Home » City Council, Community » Eddie Maddock: More questions – Few answers

Eddie Maddock: More questions – Few answers

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

Sedona AZ (November 23, 2016)This is an e-mail sent to the City Council which is self-explanatory.

TO: Members of the Sedona City Council

The following two comments were posted by Steve Segner, Chairman of the Sedona Lodging Council, under my most recent article on Sedona Eye. The subject related to the Council meeting held on Nov. 22, 2016:

Steve Segner says:
November 22, 2016 at 3:08 PM
Well Eddie see you at the meeting this afternoon want to hear what you have to say in public and the other 3 people that post using made up name,

Steve Segner says:
November 22, 2016 at 7:28 PM
Ha, no one showed or sent in letter to the city council meeting Toni the?
So what’s up all you chamber haters you had your chance,
Great meeting, chamber offering to spend $1.200,000 of marketing money to buy a parking lot up town…..That’s right money take from advertising and spend it to help traffic and parking.
I can hardly wait to see how you all put a negative spin on this
have fun

* * * * * * * *

Without intention to minimize Sedona’s need for additional parking, my question is, if the information Mr. Segner provided is accurate, that the Chamber is offering to spend $1,200,000 of marketing money to buy a parking lot uptown, why wouldn’t the City purchase the property directly instead of going through the Chamber of Commerce? Does it mean the City authorizes support for the Chamber to enter into the business of real estate/property management on the City’s behalf? Will the City of Sedona be responsible for property taxes and other liability on such property(s)? Who will benefit from a potential commission on the sale/purchase transaction of said property(s)?

question mark 4The same question remains unanswered as to why the City refuses to contract with a professional advertising agency, through the process of Requests for Proposals, as they do other city contracts?

Mr. Segner also refers in a comment dated 11/18 – 1:19 PM, to a contribution allegedly made by the Sedona Lodging Council of $5,000 towards the traffic study. In addition to funding for the USFS to assist in trail maintenance, that money was attributed as having come from the Chamber of Commerce as reported in the Red Rock News. Is the source of that funding from Chamber membership dues or does it represent a portion of the money allocated under the terms of the City’s contract with the Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of destination marketing? If it is, in fact, city revenue, then once again why wouldn’t the city follow their budget process and allocate the money directly?

Have you abandoned the commitment made during initial contract negotiations for the services of a professional outside audit to ascertain with certainty how this money has and continues to be spent?

What is the purpose of retaining a special interest, member driven organization as an acting agent for the City of Sedona? Do you have a written contract for that purpose? Does the Chamber of Commerce have a similar contract with the State of Arizona to act as an agent for them in order to justify authorized permission to function under the flag of the “Bureau of Tourism?” Do you ever intend to insist the legitimate businesses in Sedona City Limits, licensed and collecting city sales and bed taxes, be equitably represented at the Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center, allegedly 70% financed with city tax revenue, without being coerced into mandatory membership in the Chamber of Commerce?

sedona jobs accounting tax dollar bill book calculatorDo you have an accounting of the number of employees the Chamber of Commerce has hired since the inception of the contract agreement? Do you know the source of revenue being used for their compensation?

Unless you have already determined the contract will be renewed, prior to a formal meeting to address that subject, why would you sanction for the Chamber to purchase real estate on the City’s behalf? Again, have you no intention to consider redirecting use of the unconfirmed return on the bed tax increase?

Do you ever intend to ascertain with accuracy what percentage of the increase in city revenue during the past two years is attributed to the upswing in economy? Have you ever considered that by having followed protocol according to other transactions entered into by the City of Sedona the community might have averted many, many suspicions and ill will?

The City of Sedona has essentially set forth a policy of meticulously scrutinizing other contracted partnerships, apparently with the desire for unquestionable transparency. What’s the reason for reckless abandonment of that protocol when participating in transactions with the Sedona Chamber of Commerce? Doesn’t logical analysis portray this scenario as one whereby it is the City of Sedona that continues to promote the Chamber of Commerce instead of the other way around?

