Home » City Council, Community » Eddie Maddock: More questions – Few answers

Eddie Maddock: More questions – Few answers

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

Sedona AZ (November 23, 2016)This is an e-mail sent to the City Council which is self-explanatory.

TO: Members of the Sedona City Council

The following two comments were posted by Steve Segner, Chairman of the Sedona Lodging Council, under my most recent article on Sedona Eye. The subject related to the Council meeting held on Nov. 22, 2016:

Steve Segner says:
November 22, 2016 at 3:08 PM
Well Eddie see you at the meeting this afternoon want to hear what you have to say in public and the other 3 people that post using made up name,

Steve Segner says:
November 22, 2016 at 7:28 PM
Ha, no one showed or sent in letter to the city council meeting Toni the?
So what’s up all you chamber haters you had your chance,
Great meeting, chamber offering to spend $1.200,000 of marketing money to buy a parking lot up town…..That’s right money take from advertising and spend it to help traffic and parking.
I can hardly wait to see how you all put a negative spin on this
have fun

* * * * * * * *

Without intention to minimize Sedona’s need for additional parking, my question is, if the information Mr. Segner provided is accurate, that the Chamber is offering to spend $1,200,000 of marketing money to buy a parking lot uptown, why wouldn’t the City purchase the property directly instead of going through the Chamber of Commerce? Does it mean the City authorizes support for the Chamber to enter into the business of real estate/property management on the City’s behalf? Will the City of Sedona be responsible for property taxes and other liability on such property(s)? Who will benefit from a potential commission on the sale/purchase transaction of said property(s)?

question mark 4The same question remains unanswered as to why the City refuses to contract with a professional advertising agency, through the process of Requests for Proposals, as they do other city contracts?

Mr. Segner also refers in a comment dated 11/18 – 1:19 PM, to a contribution allegedly made by the Sedona Lodging Council of $5,000 towards the traffic study. In addition to funding for the USFS to assist in trail maintenance, that money was attributed as having come from the Chamber of Commerce as reported in the Red Rock News. Is the source of that funding from Chamber membership dues or does it represent a portion of the money allocated under the terms of the City’s contract with the Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of destination marketing? If it is, in fact, city revenue, then once again why wouldn’t the city follow their budget process and allocate the money directly?

Have you abandoned the commitment made during initial contract negotiations for the services of a professional outside audit to ascertain with certainty how this money has and continues to be spent?

What is the purpose of retaining a special interest, member driven organization as an acting agent for the City of Sedona? Do you have a written contract for that purpose? Does the Chamber of Commerce have a similar contract with the State of Arizona to act as an agent for them in order to justify authorized permission to function under the flag of the “Bureau of Tourism?” Do you ever intend to insist the legitimate businesses in Sedona City Limits, licensed and collecting city sales and bed taxes, be equitably represented at the Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center, allegedly 70% financed with city tax revenue, without being coerced into mandatory membership in the Chamber of Commerce?

sedona jobs accounting tax dollar bill book calculatorDo you have an accounting of the number of employees the Chamber of Commerce has hired since the inception of the contract agreement? Do you know the source of revenue being used for their compensation?

Unless you have already determined the contract will be renewed, prior to a formal meeting to address that subject, why would you sanction for the Chamber to purchase real estate on the City’s behalf? Again, have you no intention to consider redirecting use of the unconfirmed return on the bed tax increase?

Do you ever intend to ascertain with accuracy what percentage of the increase in city revenue during the past two years is attributed to the upswing in economy? Have you ever considered that by having followed protocol according to other transactions entered into by the City of Sedona the community might have averted many, many suspicions and ill will?

The City of Sedona has essentially set forth a policy of meticulously scrutinizing other contracted partnerships, apparently with the desire for unquestionable transparency. What’s the reason for reckless abandonment of that protocol when participating in transactions with the Sedona Chamber of Commerce? Doesn’t logical analysis portray this scenario as one whereby it is the City of Sedona that continues to promote the Chamber of Commerce instead of the other way around?

Respectfully submitted,

(Ms.) Eddie S. Maddock

Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!

Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!


  1. Jay D. says:

    @Steve Segner – and if you don’t think council members “do not talk to each other about anything on the agenda” before the meetings, then I have a new bridge at Red Rock Crossing I would like to sell you. I suppose they don’t discuss city business on their trips to meetings in Cottonwood and/or boating down the Verde River? And how about the gala events they (or most of them) attend at your own ranch in Oak Creek Canyon. Especially if they ride in the same car.

