Home » Posts tagged with "Fourth of July"
Poco Diablo McGuire: A Dog’s Day Belated Fourth of July
Poco Diablo McGuire, SedonaEye.com Star Four Paws Up Pet Columnist having a dog’s day in.
Sedona AZ – Okay it’s after the big event. But this amigo ain’t any happier now that before. THIS jes came in a box in the mail.
“She” made me do it – crewlty to us 4-feeted servents!
B – U – T – must fess up here. Eatin regarly has become a habbit...
Poco Diablo McGuire: Fourth of July Pet Safety Tips
Happy Sedona Fourth of July from Poco Diablo McGuire, SedonaEye.com Star Four Paws Up Pet Columnist. God Bless America!
Sedona AZ – Here’s a Shout Out to my Four Paws Up pet pal families on one of the bestest holidays in the world evuh! Let freedom ring in the land of the brave, our America the Beautiful!
And if youz be like me, keep me and my four paws up pals far away from them there...
Fireworks Pose Huge Fire Threat As Fire Danger Remains High
Sedona AZ (July 2, 2018) – As we inch closer to the Fourth of July holiday, the Department of Forestry and Fire Management wants to remind the public that the fire danger remains extremely high and dry conditions persist across the state.
Fireworks are a huge fire hazard and have been the cause of many wildfires. With that, we urge the public to be careful and not careless if using fireworks.
Happy Birthday, America!
The inscription on the Liberty bell is:
Proclaim LIBERTY Throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants Thereof Lev. XXV. v X.
By Order of the ASSEMBLY of the Province of PENSYLVANIA for the State House in PhiladA
Pass and Stow
At the time, “Pensylvania” was an accepted alternative spelling for “Pennsylvania.” That spelling was used by Alexander Hamilton,...
Poco Diablo McGuire: Fireworks and Pets Do Not Mix!
Happy Fourth of July and keep all my pet pals safe and secure, reminds Poco Diablo McGuire, SedonaEye.com Star Four Paws Up Pet columnist.
Sedona AZ (June 19, 2017) – As the holiday approaches, Poco Diablo McGuire and his pals at Lost Dogs Arizona want to remind pet owners to keep their pets safe during July Fourth celebrations.
More pets are lost around the 4th of July than any other time of...
Sedona Fourth of July 2015 with Eddie Maddock
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock
Sedona AZ (July 1, 2015) – So how many are still in Sedona who lived here when voters approved to incorporate?
The few remaining must surely recall that “NO CITY PROPERTY TAX” was a huge stipulation without which incorporation might never have been given the green light. Sales tax was favored because it wasn’t discriminatory against property...
Free Army Band Concert Kicks Off July 4 Weekend
Sedona AZ (June 25, 2015) – Put on your best Red, White and Blue and come on out to enjoy “Arizona’s Own” 108th Army Band, Arizona Army National Guard, on Friday, July 3, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Canyon Breeze Plaza, 300 North State Route 89A, in uptown. This Independence Day weekend concert is free to all.
The 108th Army Band is a 30 piece musical group brought...
Sedona Uptown Paving Project on Schedule
Article submitted by City of Sedona AZ
Sedona AZ (June 18, 2015) – The City of Sedona pavement repair work on AZ SR 89A in uptown Sedona is progressing on schedule.
“While the uptown paving project has presented some challenges, the contractor has been very responsive to issues and kept the project on schedule,” states Andy Dickey, Assistant Community Development Director/City Engineer.
Sedona Fourth of July Pig Roast
Sedona AZ Amara Resort and Spa courtyard
Sedona AZ (June 17, 2015) – This Fourth of July, escape the heat and head to Sedona, Arizona to celebrate the long weekend at Kimpton’s Amara Resort and Spa for a pig roast from the resort’s signature restaurant, SaltRock.
Under the direction of Executive Chef Massimo De Francesca, SaltRock will serve up an all American specialty menu featuring a Southwest...