Respectfully submitted,

(Ms.) Eddie S. Maddock

Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!

Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!


  1. Get This says:

    @ steve Segner

    Instead of “bed tax marketing,” much of City Hall’s multi-million dollar Destination Marketing giveaway will be used for even more questionable purposes next year.

    According to the Chamber at last Nov 22’s City Council Meeting, “Several of our new initiatives will deliver significant [City bed tax] funds to the USFS to maintain existing trails and build new ones. We’ll develop programs that deliver on the goals of the City’s Community Plan: to be a walkable community with a focus on arts, wellness and the environment.” Obviously, the greedy Chamber has sufficient City bed tax funds to become a cancer upon Sedona.

    The Chamber’s made specious donations with bed taxes allocated for Destination Marketing already. $56,000 went for USFS trail funding and $50,000 to the Transportation Master Plan. And who knows what else? If this isn’t enough, the Chamber proposes to become a developer and use $410,000 in bed tax money as a down payment on the property at 401 Jordan Road for the parking of vehicular traffic which it contributes greatly to. A vicious circle, n’est-ce Pas?

  2. @Broken Promises says:

    Let’s look a bit closer at this:

    Imposing city property tax wouldn’t be the first broken promise to those that voted to approve incorporation. Was that promise made and voted on during the referendum where it can be found or was it just spoken about at the food store between you and your friends?

    Already the tax money pledged to the wastewater treatment plant is being siphoned off, thus resulting in exorbitant monthly sewer bills. Same question as above.

    Then there’s the cultural park land – also a promise and based on another voter approval, the USFS land exchange was approved conditional the property would, in perpetuity NEVER be commercially developed.

    It’s my understanding that the cultural park was private property so that whole mess can’t be blamed on any past city council. Do you have anything in writing from the USFD that shows that the property would never be commercially developed?

    Even the community plan gathering places, increasing density in development – all the new hotels – all contrary to the purpose of incorporation. Prove it!!

    Granted most of the decision makers are newcomers and clueless to the original intention for incorporation. However, Sandy Moriarty, present Sedona Mayor, most assuredly as one of the leaders for incorporation remains aware of the many breaches that have befallen Sedona since the ill-conceived and devious original false sales pitch offered to the gullible that actually believed we would be better off.

    With that “sales pitch” when were you told that or did you see it in writing?

  3. Eddie Maddock says:

    Unless the law has changed, it will require a ballot measure = a vote by the resident within Sedona City Limits = to approve implementation of a city property tax.

  4. Research says:

    No Worries Residents. The grinch who stole Sedona is running his mouth again.

    The City is not a complete city like most. They do NOT provide ALL the services a complete city needs like below.

    We ALREADY pay property taxes as the county provides us services.

    Prior to the imposition of a primary property tax, an election must be held on the third Tuesday in May setting forth the proposed levy.

    You have to vote an additional city property tax in.

  5. So Who Wins? says:

    At the meeting in January when the advertising contract is renewed, don’t be fooled. Deliberately the chamber of commerce will be left off the agenda.

    Don’t be surprised if they repeal the current code or whatever. It’s a scam. Will be repealed and rewritten the same as they intend to do with the ADU code at the last council meeting. Repeal, rewrite, in accordance with state law. Scam, scam, scam – and now they (city council, staff, and surrounding areas) think Sedona is God by having that meeting on the 14th. Cheaters, liars, – all of them. Including naive State legislators. OMG – the blind is being led by the scam artists. It’s hopeless.

    Revel in your glory. You have smart, magnificent and highly paid employees leading the pact. Revel in accomplishing the reason you were hired by disingenuous people for disingenuous reasons; All sharks circling to kill their prey – the residents of Sedona.

  6. steve Segner says:

    Fake news fact check up date
    So Who Wins? says:
    At the meeting in January when the advertising contract is renewed, don’t be fooled. Deliberately the chamber of commerce will be left off the agenda.