    And don’t you think for one moment the garbage deal wasn’t approved for any reason other than it wouldn’t bring in the kind of revenue the city had expected. They didn’t give a hoot the preference of the residents – those of us that would have paid the price.

    C’mon Mr. Segner – enter the world of reality …….. please.

  2. Paul P. says:

    Thanks Jay D. I didn’t know the chamber was using taxpayers money for thier remodel.

  3. Wsr says:


    You post sounds like slot of (deleted by editor) justification for not going…
    So does your posting ESM

  4. Oh What A Relief It Is says:

    Responding to a comment made by @Jay D:

    “If you have a question about ‘who is it paying for the remodel to the Chamber’s West Sedona Location in the Harkins Plaza’ did you think to call the chamber and ask them?????? What you may or may not know is that the chamber is a stand alone company without the city involvement and maybe they”re spending their own money for the remodel.”

    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for telling it like it is: “. . . . the chamber is a stand alone company without the city involvement. . . . . .” Which brings up the unanswered question of how this regionally misnamed “Sedona” chamber of commerce is allowed to function under the misnomer of a “non-profit” organization.

    Bless you for the insight to appropriately point out that, also, it is NOT a branch of incorporated city government.

    Amen & God Bless

  5. Karen says:

    The Chamber of commerce is far superior to the Sedona City Government, the city gives them $2,000,000 per year. The chamber does not have to tax anyone and don’t have any accountability.

    How do you beat that deal ?

  6. Airport $3 parking?????? (removed by editor) says:

    Have all you Sedona experts been up to the airport lately? I went to take my grandkids up to the overlook yesterday and they’re now charging $3 for the day of parking. Not bad you may say but it’s also $3 for 10 minutes. Any idea of how they can do that???

  7. steve Segner says:

    Jim Poole
    “Steve Segner says:Go to the meeting say what you want or shut up .”
    yes Jim,
    I stand by my comment, easy to go on e sedona and make outrages statement, but then never go in front of city council and tell them what you think.

    Jim look at this statement:
    Jay D said Try bringing up these subjects at a public forum and the gavel might very well be manned to call in the police
    Has this ever happened no just a reason to not show up.


  8. The Thought Proctologist says:

    @steve Segner,

    Segner, most of the Council reads The Eye with the exception of Jessica Williamson who had to pay the price for not understanding that. Anyone can make his/her point to the Council just by posting here. Or, better yet, they could write an article, as Eddie does, which you’re not smart enough to do without a ghost writer. So, why don’t you just sit down and shut up and let the public express its point of view to the Council by virtue of posting at this site?

  9. Been There says:

    Well, those that spoke against the city controlling our garbage pickup were NOT welcome. They were treated like snakes at a garden party. It’s very apparent that only the clique that paid to get their candidates elected during that period of time were welcome.

    We don’t know about the three new members on the council yet. Too soon to
    tell. However, just three voices won’t be enough to change anything anyway.

  10. @Karen says:

    To Karen

    Lets all look at your comments for a bit:;

    “The Chamber of commerce is far superior to the Sedona City Government,” – well that may be after all they work hard to unite our businesses and owners except a few here that don’t want to pay their yearly membership dues. Obviously a well organized business group like the chamber gets a lot more attention a group of malcontents on SE and if you disagree, you haven’t been reading this site all that long.

    “the city gives them $2,000,000 per year. ” – wow that does sound a bit high, I thought it was more like $1.2m I also thought that the money came from a self imposed lodging tax by the lodging association. I haven’t stayed in any type of lodging in Sedona since I purchased a real house so how does that hurt me? Since the tourist is the one paying that actually sounds like a good plan.

    The chamber does not have to tax anyone and don’t have any accountability – No accountability – really???? They are being held accountable by so many people. Have you watched the town council meetings where they give their budget reports? Have you not read this blog site????

    Karen, when you moved to Sedona was it already a tourist town???

  11. The Thought Proctologist says:

    @the hallucinagenic Wsr,

    “We all know” implies that you know something that is beyond your knowledge acquisition capabilities. Rather than try to assuage your illiteracy with your incessant ad hominem attacks, why don’t you try to debate Eddie or J.Rick over some point in the content of her/his article? I’ll tell you and the public why-because you know you’re not bright enough or clever enough to deal with her/him on the merits of either of their arguments, whatever they may be. You’re a born loser at every endeavor you attempt Wsr which every reader at this site recognizes. If not, why do you always avoid dealing with the issues presented by its writers?

