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A World War II POW Tribute
Sedona AZ (November 5, 2014) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:
While visiting Vandalia, Michigan with family in October, we stopped at a Mennonite restaurant and enjoyed a lovely lunch. The employees told us about a bulk food store nearby and we decided to go.
My husband, 89, is an ex-World War II Prisoner of War whose plane was shot down over Germany. All of the crew were...
Camp Verde Officially Adopts Annual Anti Litter Program
Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!
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Folksville USA and Anthem AZ Join Forces
Arizona Veterans Highway I-17 litter
Sedona AZ-A Sedona Eye Letter to the Editor from contributing Sedona Times Publishing writer, Gary Chamberlain, provides an update to Folksville USA anti-litter initiatives in Arizona.
Chamberlain writes, “In and Out Magazine has helped to bring more attention to the “cancer” that is slowly killing the economy of Arizona. Litter destroys...
Soldiers and Veterans Reconnect with Gary Chamberlain
Folksville News
PO Box 1138, Cornville, AZ 86325
Folksville, USA (Population/Readership 1358)
November 2010
Soldiers and Veterans Reconnect
Cornville resident Gary Chamberlain, Vietnam vet and Folksville Mayor
This summer I embarked on a sixteen week, 9,000 mile driving and cycling trip. I traveled throughout and across the United States to attend four military reunions and other events. I spoke with...
Fence to Fence 89A Litter and Recycling Event
Sedona AZ (November 9, 2010) – Rusty’s Morningstar Ranch in Cornville, Arizona, invites the public to its first official “Fence to Fence” Scenic Highway 89A Litter Recovery and Recycling event. This event has been scheduled for two consecutive Saturday mornings, November 13 and 20, to clean up litter between Cottonwood (MP-355) and Sedona (MP-370).
Rusty’s Morningstar Ranch has the contact...
Cottonwood LDS Boy Scout Troop 7021 Needs Your Help
***Folksville News***
PO Box 1138, Cornville, AZ 86325
Folksville, USA (Population/Readership 1487)
Highway Litter Recovery
Cottonwood Arizona LDS Boy Scout Troop 7021
In 2009, the Sedona Pines Resort, Sedona Pines LLC and Highlands Resort at Verde Ridge established
Cottonwood LDS Boy Scout Troop 702
a working relationship with the Cottonwood LDS Boy Scout Troop 7021. These three organizations pay...
America the Beautiful, Adopt-A-Highway and Folksville USA
Gary Chamberlain takes pulse of anti-litter efforts on 89A
Sedona AZ (January 29, 2010) – You decide! The virtual community of Folksville USA consists of a group of Americans who have become actively involved in ridding our community of litter. This is their story.
If the “Litter Bugs” who DESECRATE our highways would stop their activities, how much time, energy and money could be saved?