obama Administration"
BLM approves land sale to Gila River Indian Community
Sedona AZ – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) under the Trump administration has published a decision record approving the noncompetitive sale of two public land parcels totaling 3,380.69 acres to the Gila River Indian Community (Community). The Community, composed of members of the Pima Tribe and the Maricopa Tribe, has historical ties to these lands and the parcels include cultural resources...
Above The Law: Categorizing Wrongdoing
Sedona AZ – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
The phrase “No one is above the Law” has become a joke.
US House of Representatives
I’m not sure when the joke started, I can remember some questionable from as far back as 1960, however, the joke became very identifiable in the early 1990s with the blatant dismissal of holding William Jefferson Clinton accountable...
Over 49,000 Clinton Server Emails Found on Weiner Laptop
Sedona AZ – Judicial Watch announced that a senior FBI official admitted, in writing and under oath, that the agency found Clinton email records in the Obama White House, specifically, the Executive Office of the President. The FBI also admitted nearly 49,000 Clinton server emails were reviewed as result of a search warrant for her material on the laptop of Anthony Weiner.
E.W. (Bill) Priestap, assistant...
Andy Caldwell on 13 Hours Movie
Sedona AZ (January 7, 2016) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor from David Vette, Sedona Arizona:
Good Afternoon:
The author of this piece is a radio talk show host on the Central California Coast. http://www.theandycaldwellshow.com/
We can look forward to more of the same in the New Year:
Santa Barbara News-Press Guest Editorial by Andy Caldwell
Andy Caldwell, Santa Barbara...
Anti National Monument Designation Gains Momentum
SedonaEye.com financial columnist J. Rick Normand notes in his latest National Monument designation expose’ that the RESCUE OUR ARIZONA RED ROCKS (ROARR) Movement Gains Momentum as KSB Falters!
Sedona AZ (September 14, 2015) – Sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled program, but the ROARR movement is gaining inmmense momentum against KSB, the Sierra Club and the City of Sedona activist...
Camp Verde Chain Saw Massacre
Sedona AZ (June 14, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
June 14, 2015
Subject: Misused Terminology
Ref: Front Page and Editorial; Verde Independent 6/14/2015
I remember a joke from year’s past. A foreigner came to the United States and after a time went back to his Home Country where his friends asked him about America to which he replied, “America...
Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
Sedona AZ (May 28, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
May 28, 2015
Subject: Emotions
Ref: President’s reaction to News
Thank God for Emotions. They tell a story sometimes completely contrary to the actions and words coming out of the mouth of the one trying to use “Emotions to deceive.” Is it just me or is there actually a much deeper meaning when...
Obama Administration Unbalanced Sheet
Balance sheets must show Net Increase or Net Decrease and not that which is Wished For or Imagined.
Sedona AZ (December 12, 2014) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
In High School one of my classes was called “Bookkeeping and Accounting” wherein I learned a little about the fundamentals of business and, by extension, about life itself. One of the most important...
A Right to Offend Politics, Government, Media and Religion
Sedona AZ (November 10, 2014) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
Dale Gohr
Clarkdale, AZ
Attn: Letters to the Editor
Sedona Times Publishing/SedonaEye.com
November 10, 2014
Subject: Justifiable Offenses
Ref: Political and Media “Fear of Offending” the opposition.
I am tired of the Politicians and Media “Cowering in Fear of Offending” the Atheists, the Muslims,...
Freedom of Expression Essential to a Free Society
Sedona AZ (March 8, 2014) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com:
The following information and statements are based on my opinion and my interpretation of the information and conversations:
Today (3/6/2014) I was banned from ever having a letter in the Sedona Red Rock News (SRRN). That was publisher Robert Larson’s message delivered to me via his editor, Christopher Graham,...