    So Who Wins, if it is not on the Agenda and is not advertised it can not be talk about and no action can be taken
    not sure what remainder of you rant is, but I sure it makes sense to you .
    Oh , you could go to the meeting and rant one more time

  7. @So Who Wins? says:

    I’m so sorry that you think your opinion of how things in your city are so “hopeless” . I guess you feel lost and like no one is listening to you. If you really feel that things are hopeless perhaps it’s time to move to a city where they will listen to only your opinion. Maybe you can run for state office since it you think that they are all naive.

  8. karen says:

    Perhaps next time the voters will vote against “Home Rule”. Our city Council is doing such a good job of funding things that have no positive impact health, safety and welfare of the taxpayers.

    The roads in my subdivision are crumbling. I guess the city should fund an art or recreation project?

    “Never ask government to do anything they don’t have to do, because they will do a terrible job.”

  9. Paul D says:

    Just as the mainstream media were shocked when Trump won, those who say there are only a few unhappy residents will be shocked when voters demand change in Sedona.

  10. So Who Wins? says:

    Steve Segner & @So Who Wins – your responses are spot on. Would have expected no less than inane, senseless prattle that doesn’t even come close to covering up the schemes you continue to plot with the “in group” better know in higher echelons as the “silk stocking elites.” Thank you for taking my bait. See you in church.

  11. Oh Really???? says:

    To Paul D-

    I agree, we were all so impressed by all of you who came out against the chamber at the past few town meetings. There must have been what, one??? I thought the fire marshal was going to be called for exceeding the occupancy limit of the building.

  12. WSR says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all !!

    May piece and joy be yours during the holiday season and all of 2017.

    I promise to not criticize or hate in 2017.

  13. @Oh Really???? says:

    Yes there was some that spoke out against the city funding a regional membership group for private enterprise. Since there was so many NON RESIDENTS & NON-city BUSINESSES speaking on behalf of snaking taxpayers money the room was packed. they do such a bad job of managing their businesses they are desperate to find anyone they could convince to pay for their ads. if they were all that great they wouldn’t be stealing money from the incorporated city.
    Thieves stealing the sustainable future of Sedona.

  14. GNS` says:

    As for the response to Paul D. made by “Oh Really????” – what good would it do if people were lined up to the street objecting to something the city council intended to do anyhow? Case in point: city control of garbage hauling. Sure, they ended up denying the change but only because the money grab the city though it would offer wasn’t there. They didn’t give a hoot about the will of the people. And that’s the sad truth of the matter.

    And as for Paul D. and his vision of the people reclaiming their Sedona, it’s unlikely to ever happen unless something in the way of a Referendum sets the big boys reeling as it did during the effort for the city to own W89A. People that run for city council are subject to failure as long as the strong arm politics that occurred in the last couple of Sedona elections prevails. Just another opinion here.

  15. @@Oh Really??? says:

    “there was some that spoke out against the city funding a regional membership” Nope not at that meeting!

    “there was so many NON RESIDENTS & NON-city BUSINESSES speaking on behalf of snaking taxpayers money the room was packed” and you would know this by, how?????? I was there in support of the Chamber and familiar with most if not all of the people in the room and they were all residents and IN city businesses or as I like to call them LOCALS. My guess as to why the room was packed with “locals” is that our two new council members along with Councilor Martinez and Mayor Moriarty being sworn into their positions. It’s a shame that you just spout off at the mouth without expecting anyone to check the true facts.

  16. West Sedona Resident says:


    Yes you can copy my username “Wsr”. Anytime you want by you spelled “PEACE” incorrectly

    Imitation is the best compliment correct?

    You got it all wrong however….I don’t hate, I just expose frauds and con artists..
    Everything else in your hijacked post above I agree ..

  17. @GNS by Oh Really??? says:

    Wow what town meeting were you at to get: “Case in point: city control of garbage hauling. Sure, they ended up denying the change but only because the money grab the city though it would offer wasn’t there.”