  12. Research says:

    Food for thought

    This Chamber member is outside the city limits and they don’t contribute to the tax base. Remember when the jeeps pick up customers outside the city limits they don’t pay city sales tax either. Look at all you get for $129!!!!!!

    3-Day Sedona Vacation: $129 (includes all taxes & fees)… ($699 Value)
    5 Star resort & get a Jeep/hiking tour, round of golf or dinner for two if purchased by December 15, 2016…..stay before 3/18/17
    Link found at : dosmundostraveldotnet/sedona/

  13. Ron Maassen says:

    Heads Up folks:

    Sedona City Council will hold a meeting to receive input and discuss renewal of the City-CoC contract.

    The meeting is scheduled for 11 Jan 2017 at 3:00 pm in Council Chambers.

    I’ll be there. Will you?

  14. steve Segner says:

    Airport $3 parking?????? (removed by editor) says:
    December 15, 2016 at 7:49 am
    Have all you Sedona experts been up to the airport lately? I went to take my grandkids up to the overlook yesterday and they’re now charging $3 for the day of parking. Not bad you may say but it’s also $3 for 10 minutes. Any idea of how they can do that???
    (They) being “who” and how come they did not ask you ?
    Because the city did not do it the airport did … $20.00 busses seems like a fair price.

  15. Dan Fitzhugh says:

    $3 for cars at overlook? who is pocketing the money? I’m not paying money to park at the restaurant or sky ranch or on the roadside so don’t you either! this is illegal because the land belongs to the county !! I’m calling ADOT and governors office on Monday and reporting what the city is doing!! This is disgusting because it’s a VIEW and I’m not giving cash to someone who doesn’t own the land or rights to it ! The restaurant will suffer because the walk in traffic will cease as people drive up and drive back without stopping. Sky ranch is stupid to allow this as the hotel benefitted from people who ambled around and decided to stay. FOOLS. GREEDY FOOLS.

  16. Very Funny says:

    To both Karen’s that laud the regional chamber of commerce. For one thing, it was the Lodging Council agreed to pay the .5% bed tax increase. And not all of the lodging in the city were given a vote in the matter.

    Second, the tax collected does not belong to the Lodging Council or the bogus chamber of commerce. The city cheats by awarding them the advertising contract without benefit of RFP’S and/or an outside audit. Those staff members that convince city council to accept whatever the chamber puts down as an authentic financial report should be fired! (oh yes, my opinion folks before you take me to task)

    This is a disgrace. This bogus, rogue chamber of commerce should have their non-profit corporate status removed. Where is the IRS on this? Or the State for that matter? All of their members are not in city limits and therefore do not pay city taxes. City, State, and Federal tax base is being cheated as well as the businesses that must pay the price. And it ISN’T the lousy chamber of commerce.

    And to think this city would now consider allowing the this phony baloney chamber to purchase land on behalf of the city? Get real. Who, pray tell, would be collecting big fat sales commission on these deals?

    Rip-off – and our leaders are too blind to see it. No honor among thieves is the name of the games played in Sedona.

  17. Lisa B., Dry Creek says:

    Ridiculous. There was never a traffic issue because people came and went from the airport as naturally as driving to hike from a trailhead, which this is one. The bonus was seeing that it was not meant to be more, an amazing and unknown gem of a spot to view our cities red rocks with people from all walks of life and many many different places. Now you’ve turned it into a “tourist trap attraction” and the Quality and beauty and sense of discovering a place unspoiled is gone.

    It’s not about the cost, morons.

  18. Bob, VOC says:

    they’ll want to pave it Lisa and add more fencing & portable outhouses & snack shop vendors & people will sneak up and jump femcing?!!they’ll make it higher and trash will blow where none is now!!??? LMAO

  19. Barb says:

    Hey you guys ( and gals). Don’t be too quick to accuse the city for the $3 parking charge on Airport Mesa if, in fact, it’s the Airport Authority up there that imposed the fee. Don’t punish the restaurant and hotel if they have nothing to do with it. It’s possible the chamber of commerce isn’t even in cahoots on this one. (but don’t bet on that one)

  20. $3 fee IT'S JUST WRONG says:

    I took a ride up to Airport mesa to check out the parking and it looks like that fee is being pushed by the Airport Authority not the city or county.

