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Eddie Maddock: Sedona Waste Not, Want Not
SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie S. Maddock discusses Sedona Sustainability and Home Rule and encourages city voters to sustain the voice of their power by voting August 2, 2022 in the Primary.
Sedona AZ – Recently there’s been considerable discussion and emphasis placed on the subject of “sustainability” which is not a new concept. For example, is anyone still around who might...
Sedona City Commissions Poll Poorly
The City of Sedona Arizona registered voters and taxpayers should solely determine who gets what when and how, writes a registered City voter and taxpayer.
Sedona AZ (August 16, 2013) – SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock takes time out from her column to write a personal letter to the City of Sedona Council and Staff about City Commissions:
Date: 8/16/2013 3:55:03 PM
To: radams@ci.sedona.az.us;...
Sedona City Council Meeting June 8 Agenda
Eddie S. Maddock
Sedona AZ (June 3, 2010) – The following is from Sedona Times Guest Editor, Eddie Maddock:
Agenda Item #9, Sedona City Council Meeting Tuesday, June 8, 2010, will be discussion and possible action regarding the formation of a Citizen’s Advisory Committee and approval of a general organizational structure for Community Plan update and appointment of council members to make...