    I never heard a twinkling of the thought of a money grab from the town council, the people on SedonaEye OF COURSE but not the town council. I think the point was very clear they didn’t consider it further because the PRICE OF SERVICE wasn’t what they thought it was.

    You writers on SedonaEye also said that the National Monument was a “done deal” and were all wrong with that also.

    Maybe if some of you would stop spinning tails because of your own hate of “everything Sedona” and stick to the facts more people would take this site more serious instead of comparing it to the funny papers.

  18. karen says:

    @West Sedona Resident,

    If you exposed frauds you would expose yourself and give your true name and occupation. You are the queen of misspellings and poor punctuation, so you correcting yourself is hilarious.

  19. John Daniels says:

    To “Karen”

    Funny how you accuse West Sedona Resident of being a fraud by not giving his/her name while posting “KAREN” is not much better. Like Eddie Maddock, I take pride in posting my full name, I dare you to do the same before slamming West Sedona Resident.

  20. Wsr says:

    Hey Karen

    How about reveling your true self and not some made up name like Karen..

    Your hilarious as well….your so stupid you don’t realize that the things your asking for….you don’t give…..DUH

  21. J. Rick Normand says:

    @All Readers at The Eye:

    Re Hecklers: WSR (the ultimate hater and fraud posting above on Dec 25), Wsr, West sedona Resident and Anonymous

    Here is proof that hecklers like the one below can NEVER be believed or trusted, not to mention that these trolls have no interest whatsoever in the articles which their attack targets have posted and labored to thoroughly research. See below:

    West sedona Resident says:
    December 4, 2016 at 9:08 am
    J Rick Normand
    Thought Proctologist

    The above are both the same person….J Rick still can’t understand why you use your real name AND then an Alias

    Yes that anonymous post was WSR…forgot to fill it in before I posted

    J. Rick Normand says:

    December 6, 2016 at 9:21 am
    @West sedona Resident, WSR, Wsr, & Anonymous,

    Do you realize that you’ve just admitted that YOU’RE ALL FOUR OF THESE HANDLES while accusing me of being two handles with no evidence or confirmation of any kind? Can’t you ever do anything right?


    West sedona resident says:

    December 6, 2016 at 2:16 pm


    So what….

    Wsr WSR west sedona resident. Yeah it’s all me …I repeat so what….there’s all the same…. I’m not pretending to be JRN. And the Thought Proctologist… what’s your point…..Or as in most of your posts….”there is no point”. Just a lot of huffing and hot air

    Aside from what is revealed through your own words, WSR/Wsr, you’ve proved some other things, namely, that you’re incapable of original research and authoring related articles, incapable of deductive logic, and incapable of achieving enough credibility to persuade anyone to believe in your drivel which you tend to repeat incessantly. You need to find a new game!


  22. West Sedona Dave says:

    Yes Karen, thats a wonderful Idea….Seeing we have members here threatening violence at some people who do use there names…..Thats an awesome idea?

    And on top of that we have a few members who use there names and never have once stepped in to calm it….Instead just ignore it….

    There are a few people walking such a tight rope, it will take only one more slip……It would be funny if such brilliant people actually understood there ramifications and also responsibilities of there actions ,words,lack of…..

    If that day comes? IDK

  23. James Harrington says:

    And if the real “karen” and multiple “West Sedona Resident(s)” would please stand up the old TV series “What’s My LIne” would be revisited on Sedona Eye. And how much fun would that be? No more speculating about who is who (whom?) and such and such etc And perhaps the most interesting aspect of this is it”s the Karens and WSR’s etal that complain most about SE and yet they can’t refrain from participating. Go figure..

  24. Jack Daniels says:

    The Editors of the Sedona Eye enjoy the banter, that is why there is no name verification. If I made up some real sounding name, it means nothing without verification. Wsr contributes nothing of value, and most of her comments would also be made by an immature 5 year old. The Editors still allow her to post.