  21. Sammy says:

    Fix it by charging $10 to go up the road – put a gate across it and Charge ! somebody in cohoots here cuz nobody does this in a vacuum –

  22. steve Segner says:

    The airport is a business, they man the parking area, clean up the parking area, buy insurance on the parking area and they should charge for use of the area.

    I guess airport management forgot to check in with the readers of the Sedona EYE .
    The Airport should have held a public meeting , so the readers of the EyE could complain that it was NOT on the city cable channel and it was on a Thursday after 5 and people will be out of town for Christmas and no one will be able to make the meeting.
    People get a life.

  23. Research says:

    Learn the truth on the Airport. http://sedonaairport.org/administration/ 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.

    “Sedona Airport is managed by Sedona-Oak Creek Airport Authority, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. The airport property (260 acres known as Tablerock Mountain) is owned by Yavapai County having acquired it for the specific purpose of it being a public use airport into perpetuity. Sedona-Oak Creek Airport Authority has a long term contract to manage the airport for the public good. (Current agreement ends in 2050)

    The board of directors (7) are elected for five year terms of service with a 10 year maximum of time to be on the board.
    Board President: Giorgio Cagliero
    Board Vice-President: Pam Fazzini
    Board Secretary/Treasurer : Jim Brock
    Director: Roy Daniels
    Director: Steve Hein
    Director: Bill DeGroff
    Director: Harold Idell
    Sedona Airport is managed by Sedona-Oak Creek Airport Authority, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. The airport property (260 acres known as Tablerock Mountain) is owned by Yavapai County having acquired it for the specific purpose of it being a public use airport into perpetuity. Sedona-Oak Creek Airport Authority has a long term contract to manage the airport for the public good. (Current agreement ends in 2050)”
    Financials And Tax Returns
    SEDONA-OAK CREEK AIRPORT AUTHORITY can be found at the bottom of page http://sedonaairport.org/administration/

  24. Priorities says:

    Here we go again. It seems one problem here is people don’t understand. Only Sedona’s development code applies at the airport. The upside about bringing up the $3.00 parking was clarified by the explanation from “Research.” Go to the Airport Authority. It might be well to spend more time being concerned with city affairs such as how they pay for Red Earth Theatre to compete with local tax collection businesses. That, of course, is over and above the questionable advertising contract with the bogus, rip-off chamber of commerce. Which contract will come up for renewal discussion in January.

  25. PHONIES says:

    So this slovenly group (Chamber/Council/Staff) made such a superb deal with the Lodging Council to rebate a questionable 55% of a .5% bed tax increase in order to enhance business within the City of Sedona?

    Why then did their beloved Chamber of Commerce once again hold their 2016 Volunteer Appreciation Event on Nov. 20 at the Enchantment Resort? Lovely place, no doubt, but outside City Limits and a collector of neither Sedona City sales nor bed tax.. but, of course, a premier member of the C of C – in a good position for selective benefits on behalf of Sedona City tax payers..

    And it would be interesting to know how many council members (was it a quorum?) attended that gala? Open meeting violation? And were any of Sedona city staff members, devoted fans of the crooked chamber, in attendance?

    Which is the biggest crook of all? Chamber, City, City Staff, or Sedona Lodging Council? Simple answer .It’s a draw. All of the above.

    And now they, the Chamber, will be investing in real estate property on behalf of the city? And with more public tax money? How much worse can it get?

  26. @Priorities says:

    Thank you Cake Lady.

  27. @PHONIES says:

    Wow, you sound so dissatisfied with the direction that the town is going with no end in sight. Obviously no one is listening to you, what should that tell you?

    I know that if I was that unhappy I’d move.

  28. A Special Message to Vice Mayor Martinez says:

    Hi there Vice Mayor Martinez:

    When we unexpectedly ran into one another at Basha’s the other day, my Christmas gift to you was the news my computer had crashed which at least for the moment offered a brief respite for you and others.

    Well guess what? My local and reliable technician was Johnny on the Spot and has me fixed up and ready to roll again. Admittedly there are some glitches that require extra time to work out. But never fear, my friend. Just break it gently to the others (as if they read Sedona Eye anyway).

    Nice chatting and let’s hope not too many others in that crowded grocery store observed our hug or overheard our loud and hearty conveyance of “Merry Christmas.” And don’t forget my parting words, Vice Mayor Martinez:

    “You can run but you cannot hide.”