    I love the ” What’s my line,” suggestion by James Herrington. Now that would bring a boost in readership!

    I’m not really Jack Daniels, but I sometimes drink alone. ;)

  25. Eddie Maddock says:

    But the fact remains as comments accumulate they become reduced to primarily those attacking the nature of the article. With merit and credibility, of course submitters would proudly identify themselves, and there are situations where nature of content divulged could result in repercussion if identity were disclosed which, to an extent, justifies pseudonyms. However, just what purpose do the nameless attackers serve?

    Well, it’s pretty obvious. Sedona Eye is widely read and like it or not and believe it or not, subscribers extend far beyond the City Limits of Sedona. The late Harley McGuire, with comments made from as far away as Kentucky, Tennessee, Utah, Georgia, and California – and even little Poco Diablo recently addressed a comment from Mesa – don’t count it out that you who attack, accuse, and hide behind your outlaw bandanas don’t have a vast audience. And as a matter of fact, I’ve retained a phone message from a stranger in Park City, Utah,a reader of Sedona Eye, received over a year ago, resulting in a lengthy follow-up conversation about life in Sedona.

    And guess what. The City of Sedona isn’t paying one single penny for the other side of the Saga of Sedona which is contributed to a certain degree by the almost illiterate comments by obvious soreheads that are so desperate they apparently have no other recourse to vent their frustrations. So ultimately we might consider thanking them for assisting in setting the record straight about the real, true, and not so positive aspects of maybe not quite the most beautiful place in the world after all.

    My opinions,
    Eddie Maddock

  26. BY JOVE! says:

    By Jove – I think I’ve got it!

    ” Each year the United States gives approximately $8 billion in mandatory payments and voluntary contributions to the United Nations and its affiliated organizations. The biggest portion of this money – about $3 billion this year – goes to the U.N.’s regular and peacekeeping budgets.Jun 16, 2015″

    Year 2016 now estimated to be at $10 billion, proportionately far exceeding amounts paid by any other participating country.

    So the deal with City of Sedona and “regional” Chamber of Commerce is simply taking a page out of the federal government’s book. What’s wrong with that? The only difference is City Sedona/Chamber only fund the Verde Valley instead of the entire world. And, of course, they are footing the entire bill since this isn’t an official “regional” membership united front funding “regional” tax related benefits. So what? That’s how the Big Boys play.

  27. steve Segner says:

    Year 2016 now estimated to be at $10 billion, proportionately far exceeding amounts paid by any other participating country.

    we have more then any other country we should pay more …the rich should pay more . or we could just let people die…. your choice

  28. @BY JOVE! says:

    That is crap.

    Sedona is shrinking and it is because it is out of control. Once the locals know the the gig they jump into get a hand out.

    For a small town that should be welcoming you are driving biz and residents out. Hey folks look at your deliveries That city makes sure to get a portion of YOUR life by taking taxes, franchise fees on EVERYTHING. State taxes along with local taxes go to the city. You pay for the regional chamber to play. You’re paying the HIGHEST PROPERTY TAXES and garbagetaxes fees in the state.

  29. Get Real says:

    @ BY JOVE! You write: “The only difference is City Sedona/Chamber only fund the Verde Valley instead of the entire world.” However, you fail to mention a HUGE difference.

    Sedona’s last census population was 10,000, down from 11,000 the previous count. And all indications are it continues to drop. Therefore, the financial burden this cockeyed city government continues to lay on those of us left is absurd.

    But even worse, it’s grossly unfair for them to continue to represent the entire Verde Valley. Bad enough for the US to act as big brother to world unity. But these fools are making even bigger fools out of us who continue to be badgered about not paying our fair share?

    When will the entire “region” they represent pay for the promotion they are getting from Sedona “city” revenue. And yes, the additional .5% increase is just that. Sedona city revenue and not exclusively for the Lodging Council and/or Chamber of Commerce. What is it they don’t understand about that?