    Best wishes to you and Carol for a Happy & Healthy New Year.” (Stay away from airplanes)

    Eddie Maddock

  29. @@Phoniies & @@PHONIES says:

    Anyone that thinks it’s perfectly OK for a special interest group to spend thousands of dollars of tax revenue, public money, outside a municipality, offering no return to the city on the investment, should either be locked up in jail or an institution IMO.

    Will the cheatin’ chamber include the amount they spent at Enchantment to entertain, among others the city council and staff, on their report to the city and be specific of the source? If they claim it’s from membership dues, then the person that suggested the chamber is a stand alone business, versus a non profit, is right on and the city should cease and desist giving the chamber the contract for destination marketing or anything else. Either that or start funding each and every licensed business in the City of Sedona.

  30. Research says:

    Ever wonder why your deliveries and internet sales are taxed at the full city tax rate?

    League of Arizona Cities and Towns
    “PHOENIX (June 13, 2013) – Municipal leaders from across the state are encouraged by the final compromise
    on HB 2111, which streamlines auditing, licensing and reporting requirements – and makes it easier for Arizona companies to do business.”

    “What is the Marketplace Fairness Act of 2013?
    The Marketplace Fairness Act grants states the authority to compel online and catalog retailers (“remote sellers”), no matter where they are located, to collect sales tax at the time of a transaction – exactly like local retailers are already required to do. However, there is a caveat: States are only granted this authority after they have simplified their sales tax laws.”

    So when you hear that the citizens don’t contribute to tax base. That is a lie. When you hear that the chamber is responsible for all the sales tax collected that is also false in many ways. Look at your home repairs, improvements, home furniture, appliances, computers being delivered to your home. The City of Sedona is collecting sales tax on that.

    That is why Amazon and other big box stores delivering to Sedona all have a business license. This is why it appears that Sedona has so many businesses. They do not have to be in Sedona to pay the city license and taxes to the city of Sedona. http://www.sedonaaz.gov/Home/ShowDocument?id=28901

    Do you want to know the truth about how the residents contribute to the tax basis? Please read and tell your neighbors.

  31. steve Segner says:

    Fake news alert.
    So when you hear that the citizens don’t contribute to tax base. That is a lie. When you hear that the chamber is responsible for all the sales tax collected that is also false in many ways. Look at your home repairs, improvements, home furniture,
    appliances, computers being delivered to your home. The City of Sedona is collecting sales tax on that.

    Still 65% to 70% of all city income comes for visitors yes even with the income you talked about above ,,, one two day stay in a hotels pays more city tax the a resident
    Good thing .
    Remember cake lady works out of her home and pays no sales tax city tax or is inspected by the county

  32. @Phonies response says:

    Thank for all of that great research I’ll stand by my opinion from above:

    Wow, you sound so dissatisfied with the direction that the town is going with no end in sight.

    No matter how many time or ways you post your opinion against the CoC or the Town no one is listening to you, what should that tell you?

    I know that if I was that unhappy I’d move.

  33. Jay Johnstone says:

    The chamber takes credit for all sales tax collected in the city of Sedona. What a joke. The legitimate businesses withijn the city market themselves except those on the take such as (name deleted by editor). That is why (name deleted by editor) is crying like a baby. The crimes of the city are about to come to end. No more funding to the chamber of commerce. No more free ride to special interests. The city will lose 3.5 million in state funding if they break the law 1487.

  34. Research says:

    City of Sedona reports income received from the state of Arizona. This is based from the contributions made by the residents.

    Facts are on the City of Sedona’s Report located here:

    The City of Sedona received $3,522,803.00 in 2015 from the State of Arizona in revenue performance for the following items: State Sales tax, State Income Tax, Vehicle License, and Highway Users Totaling $3,522,803.00 for 2015.
    Page 7 of report located : http://www.sedonaaz.gov/home/showdocument?id=26641

    True fact. You count! Sedona residents contribute.

    FYI 2014 Page 14 total OVER 3 million dollars =$3,280,639 Given to the CITY from the State of Arizona. Report is here:http://www.sedonaaz.gov/home/showdocument?id=23950

    Get informed Read the reports for yourself. More to come. Don’t believe the false reporting by those that are receiving and benefiting from MILLIONS of taxpayer money. Numbers tell the truth.

    You count!

  35. Paul M. says:

    Thank you so much for the tax information @Research. Materials to build a house are all being taxed by the city.

    It is a lot of money. ALL Materials are being TAXED by the city of Sedona to build homes.

  36. steve segner says:

    yes, state sales tax remember we collect most of it from hotels stays and visitors
    thanks for making my point city get 1/2 and then more back for the state.
    got it ss

  37. @steve Segner says:

    So, Mr. Segner, let’s just see how much you can crow about hotel rooms bringing in sooo much revenue when vacation rentals are legal in a couple of weeks. They are supposed to get a city business license but also obligated to obtain a transaction privilege tax license with the state, which it isn’t yet clear how that will be enforced. No city bed taxes will be collected so that should put a crimp in your grandiose unwarranted braggadocio..

  38. Research says:

    In Arizona, the state shares income tax (urban revenue sharing),
    state transaction privilege tax (TPT), Highway User Revenue Fund
    (HURF) monies, vehicle license tax (VLT) and Local
    Transportation Assistance Fund (LTAF) monies with incorporated
    cities and towns, and counties. ”

    Arizona State Senate-Issue Brief

    “Monies are distributed each
    fiscal year based on net income tax collections from the two years
    prior. Each month the State Treasurer disperses to each city or town
    one-twelfth of its entitlement, which is based on the proportion of
    the city or town’s population compared with the total incorporated
    population of the state based on the last decennial or special census. ”

    These monies don’t include what the city gets from the property owners via county ie flood control, and services the county provides OUTSIDE the city services. Fire Emergency Services, Schools, Library are not part of the city of sedona.

    Read up. Get informed.

  39. Alarmed says:

    Here’s what Chairman Peter Fagan of the axed Budget Oversight Commission said about City revenue during the BOC’s January 2013 meeting:

    Since I’ve moved here everybody tells me the money comes from the tourists, and we should be grateful we have them. I’ve heard people on the City Council say 90% of the revenue comes from tourists, which is not true. When you add in all the other taxes [shared revenue from the State and Counties] and the wastewater fees, it swings back to it’s really the residents who are paying the majority of the bills here.

    By the way PHONIES, the regional Chamber of Commerce gets 55% of Sedona’s 3.5% bed tax to piss away, not merely 55% of the .5% bed tax increase effective in 2014.

  40. steve Segner says:

    3.5% bed tax to piss away,

    city income up 17% highest in the nation ….. some pissing….

    @steve Segner says:
    December 19, 2016 at 8:24 am
    So, Mr. Segner, let’s just see how much you can crow about hotel rooms bringing in sooo much revenue when vacation rentals are legal in a couple of weeks. They are supposed to get a city business license but also obligated to obtain a transaction privilege tax license with the state, which it isn’t yet clear how that will be enforced. No city bed taxes will be collected so that should put a crimp in your grandiose unwarranted braggadocio..

    not my law, talk to you governor he just signed a deal with Air B&B to collect taxes
    Ha I am all for cutting the sales tax and bed tax let just put in a city wide property tax ….

  41. Sedona City Business Owner says:

    So this is from one of the in-city businesses under the gun and getting the shaft. Do you all know that in addition to having a City business licence I am paying the transaction privilege (sales) tax to lease my commercial property? The amount of rent would choke a horse – $10,000 monthly!

    And you expect me to have enough after utilities and other operating expenses to join the “regional” chamber of commerce that has the audacity to hold their annual event outside city limits? And I do not even get representation at the lousy chamber of commerce visitors center that’s primarily funded with city tax money. It is NOT a Sedona City Visitors Center.!

    It’s just a matter of time before there will be a “closed” sign on my door. Word is The Collective Sedona in the Village of Oak Creek is the hottest spot in the “region.” Located just outside city limits, it has first shot at the tourist trade and is a neighbor to The Hilton, another recent home to so many City of Sedona non-tax contributing events.

    So long, Sedona City hot shots. Here’s to your future of wither and die under the present direction you have your bulldozer headed.

  42. @Alarmed says:

    Once again, it seems that not that many folks in Sedona are as concerned as you are. Maybe you need to go back into the kitchen and bake a few cakes.

  43. Research says:

    FALSE information by you know who. Read it for yourself. And of course read the reports well as they are double counting the same money. They have created smoke and mirrors by taking apples to bananas.