    And to even think the Chamber will be going into the real estate business on behalf of the incorporated city and using public funds to do so? This is total insanity!

  30. Paul D says:

    The City of Sedona is driving out residents. On the two streets adjacent to my street we have 12 homes, only 4 of which are occupied full time. We have the traffic that for the past few days has been bumper to bumper the entire length of HWY179 within the Sedona City limits. We don’t need a traffic survey, we need to stop spending public funds on advertising for more tourists. When you are in a hole, stop digging. Instead of maintaining our property values the city has taken actions that lower them, while taxing residents more. The remaining residents need to attend city council meetings, tell their friends and move to disincorporate the city of Sedona. Either county will do a better job of running this beautiful place. The city has failed in it’s promised purpose of maintaining our quality of life and should be ended.

  31. steve Segner says:

    Get Real says:Sedona’s last census population was 10,000, down from 11,000 the previous count. And all indications are it continues to drop. Therefore, the financial burden this cockeyed city government continues to lay on those of us left is absurd.

    Sorry not true. the burden of taxes is on the visitors, not you . 65%+ is paid by visitors, thats great! enjoy , remember Sedona has no city tax,
    tax income up over 17% , so you comment is not true. people down tax income up.

  32. Research says:

    Public records show the following income of $96,000 for the President / CEO of the chamber in 2013. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/860134659

    The median household income for the United States was $55,775 in 2015,
    http://www.deptofnumbers.com/income/us/ MEDIAN US INCOME $55,775

    Sedona Household Income $50,133

    Unemployment Rate Sedona 5.40% US 5.20%

    Sales Taxes Sedona 9.35% US 6.00%


    With a income per Capita $38,202 in Sedona

    Think about it the organization being funded by the city is earning more than families. Of course they will continue to steal those monies that should be used for infrastructure.

    If you think this is bad let’s looks at the City Manager’s income along with the Assist Manager as they are in it for their own personal gain.

    All this information is a public record.

  33. Mary C says:

    With the Sedona City Manager and assistant city manager both making over $100,000 per year, working 4 days a week with one month off per year, who is working for whom? We have Millions to the Chamber of Commerce, Hundreds of thousands to the Sedona Film Festival. The highest paid people in town are STEALING money from your pocket. They claim the tourists are paying all the tax. I’ll believe that when they stop taxing me at every turn.

  34. steve Segner says:

    Public records show the following income of $96,000 for the President / CEO of the chamber in 2013.

    That is low if she work for a hotel she could make 120,000 a year or more.
    some servers in sedona make 100,000+ life did not stop when you retired.
    Remember the chamber is owned by it’s members and the chamber board sets pay.
    you say Unemployment Rate Sedona 5.40% over 500 job openings in sedona $15.00+

    just the facts

  35. Paul D says:

    I’ve been talking to the people who have been renting the vacation rental next door to my home. Without exception they say they will not be coming back to Sedona. Two of them said they were previously considering moving to Sedona. City Council, your actions are killing our town.

  36. Observation says:

    It seems extremely unfair that areas initially included to be part of incorporated Sedona but declined the opportunity continue to reap more benefits than those collecting taxes. Specifically Village of Oak Creek and outside Dry Creek Road city limits.

    In spite of their extraordinary offerings, it isn’t fair for City of Sedona to spend city revenue to promote a Chamber of Commerce that is dedicated to only their members. What’s wrong with city government to allow this to continue?

    If, as some claim, tourists pay most of Sedona city taxes, then that stands to reason because Sedona residents do NOT count or benefit from that source of revenue. Our quality of life is rapidly slipping to substandard and will get even worse when vacation rentals become a robust addition to our daily existence.

    We residents serve primarily as a source of boils on the behinds of the aggressive, overbearing control that’s been given to a regional Chamber of Commerce and their affinity group, the Sedona Lodging Council. Go figure.