    Read the reports here http://www.sedonaaz.gov/your-government/departments/finance/financial-status-reports-by-month/2014-monthly-reports

    Most importantly read the index on page 6 of June 2015 and you’ll see:

    “*Effective 1-1-2014 the bed tax rate increased from 3.0% to 3.5%. For the months of January through June, 2014, $172,806 can be attributed to the change in rate and for July through December, 2014 $194,463. On August 1st and 4th an additional $20,909 was deposited. Although the vast majority of these collections apply to June bed taxes, these amounts will be included in the July reporting, which is consistent with prior reporting”

    So the FACTS are the “Wesselholf tax” only brought in a grand total of $367,269! Which equals one year. So how does 55% of the increase (0.5) bed tax increase get the regional Chamber 2.01 Million!

    Remember the total $367,269.

    PS The “Wesselholf Tax” was named by retired City Manager

  44. @steve Segner says:

    For your information, it was conditional when people voted for incorporation was that there would NOT EVER – I repeat NOT EVER – be a city property tax, the reason being that ALL people pay equally for sales tax. Discrimination against property owners was unacceptable.

    Why in the world should we residents, living within INCORPORATED Sedona, be taxed on our properties only to have that money be spent on the likes of the regional Chamber of Commerce and even more competition to licensed businesses by funding things like Red Earth Theatre? It’s bad enough already.

    So get over it Mr. Segner. Just because your estate in Oak Creek Canyon wouldn’t be assessed city property taxes it’s OK for you, of all people, to suggest it happens? Get over it.

  45. Research says:

    Terminology has to be really studied as they slip in things to confuse you. The reports have changed so that the unit of measurement can’t be followed.

    Comparing performance to a budget is not a performance on ACTUAL sales tax. See City Report here http://www.sedonaaz.gov/home/showdocument?id=26641

    2014= $12,161,396 2015=$13,489,953 ONLY 11% is the change. But here is the kicker the US is recovering from the recession at 13.3% .


    They are really triple plus dipping as they count ALL sales tax and give credit for ALL industries. Consumer price index should also be a unit of measurement for performance.

  46. Alarmed says:

    Recovery from the recession; inflation–18.25% since the beginning of the great recession in 2008; an 8.3% hike in the average daily guest room rate last fiscal year and low gas prices are the major reasons City bed tax collections increased by 16%. In less than two weeks time, short-term rentals will be legal. Hotel occupancy and guest room rates will take a hit next year.

    The Chamber’s main “contributions”: day-trippers clogging our highways, Visitor Center discrimination against non-member City businesses, and the deteriorating quality of life in Sedona.

  47. steve Segner says:

    Alarmed says:
    Hotel occupancy and guest room rates will take a hit next year all the more reason for the bed tax marketing thanks ss

  48. Broken Promises says:

    Imposing city property tax wouldn’t be the first broken promise to those that voted to approve incorporation. Already the tax money pledged to the wastewater treatment plant is being siphoned off, thus resulting in exorbitant monthly sewer bills. Then there’s the cultural park land – also a promise and based on another voter approval, the USFS land exchange was approved conditional the property would, in perpetuity NEVER be commercially developed.

    Even the community plan gathering places, increasing density in development – all the new hotels – all contrary to the purpose of incorporation.

    Granted most of the decision makers are newcomers and clueless to the original intention for incorporation. However, Sandy Moriarty, present Sedona Mayor, most assuredly as one of the leaders for incorporation remains aware of the many breaches that have befallen Sedona since the ill-conceived and devious original false sales pitch offered to the gullible that actually believed we would be better off.

  49. @@Steve Segner says:

    Can you please direct me to a location of where I can confirm your statement of:

    “it was conditional when people voted for incorporation was that there would NOT EVER – I repeat NOT EVER – be a city property tax”

    I have found a long time ago that unless it’s posted by Ms Maddock, I’m suspect. People have posted a lot of opinions, beliefs and suspicions and a few lies about that issue but reading the facts would make it more convincing.

  50. steve Segner says:

    Not my post
    @@Steve Segner says:
    “it was conditional when people voted for incorporation was that there would NOT EVER – I repeat NOT EVER – be a city property tax”
    Not ever, ever,ever,ever ,ever oh so childish…. real kindergarten talk.

    And by the way, no government can make a promise, they can only pass laws and all laws can be overturned.
    Every city council does what it thinks is best for the city at that time.
    Grow up 20 years ago you got a promise, lets see it?
    steve Segner

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