  37. Miracles Do Happen says:

    It’s a miracle all right. Agreeing with Steve Segner as he wrote::

    ” Remember the chamber is owned by it’s members and the chamber board sets pay.”

    Then by what authority has the chamber been given ownership of City Hall?

    Clearly that’s the case since it’s the incorporated tax money, which includes bed tax, that this city, and quite possibly fraudulently, is paying to promote the chamber of commerce when rightfully, the same as the chamber, the city should be looking out for its own “members” – which are, in fact, the residents of Sedona that voted to approve the incorporation of Sedona and also have the ability to reverse that obviously bad, bad decision.

    OK City Council – when are you going to pay respect and look out for you own “members?” We are the RESIDENTS of incorporated Sedona – NONE OTHER!!

  38. Jim Bollock says:


    Didn’t your mother ever teach you to tell the truth. Awe the hotel and restaurant workers make tons of money. Stupid.

  39. @steve Segner says:

    Come on Steve your nose is gonna grow if you keep up those lies. Steve-“That is low if she work for a hotel she could make 120,000 a year or more.
    some servers in sedona make 100,000+ life did not stop when you retired.”

    Truthful statement Steve”Remember the chamber is owned by it’s members and the chamber board sets pay.”

    Steve-“over 500 job openings in sedona $15.00+” What is it ? A 120,000 a year or $15+ an hour.?

    The more you say Steve the more I don’t like you. Why does the chamber or you hotels need money from the city when you have enough money to pay employees a 120,000 a year.? Looks like you’re the only ones making money Maybe it time for you to pay for all the damage you cause. Greedy bugger you are.

  40. Alarmed says:

    The Chamber has brought excessive tourism, day-tripper clogged streets, a high cost of living and a diminishing quality of life to Sedona. Meanwhile residents and businesses continue to hear that we don’t contribute.

    Only looking at City sales and bed tax collections is post-truth. Revenue from the state and the two counties must be included.

    Shared vehicle license taxes, state income taxes and state sales taxes relate primarily to locals–likewise sewer taxes and City business taxes. The tax contribution from residents and local businesses is commensurate with that from tourists.

  41. Call BS says:

    @ steve Segner

    Seriously , Sedona servers making $100,000 per year? You’ve been called a liar many times. I’ll do it again. Liar.

    So I guess you pay your room cleaning staff $48 per hour, so they can make as much as a server? You are aware that servers make $2.25 per hour plus tips? I’ve known many to come home after a night on their feet making less than minimum wage. $100,000 per year, total BS.

  42. Research says:

    Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce receives ZERO $$$ from the City. All their income comes from their members.


    ZERO funding from the city!

  43. Amazing! says:

    If hotel workers make the kind of money claimed by Steve Segner, then there’s absolutely no reason for the ongoing plea for “affordable housing” in Sedona. Great news, Steve. Thanks for sharing.

  44. steve segner says:

    all the income for the sedona chamber comes from there members, the sedona chamber, has a contract with the city to manage the city’s marketing,
    from the bed tax a paid by visitors, contract saved hundreds of thousands of dollars for the city each year visitors pay for visitor advertising…. Sweet…..
    by the way there are several servers in Sedona that make 100,000+ food and hotels is a big business in Sedona…..

  45. Paul D says:

    I am a resident, not a tourist. I bought a roast chicken at Whole Foods today. As it is prepared food I was privileged to pay 81 cents tax on an $8.99 chicken. It did not seem to be voluntary, the cashier did not ask if I wanted to donate to the City of Sedona or the Sedona Chamber of Commerce. It was pay the tax or not buy the chicken.

    Maybe the City Council and city staff will listen when we object to their theft. In the past citizens have resorted to tar and feathers and rope. We are taxed on our food, utilities, sewer, cable TV. It is too much. Will they listen?

  46. JD says:

    Paul D. – the “chamber” bunch don’t give a hoot. It’s ridiculous what’s going on in Sedona. They lied about Scottsdale when making the deal with the city (Sedona). Scottsdale gives nothing to their C of C. In fact hardly any cities give money to their C of C’s because they are member driven – not a branch of the city. It’s a total rip off. They lie and will continue to lie about how they spend the money. Sure, gift it back to city for the traffic study. Big deal. City funds. Then to the USFS for trail maintenance and now the generous, great offer to buy property (more city taxes) to buy property for a parking lot? This is nuts. Most cities/town with credibility will go through State Tourism Bureaus as Park City, Utah, another tourist town. This is the most insulting, disgusting, dirty deal ever that could happen to Sedona (maybe). Must qualify as it’s said things could always get worse but here? Doubt it. And if ever they brought in legitimate auditors (not cooked book reporting) the whole lot might just be headlined in the Arizona Republic. Don’t be surprised if it looks like they might be trying to cover their tails in case the State might be looking into their activities (doubt that). They could very well make nice and look like they’re backing off from giving the millions to the “chamber” but only to find another way to do it. Cover up; lies; deceit. That’s my opinion and I’m stickin’ to it.

    PS: And then there’s Jennifer Wesselhoff, Chamber CEO begging city council at that last meeting for more money so they can attend things like the “Expo” in Canada? Oh please – give it a rest but not by giving into this absurd story-telling and down right fabrication.

  47. John Daniels says:

    @Paul D

    The funny thing about that chicken tax that you paid at Whole Foods, it’s called a SALES TAX. SALES TAX in Sedona is SHARED BY YOU along with the 3.5 million TOURISTS that everyone here hates. You are very fortunate that you pay the tax and actually see what that tax is used for. The great part is that the $3.5 million TOURISTS they pay the same tax and most likely a lot more (unless you eat at a lot of our restaurants and like to stay in one of the local hotels) and then THEY LEAVE our beautiful city and unless they get caught speeding by our police, they hopefully don’t get to see their SALES TAX at work.

    Now perhaps YOU would like to eliminate that sales tax that is mostly paid by TOURISTS. I understand that if YOU were to remove the SALES TAX that is shared but PAID MY MOSTLY TOURISTS each household would have to pay between $2,000 and $3,000 and the bigger houses in Back O’ Beyond Ranch, Mystic Hills and the other large houses would have to pay A LOT MORE FOR A PROPERTY TAX.

    Now that can’t be accomplished without a citywide referendum, since you know how everyone feels in the city I hope that you’re ready to do the work to start a referendum. Let’s see how all of the other people in 86336 feel about paying thousands of dollars each year while the TOURISTS PAY NOTHING.

  48. steve Segner says:

    So Paul, you paid the city 40 cents to the city , 81 over all, good example of locals paying taxes to support the city.

    I picked a one night stay, last night , total tax 53.95 1/2 to the city
    the visitor help by paying $54.00 in taxes and 370.00 on local comedy.
    You put $9.00 in the local economy and .81cents In the tax coffers.

    The people staying in the room also paid over $100.00 for dinner, $35.00 for breakfast
    And $300.00 around town , another $45.00 in taxes gased up and went to the Grand Canyon.
    Visitor $90.00 Paul D .90 cents. Thanks Paul it all helps.

  49. Research says:

    Don’t be fooled.

    Look at the tax returns yourself.

    2014 reported income for the Sedona Chamber shows

    75.61% income from the CITY
    23.06% income from MEMBERS
    1.33% income from Special Events

    23.06% is all their REGIONAL members contribute. The majority of their members are outside the city limits. The membership composition looks very close to the same percents with the BULK being OUTSIDE the city limit.

    75.61% income from the CITY
    23.06% income from MEMBERS
    1.33% income from Special Events

  50. Adot study knowledge says:

    Please do not use 3.5 million visitor data to Sedona as that is incorrect. The Grand Canyon may receive that number in average but not Sedona. All may request up to date information from study and other studies.

    Happy New Year 2017.

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